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1、s health. 4.How does the woman feel now?A. Relieved. B. Shocked. C. Worried.5.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the library. B. At home. C. In the office.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Where will Nancy go?A. To South Africa. B. To Kenya. C. To Russia.7.Why is the woma

2、n saving money?A. To travel abroad. B. To pay a visit to Nancy. C. To take a language course.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Why didnt the man take notes?A. He was absent-minded. B. He felt bored with the lecture.C. He had difficulty following the instructor.9.What is the womans advice for the man?A. Previewing

3、the materials before the lecture.B. Taking down every word the instructor says.C. Asking the instructor for notes after class.10. How does the woman sound?A. Confident. B. Helpful. C. Proud.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. When will the woman watch the movie?A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. 12. Why d

4、oes the woman give up getting the middle seats?A. Theyre sold out.B. Theyre too expensive,C. Theyre not next to each other.13. How does the woman pay for the tickets?A. In cash. B. By credit card. C. By check.14. What do we know about Mr. Bournes weekend?A. His wife and his son quarreled.B. His daug

5、hter got sick.C. He missed a football game.15. What will the man do at noon?A. Have a business lunch with Ms. Smith.B. Have a meeting with Mr. Peterson.C. Have the regular managers meeting.16. Whats probably the womans job?A. A saleswoman. B. A secretary. C. A manager. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What doe

6、s Voltermans Smart Wallet focus on?A. Its size. B. Its pattern. C. Its security.18. What will inform you of your phone and wallet being apart?A. The alarm. B. The camera. C. The GPS tracker.19. What will you receive if someone opens your wallet secretly?A. A picture of the thief.B. A sound from the

7、phone.C. A message from the wallet.20. Why is Voltermans Smart Wallet suitable for travel?A. It doesnt need to be recharged.B. It is light and easy to carry.C. It can be used to take pictures.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节:(共10个小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AAt 63, Jerry Valencia was de

8、termined to get his college degree. He arrived early, sat front and center, and stood out in my classroom in more ways than one. He eagerly jumped into class discussions, with his humor and wisdom of experience. And he was always respectful of the other students views, as each of them were a teacher

9、. Jerry Valencia walked in with a smile-and he left with one too.One day, I spotted Valencia on campus. He said he would have to stop taking classes that term and reapply for next year. By then, he hoped to have earned enough money from construction jobs and have his student-loan(助学贷款)papers in orde

10、r. He asked seriously whether he could still sit in on my communications class. Sure, I said. But he wouldnt get any credit.Soon there he was again, back at his old desk, jumping into our discussions with as much energy and curiosity as any of the youngsters in class.I overheard Valencia say he want

11、ed to stay in school until he earned a masters degree, but it had taken him 12 years to finish community college, so he had a long way to go.Twelve years? He was in and out of school, he said, depending on whether he had money for classes. Most of his seven brothers and sisters didnt go to college,

12、and none finished. Valencia was determined to be the first, despite his late start.There is something splendidly unreasonable about Valencias determination. At his current pace, hell be 90 when he finally hangs all that paper on the wall. But that doesnt seem especially relevant. Hes found all the y

13、outhful energy and the joy of learning.21. Which of the following best describes Jerry Valencia?A. Strict and reliable. B. Quiet and hardworking.C. Active and determined. D. Humorous and considerate.22. Why couldnt Jerry Valencia finish community college as scheduled?A. He failed to earn enough cred

14、its.B. He stopped for years to support his family.C. He often quit school due to financial difficulties.D. He lost his job and couldnt afford the school fee.23. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. Knowledge is Power B. Never Too Old to LearnC. Time Waits for No Man D. An Idle Yo

15、uth, a Needy AgeBAristotle said the face was a window onto a persons mind. Today, facial expressions are still commonly thought to be a universally valid way to judge other peoples feelings, regardless of age, sex and culture.An analysis of hundreds of research papers that examined the relationship

16、between facial expressions and underlying (潜在的)emotions, however, has uncovered a surprising conclusion: there is no good scientific evidence to suggest that there are such things as recognizable facial expressions for basic emotions across all cultures. Just because a person is not smiling does not

17、 mean that person is unhappy.All this raises questions about the efforts of information-technology companies to develop artificial-intelligence algorithms(算法) which can recognize facial expressions and work out a persons underlying emotional state. Microsoft, for example, claims its Emotion API is a

18、ble to detect what people are feeling by examining video footage of them. Another of the study authors, however, expressed skepticism. Aleix Martinez, a computer engineer at Ohio State University, said that companies attempting to extract emotions from image of faces have failed to understand the im

19、portance of context.Dr Martinez referred to an experiment in which participants were shown a close-up picture of a mans face, which was bright red with his mouth open in a scream. Based on this alone, most participants said the man was extremely angry. Then the view zoomed out to show a football pla

20、yer with his arms outstretched, celebrating a goal. His angry-looking face was, in fact, a show of pure joy.Given that people cannot guess each others emotional states, Dr. Martinez sees no reason computers would be able to. There are companies right now claiming to be able to do that and apply this

21、 lo some places, he says, “For example, they require you to submit a video CV, and then this is analyzed by a machine-learning system. Depending on your facial expressions, they hire you or not, which I find really shocking and based on a wrong and dangerous assumption.24.What is the second paragrap

22、h mainly about?A. Basic facial expressions are universal.B. Most facial expressions are recognizable.C. Emotions are as complex as facial expressions.D. Facial expressions dont necessarily show emotions.25.Why did Dr Martinez refer to the experiment in Paragraph 4?A. To show different facial express

23、ions of joy and anger.B. To introduce a new way to study underlying emotions.C. To stress the importance of context in reading facial expressions.D. To encourage more efforts to be made to develop Al algorithms.26.Where is the text probably from?A. A science magazine. B. A business journal. C. A new

24、s report. D. A research paper CJust a few generations ago, speaking two languages was supposed to be bad for you. Tests in America found that bilingual(双语的) people had lower IQs, which seemed evidence enough. Later it became clear that those surveys were really measuring the material poverty of immi

25、grants; members of such families were more likely to be undernourished(营养不良的) and understimulated, not to mention the obvious fact that they often sat the tests in a language that was not their best.How things have changed! In the past decade it has become almost common knowledge that bilingualism i

26、s good for people. Many research papers have suggested that two-tongued people enjoy a variety of advantages. Most notably, they have shown that bilinguals get dementia (痴呆)on average four years later than those speaking one language, and that they have a basket of abilities that aid people doing co

27、mplex tasks, including focusing attention, and updating working memory.Why bilingualism would improve these abilities is unclear. Researchers assume that having two languages means putting aside one when speaking the other, a kind of constant mental exercise that makes the brain healthier. This in p

28、articular is thought to be the reason for a later start of dementia(老年痴呆).But some researchers say they could find no statistically significant advantage in any age group. It seems that if the bonus is real, it is not very noticeable and affected by many other factors.The bottom line is that learnin

29、g another language (or teaching a child one) sometimes contributes to an intellectual boost, though not always. But that has never been the main reason to do it. A second language expands the number of people you can talk to. Bilingualism may help you understand other people; one study found that bi

30、lingual children are better at grasping other perspectives(视角), perhaps because they are always keeping track of who speaks what, a regular reminder that everyone is different. 27.Why did bilingual people show lower IQs in tests?A. They didnt receive any education.B. They didnt try their best in the tests.C. They were less privileged immigrants.D. They spent little time on a second language.28.What may contribute to a later start of dementia of bilingual people?A. Updated working memory. B. Constant outdoor exercise.C. Long exposure to complex tasks. D.

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