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Unit3 Goods Move People Move Ideas MoveWord文档格式.docx

1、Three points are made in this part:(1)Westernization is not a straight road to hell, or to paradise either.(2)Cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.(3)Teenagers are one of the powerful engines of merging global cultures.Part IV (Paras. 10-13)This pa

2、rt describes the authors experience with Amanda Freeman, a “cool hunter.”Part V (Paras. 14-19)In order to prove that the trend is toward fusion, the author uses Tom Sloper and mah-jong as an example. Part VI (Para. 20)This is a transition, using Chinas change in the past 20 years as an example.Part

3、VII (Paras. 21-24)This part deals with cultural trends in Shanghai.Part VIII (Paras. 25-28)The author uses her experience at the Shanghai Theatre Academy to illustrate her point that the change is at the level of ideas.Part IX (Paras. 29-34)In this part, the author introduces Alvin Tofflers view on

4、conflict, change and the world order.Part X (Para. 35)A summing-up of linking-goods move, people move and ideas move.Part XI (Para. 36)Conclusion: The result of linking is change whichmeans transformation of each other.Part XII (Paras. 37-39)The author again uses an example from Shanghai to illustra

5、te the transformation of cultures.Part VIII (Para. 40)Linking in the endmeans the linking of heart.II. Detailed Analysis of the Text1. Questions on Paragraph 1: How does the author begin this article? Why does she quote Marx and Engels?The author begins the article with the statement “Today we are i

6、n the throes of a worldwide reformation of cultures” which is called globalization. Here the author points out that globalization is a worldwide movement and a movement of reformation of cultures. She does not say, “merging of cultures” but “reformation of cultures,” indicating that the cultures in

7、the world will continue to exist but they will not exist unchanged. The author then says that globalization is not an exact word to describe the changes. Why?The author quotes Marx and Engels to prove her point. According to polls, Marx and Engels are rated among the most influential figures of the

8、past one thousand years. The authors intention is two-fold: on the one hand she wants to show that globalization has resulted from the rise of modern industry and world markets; on the other she wants to stress that it is a process and a historical process at that.Editors note: The favorable recepti

9、on in the West of Chinese Kun Qu (昆曲) “Peony Pavilion” (牡丹亭), the popularity of Korean films in China, the uproar over tainted milk powder involving a Chinese-New Zealand joint venture company, the alarm caused internationally by bird flu are all examples of the development of globalization.2. Today

10、 we are in the throes of a worldwide reformation of cultures, a tectonic shift of habits and dreams called, in the curious vocabulary of social scientists, “globalization.” (Para. 1)in the throes of: in the act of struggling with (a problem, decision, task, etc.)Translation: 今天我们正经历着一种世界范围文化剧变的阵痛,一种

11、习俗与追求的结构性变化,用社会科学家奇特的词汇来称呼这种变化,就叫“全球化”。3. In place of the old wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes, . (Para. 1)Paraphrase: Instead of peoples traditional needs, we find new “felt” needs, demanding goods from distant and far-off places to meet them.Note:The

12、 object of “requiring” is “the products; “for their satisfaction” is an adverbial phrase, showing purpose.4. Their statement now describes an ordinary fact of life. (Para. 1) Marx and Engels made the prediction 150 years ago. But today it is not a prediction but something that happens every day.5. H

13、ow people feel about this depends a great deal on where they live and how much money they have. (Para. 2)Peoples attitude toward globalization is to a great extent determined by whether they are in developed or less developed countries and whether they are among the haves or the have-nots.The author

14、 is to a large extent correct in making this statement. According to polls in the U.S., the attitude towards globalization has a lot to do with a persons level of income and education. An analysis of the economic situation in the world in recent years shows that most of the benefits of globalization

15、 have gone to the developed world, hence the dissatisfaction and resentment of many in the Third World.6. Yet globalization, as one report stated, “is a reality, not a choice.” (Para. 2) Globalization is not something that you can accept or reject; it is already a fact of life, which you will encoun

