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1、电子邮件 相关练日志 日志 shortcoming,beneath,detail,bend,insurance,valley,source,altitude,glacier,reliable,boil,parcel forecast,finally as usual midnight,be similar to detailed,organize,be fond of change ones mind,make up ones mind 习见课本第页 2.(P)Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed abou

2、t taking a great bike trip.3.(P)Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.4.(P)It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys,5.(P)As it enters Southeast Asia,its pace slows.6.(P)To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us,we were surprised 7.(P)Although she didnt

3、know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she organize the trip properly.8.(P)(-to do doing主动表示被动)课文中出现的语法例句 2美好祝愿 课本第23页 会旅游制定计划;了解生态旅游,树立环境意识 课本第23页 相关练习见课本第页 第四单元 地震 1地震常识 2自救常识 earthquake crack bury smelly well(n)pipe trap burst nation canal suffering extreme track electricity dis

4、aster title reporter sincerely congratulation headline outline useless rescue shelter express in ruins at an end ruin damage shock injure judge from frighten 定语从句 I 关系代词 1.It seemed as if the world was at an end!2.It was felt in Beijing,which is more than two 3.Never before in history has a city bee

5、n so completely destroyed.课文中出现的语法例句 1.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty kilometers wide cut across houses,roads and canals.2.Later that afternoon,another big quake which was as strong as the first shook Tangshan.3.The number of the people who were killed or injured reached more

6、 than 400,000.1道谢 课本第30页 2讨论过去的经历 了解地震常识,学会在自然灾害中以积极的态度去自救和救人 写作技巧:列提 纲,写文章 课本第31页 相关练习见课本第页 相关练习见课本第页 第五单元 1伟人的品质 generous found(v)fee selfless devote allow fight for/against/with 定语从句 II 关系副词和介词+关1.(P.33)He helped black people get the same rights as white people.2.(P.33)He was the first 1询问别人的学习为人

7、的高尚名人传记 曼德拉 2伟人的生平事迹 principle selfish livelihood republic peaceful nationalism leap giant guidance legal illegal president hopeful violence violent stage willing attack unfair release relative terror reward opinion escape quality however active vote cruelty devoted educated in trouble out of work c

8、ome to power die for/from be generous with as a encourage be proud of give的短语 系代词 man to land on the moon in July 1969.3.(P.34)Sadly I did not have it.4.(P.34)The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have reached a stage where we hav

9、e almost no rights at all.5.(P.34)Only then we decided to answer violence with violence.6.(P.38)but they did pass their exams.7.(P.38)Since I was better educated,I got a job working in an office.课文中出现的语法例句 本单元出现定语从句 17句(who P.33,P.38;to whomP.34;when P.34 P.38;for 观点 2表达自己的观点 课本第 6 39页 品质,提高自身素质(大事记

10、)课本第40页 相关练习见课本第页 matter of fact which P.34 P.38;in which P.34;where P.34;which P.34;省略关系代词P.34 P.38)相关练习见课本第页 阅读文章题目及页码 STUDENTS BOOK WORKBOOK 第一单元 友谊 Annes Best Friend P2 Friendship In Hawaii 欣赏 Love And Friendship P44 P47 知识短文:A Letter From Xiao Dong P7 第二单元 世界英语 The Road To Modern English P9 The

11、 Oxford English Dictionary 欣赏 The Code P51 P53 知识短文:Standard English And Dialect P13 第三单元 旅游日志 Journey Down The Mekong P18 The End Of Our Journey*Ever-ready Tours P59 P60 The Dream And The Plan P18 A Night In Mountains P22 第四单元 地震 A Night The Earth Didnt Sleep P26 The Story Of An Eyewitness P65 知识短文

12、:A Letter Of Invitation P30 第五单元 曼德拉 Elias Story P34 Two Ideas About Bill Gates P73 The Rest Of Eliass Story P38 必修一 第一单元 单元教学内容分析 Topic:friends and friendship;interpersonal relationship Vocabulary:dusk series exactly teenager tip swap suitcase partner upset outdoors entirely pack loose recover grat

13、eful add up,calm down,have got to,go through,a series of,in order to,no longer,get/be tired of,face to face,be concerned about,set down,on purpose,pack()up,join in,suffer from settle dislike ignore suffer disagree calm concern 重点 concern suffer happen join in,add 相关短语,suffer from,be concerned about,

