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1、二三四五六总分得分注意事项1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)评卷人一、阅读理解(题型注释)Lifes greatest joys and its greatest sorrows often come from the relationships we have developed with others.In our world today,it seems that most people struggle for happiness through pleasant physical surroundings and economic

2、security.These are great,but if there is conflict in human relations,these things do not bring happiness. Think about the last time you were having an argument or a disagreement with one of your co-workers,your boss, your friend,or a family member.Was it easy or difficult to focus on your priorities

3、(优秀考虑的事)?Even though you might have been having some success m many areas of your life,did you find yourself still feeling some discomfort due to the stress in that particular relationship?On the contrary,you may know people who are happy in great poverty and with physical stress if they have meanin

4、gful,pleasant relations with people around them.Consider the most relationship that you have ever had with any individual(个人).To some degree it probably is or was marked by absolute honesty,deep levels of trust,respect for that persons skills,knowledge,or abilities,open communication,acceptance of d

5、iffering views,and little concern for images(形象).In effort to make the relationships we currently have the best that they can be,remember that persuasion usually cannot take place unless there is some sort of close,meaningful connection between the two people involved.The result will be a relationsh

6、ip of respect and progression.Many of us have difficulty in accepting the faults and weaknesses of others; co-workers,work leaders,family members,or members of our social or religious groups.Our tendency to demand perfection of others can cause us to lose sight that we,ourselves,are less than perfec

7、t.Undoubtedly,there are differences among us.Some of us are even cruel and unpleasant.Others may have cultural differences that are blocks that affect us.But learning to look for the similarities instead of those things that set us apart,bearing differences,and seeing the best in others rather than

8、the worst will lead to relationships of deep respect and lasting value.1、Paragraph 2 was written in order to.Araise a new problemBlist some argumentsCintroduce the main ideaDanalyze the back ground2、In order to have good relationships with a person,we shouldAtry to persuade him to accept our ideasBh

9、elp him gain some knowledgeCshow our honesty and trust himDimprove our own capabilities3、People cannot accept others shortcomings mainly becauseAthey attached too much importance to others wordsBthey cant have a trustworthy relationshipCthey refuse to admit the cultural differencesDthey have higher

10、demands on other people4、Whats the best title for the passage?AA Good Understanding of RelationshipsBBuild Lasting Relationships with OthersCDeep Respect Leads to Good RelationshipsDDiscomfort Caused by Bad RelationshipsIs it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient custom

11、 which has existed for at least six thousand years.It was always evil and usually foolish,but in the past the human race managed to live with it. Modern skill has changed this.Either man will stop war,or war will stop man.For the present,it is nuclear weapons that cause the greatest danger,but bacte

12、riological(细菌的)or chemical weapons may,before long,offer an even greater threat.If we succeeded in stopping war,there would be no danger for us.To do this,we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way,not by contests of force,in which the victory goes to the side whic

13、h is most skillful in massacre(大屠杀),but by arbitration(仲裁)in accordance with agreed principles of law.It is not easy to change old mental habits,but this is what must be attempted.There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology(意识形态)would prevent war.I believe this to be a complet

14、e error.All ideologies are based upon beliefs without proof which are,at best,doubtful,and at worst, totally false.Those people who believe them are willing to go to war in support of them.The movement of world opinion during the past two years has changed very largely such as we can welcome.It has

15、become a common belief that nuclear war must be avoided.Of course,very difficult problems remain in the international world,but the spirit in which they are being approached is a better one than it was some years ago.It has begun to be thought,even by the powerful men who decide whether we shall liv

16、e or die,that agreements should be reached even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory.It has begun to be understood that the important conflict nowadays is not between East and West,but between Man and the bomb.5、The underlined word this in Paragraph l probably refers to Aab

17、olishing warBimproving weaponsCsolving international problemsDliving a peaceful life6、From Paragraph 2,we learn that the authorAis a supporter of some modern thoughtsBhas no doubt about the truth of any thoughtCdoes not think the adopinon of any thought could stop warDbelieves the adoption of some t

18、houghts could prevent war7、The last paragraph suggests thatAnuclear war will certainly not take placeBreal agreements have been now reachedCworld opinion is still divided on nuclear warDman is beginning to realize that nuclear war is his greatest enemy8、Which of the following words can best describe

19、 the authors feeling in writing this passage?ADisappointed.BDoubtful.CWorried.DHopeful.Mars(火星)appears to be flowing with small streams of salty water,at least in the summer,scientists reported Monday.It suggests that it would be possible for there to be life today on Mars, NASAs science mission chi

20、ef,John Grunsfeld,said at a news conference on September 28,2015.The streams are about 12 to 15 feet wide and 300 feet or more long,scientists said.What were dealing with is wet soil.Thin layers of wet soil,not standing water, said Aifred McEwen of the University of Arizona at Tueson,the principal s

21、cientist for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiters high-resolution imaging experiment.Because liquid water is extremely necessary to life,the findings could have major possible effects for the possibility of Martian life.The researchers said further exploration is needed to determine whether microscopic

22、life exists on the planet.The presence of liquid water could also make life easier for astronauts visiting or living on Mars.Water could be used for drinking and for creating oxygen and rocket fuel.NASAs goal is to send humans there in the 2030s.The evidence of flowing water consists largely of dark

23、,narrow streaks(条痕)on the surface that tend to appear and grow during the warmest Martian months and fade the rest of the year.Mars is extremely cold even in summer,and the streaks are in places where the temperature is as low as minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit.But salt can lower the freezing point of w

24、ater and melt ice.The source of the water is a mystery(神秘的事物).Scientists noted it could be melting ice.It could be an underground aquifer(砂石含水层),which is rock or sand that can hold water.It is possibly water vapor from the thin Martian atmosphere,or it may be a combination Michael Meyer,lead scienti

25、st for NASAs Mars exploration program, said the only definitive way for now to determine whether theres life on Mars is to collect rocks and soil for analysis on Earth-something a U.S.lander set for lift-off in 2020 will do.9、What matters to the existence of liquid water on Mars?AThe distance from t

26、he sun.BThe favorable climate.CThe gravity of the earth.DThe salt in it.10、According to John Grunsfeld,on Mars there seems to beAsalty waterBstanding waterCrocket fuelDhuman beings11、Scientists are uncertain about theof the water on Mars.AstateBsourceCtemperatureDtaste12、What would be the best title

27、 for the text?AStreams of Water Spotted on MarsBAstronauts Will Land on MarsCNASAs Mars Exploration ProgramDA Breakthrough in the Exploration of MarsIs your schedule busy?Do you sometimes forget to take time to eat?If you answered yes to any of these questions,then you needQHICKEATSHEALTHY EATING TH

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