16、ter and have to respond to every day.7. Humans have been weaving commercial and cultural connections since before the first camel caravan ventured afield. (Para. 2)caravan: a company of travelers, esp. of merchants or pilgrims traveling together for safety, as through a desertventure: to undertake t

17、he risk of, to braveafield: away (from home) People in the world made commercial and cultural contacts long before merchants on camels risked traveling to places far away from home.8. wrought (Para. 2): (past participle of work) to produce results or exert an influence9. Telegraph. between individua

18、ls and the wider world. (Para. 2)The invention of the telegraph brought individuals and the outside world closer but at the same time the connection was more complex, less direct, not so easy to see or detect.电报、电话、收音机和电视把个人和外部世界更紧密地连在一起,这种联系更为复杂、不那么直接也不易察觉。The author uses “intricate” and “complicat

19、ed” to describe the connection because with the emergence of advanced technology, the connection is not only faster but also more difficult to see, to explain. For example, connection with the outside world through watching cable TV or listening to radio is less tangible and much less direct than ca

20、mel caravans. But a connection is established. Telegraph and Internet connections are examples. You can connect through the Internet to a person you may never have actually met in person.10. Still, the basic dynamic remains the same: Goods move. People move. Ideas move. (Para. 3) dynamic: a force pr

21、oducing motion or change“Still” here introduces a contrast. Paragraph 2 tells the readers that modern technology makes the connections and changes faster and more complicated. Paragraph 3 stresses that the basic pattern is the same. The difference lies in the speed and scope of change.11. Questions

22、on Paragraph 4:(1) How do Western social scientists, anthropologists and politicians view the trend toward globalization? Does the author agree? What is your view?Many members of these groups believe that globalization will result in the spread of American goods as well as American values and cultur

23、e, and that the consequence will inevitably be the Americanization of the world.The author is not so pessimistic. She does not think that globalization means Americanization; she believes a variety of cultures will continue to exist, but that they will all be changed. This can be seen in her opening

24、 statement, in Para.3-4, and in her concluding paragraph.The factors mentioned by the critics of globalization do exist. The United States, as the worlds only superpower, has taken advantage of globalization to greatly expand its exports of goods as well as ideas and values. If you go on the Interne

25、t, the overwhelming amount of information is in English. In international business, the prevalent means of communication is English. That is why critics include the English language as part of the “cultural assault”. This concern is shared by some Chinese citizens/intellectuals. But globalization is

26、 a double-edged sword, which means it can cut either way. Advantages and disadvantages coexist. The determining factor is government policy. Closed-door policies have proved to be disastrous.So the only feasible approach is to make full use of the advantages and to minimize the negative effects.(2)

27、Is the authors description of the book China Can Say No accurate?No. The burning of Hollywood is the subtitle for a section in the book in which the authors discuss the burning of Hollywood films by the French it is not advice to the Chinese. The author said he would not fly on a Boeing 777, not bec

28、ause of anti-Americanism, but because of technical flaws in the design. Since it is based on inaccurate information, her analysis cannot be correct. The author makes three more crucial points: that the book is an example of “exploiting nationalist anxieties”, that China struggles between xenophobia

29、and ambition, that the books central theme is that Chinese people should not believe blindly in foreign things.12. Whatever their backgrounds or agendas, these critics are convinced that Westernoften equated with Americaninfluences will flatten every cultural crease, producing, as one observer terms

30、 it, one big “McWorld.” (Para. 4) agenda: program of things to be done crease: a fold or wrinkleMcWorld: a world modeled on McDonalds, meaning a world filled with American goods and culture Western. influences will overwhelm all non-western cultures, making them lose their own unique characteristics

31、, so that in the end there will exist only one westernized or Americanized world or culture. 不管他们的背景和纲领如何,这些对全球化持反对态度的人深信西方的影响往往等同于美国的影响会把所有文化上的差异一一压平,就像一位观察家所说的,最终产生一个麦当劳世界,一个充满美国货和体现美国价值观的世界。13. Popular factions sprout to exploit nationalist anxieties. suggesting that Hollywood be burned. (Para. 5

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