14、go through,set down Sentence structure:强调句 It be 序数词 time that Grammar:直接引语和间接引语 Daily language:表示同意和不同意(课本第 6页)Emotional goal:如何正确结交、对待朋友以及如何正确看待友谊。Writing:英文书信 本单元的主题是“友谊”,大部分的内容都是围绕这一主题展开的。本单元涉及的话题有:人们为什么要朋友,如何交朋友,怎样处理与朋友的关系。生活在二战时期的安妮是如何渴望朋友、如何与朋友相处的,在夏威夷表示右脑、建立友谊的集中表达方式。Warming up 部分:涉及了调查问卷,涉及


16、于小阁楼中,并把自己的日记当作自己的朋友。通过写日记来表达自己孤独和郁闷的心情。通过阅读,学生不仅要进行阅读技巧的训练,学习一些新的词汇和短语,还要在阅读的过程中学习并欣赏英语语言的美感,感受主人公的乐观、自信的人生态度,纯洁美丽的心灵。Comprehending部分:重点考察学生对文章的理解程度,同时也是对阅读技能的考查。该部分的联系是根据阅读理解的三个层次,按照由易到难的顺序设计的。练习一:对表岑阅读信息的考查,练习形式是连接句子;练习二:对深层阅读信息的考查,回答问题。练习三和联系四是对推理信息的考察,以及拓展性的问题讨论,练习形式是头脑风暴和填写表格。Learning about la

17、nguage 部分:包括词汇学习和语法学习。Using language部分:包括听说读写的单项或综合练习。课时安排:(初步计划,因这是学生进入高中以来的第一个新课单元,可能会随课程进展的实际情况相应变动)Period I The first part of the new words and Ex 1-3 on P.4 Period II The second part of the new words and Ex 1-2 on P42 Period III Review the new words and Explain 7 key words Period IV Pre-view th

18、e reading text individually or in groups Period V Warming-up,pre-reading,reading and comprehending Period VI Extensive reading and writing Period VII-IX Grammar The direct speech and indirect speech 高中英语教学设计(一)教学 课题 Unit III The Million Pound Bank Note New words and Exercises 课程 类型 生词传授及训练课 课时 3课时 理

19、论 语用学中指出:在实际语境中学习。本节课设置的初衷就是引导学生在实际运用中识记单词。依据 教材 分析 本单元的单词表中列有 57个生词,但经过一番分析与筛选后,需要学生要用心学习或重点掌握的为 47个,其中的重点词汇也不过才 7 个。鉴于学生的基础现实,决定从解决基础问题入手,增设单词课。据实际情况,本部分内容大约需 3课时,具体安排如下:第一课时:听/领读第一部分单词(将全单元单词分为两部分),校对学生发音;学生以小组合作或个人方式完成课本第 4页的 1-3题。第二课时:核对题目答案,做必要的解释。领读第二部分单词;学生以小组合作或个人方式完成课本第 42页的 1-2题。第三课时:核对题目

20、答案,做必要解释。讲解 7个重点词或短语。学情 分析 学生的词汇量小的可怜,而且一看单词表里那么多的单词就眼晕,就像打退堂鼓;他们不知道哪些该记词义,哪些该记应用,而且不了解或未拥有一种有效的单词识记方法。本节旨在帮助学生在实际应用中了解、尝试、直至掌握在应用中识记单词的有效性,掌握一种有效的识记方法。教学 重点 1.Pronounce the new words and expressions correctly.2.Grasp the use of some key words.3.Learn at least one way to memorize new words and expre

21、ssions 教学 难点 1.How to help the students learn new words more efficiently.2.How to help the Ss be aware of the way of learning words in practical using.教学 目标(一)知识目标 Period I 1.Pronounce the first group new words and expressions correctly.2.Memorize the spelling and Chinese meanings of the words.3.Fin

22、ish Exx 1-3 on P4 Period II 1.Review the words learned last period,and understand the Exx on P4 2.Pronounce the second group of the words.3.Memorize the words.4.Finish Exx 1-2 on P42 Period III 1.Review the words learned last period,and understand the Exx on P42.2.Master the 7 key words use.(二)能力目标

23、Period I 1.Learn at least one way to memorize the new words 2.Finish Exx 1-3 on P4 Period II 1.Learn at least one way to memorize the new words 2.Finish Exx 1-2 on P42 Period III 1.Learn at least one way to memorize the new words 2.Grasp the key words use and learn to use them correctly.教学 目标 3.Fini

24、sh the Exx given.(三)情感目标 Learn to grasp new words more efficiently and make themselves more confident and interested in English.教学 方法 1.Co-operative 2.Practising with explaining 教学过程设计 时间 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Period I min Step 1 Distinguishing Play the tape/Read the first group of the new word for the Ss.Just listen.No reading.Be sure to be clear o

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