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1、依据中华人民共和国法律设立并存续,经营地的地址为., established and existing under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, with its principle business address at: 公司,依据中华人民共和国法律设立并存续,注册地址为 established and existing under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, with its principle business address at 包括其母公司,直接或者间接控制的子公司及

2、被同一母公司控制的关联公司 including, its parent company, directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries and affiliated companies under the common control of the parent company. 以下统称为“披露方”hereinafter referred to as DISCLOSING PARTY以下统称为“_接收方_ ”hereinafter referred to as RECIPIENT(b) 鉴于双方有意从事_ _的探讨和谈判,包括_ 等(以下简称“

3、本项目”),披露方可能以口头、书面或者物质的形式基于保密为条件并披露方拥有并视为专有或披露方对第三方拥有保持专有信息的法律义务并以秘密或保密处置的向接收方透漏某些保密信息,包括但不限于商业、财务、技术和运营方面的信息(以下称保密信息)。只有在如下情况下,披露方披露的信息才被接收方认为是保密信息:如果通过书面传递,则必须明显地标明“保密”字样;或如果通过口头传递,则应当在披露当时指出为“保密”。如果披露方未能标注或指出披露的保密信息为“保密”,则接收方应当在收到披露方指定“保密”并要求将该披露的信息作为本协议项下的保密信息处理的书面通知之日起,依据本协议负责保护该披露的信息。Whereas th

4、e parties are interested to undertake discussions and negotiations on _ , including _ (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”). It will be necessary for the “DISCLOSING PARTY” to disclose to the “RECIPIENT” certain confidential information in oral, written or physical form including without limita

5、tion business, financial, technical and operational information on a confidential basis and which such information the Disclosing Party owns and considers to be proprietary or which Disclosing Party is under an obligation to a third party to maintain proprietary and treats as secret or confidential

6、(hereinafter referred to as Confidential Information) . The information disclosed by the Disclosing Party will be considered Confidential Information by the RECIPIENT only if such information is conspicuously marked as “Confidential” if communicated in writing, or if communicated orally, identified

7、as “Confidential” at time of disclosure. If the Disclosing Party fails to mark or identify disclosed Confidential Information as “Confidential”, the RECIPIENT shall be responsible for protecting such disclosures in accordance with this Agreement from the date of receipt of written notice by the Disc

8、losing Party identifying the disclosure as “Confidential” and requesting that such disclosure be treated as Confidential Information under this Agreement.接收方使用这些保密信息必须遵守下面的条款。When using the Confidential Information, the RECIPIENT shall comply with the provisions in the Agreement.2.披露方向接收方披露这些保密信息唯一目

9、的是就本项目进行讨论和合作(目的)。Disclosing Party discloses such Confidential Information to RECIPIENT solely for the purpose of discussing and cooperating on the Project (the “Purpose”).3. 接收方应该对信息保密做保密处理。作为最低标准,接收方同意在本协议期限内:接收方指定专人负责在接收方内部对保密信息的披露进行控制。RECIPIENT shall maintain all such Confidential Information so

10、 imparted, secret and confidential. As a minimum standard of care, RECIPIENT agrees to the following requirements during the term of this Agreement:Information confidence and bear the relevant legal liabilities caused by the disclosure of the Confidential Information due to the act of submitting the

11、 report, if any. 8. 下面的信息不适用于本协议:Nothing herein shall apply to any information which is:现在已经普遍知晓或者很容易获得或者公开的信息,或者在接收方无任何过失的情况下已经为人知晓或者很容易获得的信息;now generally known or readily available to the trade or public or which becomes so known or readily available without fault of the RECIPIENT; or 在披露方披露之前的已经

12、被接收方正当拥有不受限制的信息;rightfully possessed by the RECIPIENT without restriction prior to its disclosure hereunder by the Disclosing Party; or不受制于任何约束从第三方获取的信息;acquired from a third party without any restriction;被证明是由接收方在没有从保密信息获益的情况下独立开发出来的信息;demonstrated to have been independently developed by the RECIPI

13、ENT without benefit of the Confidential Information provided hereunder, or按照法律或法院判令要求披露的信息,但接收方在其遵守这样的命令之前应向披露方提供书面的法律,法规,司法令状,判决,或通告,以便于披露方有机会修订保密信息内容,从而最小化地披露保密信息,或者披露方采取类似的其他的披露方认为合适的行动去反对或者防止这些信息披露。disclosed pursuant to laws and regulations or judicial decree , provided however that the RECIPIEN

14、T shall promptly provide the Disclosing Party with the written laws, regulations, judicial decree or order or notice of any request in advance of the RECIPIENTs compliance with such order so as to afford the Disclosing Party the opportunity to revise the Confidential Information to minimize the disc

15、losure of proprietary information or to allow the Disclosing Party to take such other action the Disclosing Party deems appropriate in order to oppose or prevent such disclosure.9. 双方同意本协议中的任何内容不应被解释为授予或者默示授予专利证书项下的任何权利,或者使用任何专利证书项下的保密信息,或者允许接收方不合理获得使用通过其不适当作为与不作为而被公开的保密信息的权利。It is mutually understo

16、od that nothing herein shall be construed as granting or implying any right under any Letters Patent, or to use any Confidential Information claimed therein, or as permitting the RECIPIENT to unfairly obtain the right to use Confidential Information which becomes publicly known through an improper a

17、ct or omission on its part.10. 披露方及其供应商和分包商对于与接收方使用或滥用本协议涉及的保密信息相关的或由此产生的后果免责。接收方应该对于其使用及滥用保密信息相关的或由此产生的后果全权负责,承担赔偿责任,并应保证披露方及其供应商和分包商不受损害。Neither the Disclosing Party nor its suppliers or subcontractors of any tier shall be liable with respect to or resulting from the use or misuse by the RECIPIENT

18、 of any Confidential Information furnished hereunder, and the RECIPIENT shall be exclusively responsible and liable and indemnify and hold harmless the Disclosing Party and its suppliers and subcontractors of any tier with respect to or resulting from any such use or misuse by RECIPIENT of any Confi

19、dential Information furnished hereunder.11. 本协议不要求披露方提供其不愿意披露的任何信息。Nothing in this Agreement shall obligate the Disclosing Party to provide any specific information that it otherwise desires to withhold.12. 在没有披露方事先书面批准的情况下,接收方在任何时候均不能就披露方提供的知识产权和专有技术方面的保密信息在任何国家提出,产生或者授权提出专利申请。RECIPIENT shall not,

20、at any time, without the prior written approval of the Disclosing Party, file, cause or authorize the filing of any patent application in any country in respect of any invention derived from the Confidential Information relating to intellectual property and know how supplied hereunder.13. 未经另一方书面同意,

21、任何一方不得将本协议的权利义务转让。Neither Party shall assign the rights and obligations under this Agreement without written consent from the other Party.14. (a) 源于本协议的所有争议应当通过双方友好讨论获得解决。如果一方发出争议通知90天之内双方未能达成一致,就任何争议,任何一方均有权向羚迅所在地人民法院提起诉讼。All disputes arising from, or in connection with the Agreement, shall be sett

22、led through friendly discussion between the Parties. In case no agreement is reached within ninety (90) days of the original notice of dispute by a Party, either Party shall be entitled to submit the disputes to the Peoples Court at the place of IBEX.(b) 双方基本目的是本协议的明确规定适用于并将用于解决双方对协议理解和解释的分歧与争论以及协议的

23、执行。双方同意本协议条款未能解决的分歧与争论将使用中华人民共和国法律解决。It is the fundamental intention of the parties that the express provisions of the Agreement shall apply to and be used to resolve any difference or dispute between the parties in regard to the interpretation or construction of this Agreement and the performance a

24、nd enforcement thereof. The parties agree that, in regard to any matter of difference or dispute between the parties which is not resolved by the terms of the Agreement, the laws of Peoples Republic of China shall apply. 15.如果接收方违反本协议之任何约定,则其应当向披露方支付人民币500,000元的违约金,上述违约金不足以弥补因接收方违约给披露方造成的损失的,接收方应当继续

25、赔偿直至弥补披露方的全部损失。同时,披露方有权终止本协议,接收方特此同意不再使用保密信息。接收方应该迅速向披露方归还所有保密信息,且不得留存任何形式的复制件。接收方有资格以法律形式获取所有其他赔偿,要求披露方按照本协议规定执行。In the event the RECIPIENT is in default, it shall compensate RMB500,000 yuan to the Disclosing Party. And the Recipient shall continue to compensate the Disclosing Partys total loss if

26、the above amount does not cover all the Disclosing Partys loss. At the same time, the Disclosing Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and the Recipient Party hereby consents to cease continued use of the Confidential Information. The Recipient Party shall promptly return to the Dis

27、closing Party all Confidential Information without keeping any copy of such information. 16. (a) 接收方保证自身和接收方的开展工作或者直接或间接接收保密信息的雇员、高级职员、主管、主要的投资者,以及附属公司、合资公司、分包商或者代理商,目前均不在任何美国/中国政府列出的限制出口和进口权利的个人和公司列表里面。接收方约定如果有前述人员或者公司出现在所述列表中将迅速书面通知披露方。RECIPIENT represents and warrants that none of itself, its emp

28、loyees, officers, directors, principal owners, affiliated companies, joint ventures, subcontractors or agents who shall perform work or receive directly or indirectly the Confidential Information is currently included in any United States/Chinese Government list of persons and entities whose export

29、or import privileges are in any way restricted, and covenants to promptly notify the Disclosing Party in writing if any of the foregoing(b)接收方约定:在经披露方查询确实属于依据披露方出口管制范围的情况下,将不会向将上述保密信息用于引用、研究、设计、制造、商业应用的目的向接收方国家之外的任何自然人或者法人(包括但不限于其雇员、高级职员、主管、主要的投资者,以及附属公司、合资公司、分包商或者代理商)披露、转移。Both Parties covenant tha

30、t it shall not disclose, transfer or release such information for the purpose of quotation, research, design, manufacturing, or commercial application to any natural or legal person who is not a citizen of the RECIPIENTs country, including but not limited to its employees, officers, directors, princ

31、ipal owners, affiliated companies, joint ventures, subcontractors or agents, provided such information has been researched and confirmed in writing by the Disclosing Party that it falls under the requirements of export control laws of its country. 17. 合同各方当前受与其他第三方签订的协议的约束 (“已执行的协议). 这些已执行的协议也许对关于项目的讨论有影响。本协议无意与该等已执行协议发生冲突。Each Party is currently bound by other agreements entered with third parties (the “Executed Agreements”). Such Executed Agreements may have an impact on the discussions of the Project. This Agreement is no

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