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3、(1)投标报价结合华通产业园1号楼的设计方案,主要介绍了本工程投标报价的编制依据、投标报价的编制方法和投标报价的确定。(2)施工组织设计首先介绍了本工程的工程概况,通过对工程概况的研究,做出工程施工方案、主体工程和装饰装修工程施工方法,以及施工进度、质量和安全控制等各项措施。(3)施工阶段的成本控制先分析我国现行阶段在施工阶段成本控制过程中存在的问题,然后根据这些问题提出一些解决办法,为施工企业做到效益最大化。关键词:投标报价,施工组织设计,成本控制General Instruction ofDesignThe design of Station Street West District7 b

4、uilding project cost control in construction stage。 Bid document preparation, implementation of the national and local projects related policies and regulations, consistent with current national building engineering construction standard, design specification and drawing standards and determine the

5、investment related index, method of detailed list valuation and cost standards.Museum Station Street West Area Project No。 7is a unit, on a total of16 layers, wherein the ground a two layer for commercial service outlets, three to sixteen storeys for residential,2 layer underground storage rooms,2 f

6、loors below ground and garage connected, building height 48.90 meters,2.80 meters tall residential building. Refractory material for one class, design of grade two, six degree earthquake, design service life of 50 years。 Engineering structure for the shear wall structure, foundation with pile founda

7、tion. Construction drawings and structural drawings complete。The design includes two parts, one part is calculated, including the engineering quantity calculation, reinforced the list of ingredients, integrated unit price analysis table, valuation of project volume detailed list file and project sch

8、edule calculations; another part is the text part, namely the design specifications, including bidding, construction organization design and cost control research。Calculation of components of the main contents of construction engineering, decoration engineering cost calculation, cost of project by p

9、roject fee, measures the project cost, project cost, fees and taxes of other components, and the calculated price as determined in all stages of project cost control based on.Completed the construction drawing budget document will serve as the progress of the project statement compiling important ba

10、sis, on all stages of project cost system control in construction stage, so that more reasonable cost control。Text part is mainly the design specification writing, design content mainly includes the business standard (bid) design, technical standard (construction organization design) design, and cos

11、t control research.(1)biddingPavilionStationStreetBuilding 7West area project design, mainly introduced the engineering bid quotation compilation basis, compilation of bidding quotation method and determination of quoted price for bidding.(2) the construction organization designFirst introduced the

12、project profiles, based on the engineering research, make the construction scheme, main works and decoration works construction methods, as well as the construction progress, quality and safety control measures。(3) the cost control of the construction phaseThe first analysis of Chinas current stage

13、in the construction stage of cost control problems that exist in the process, and then according to these issues and propose some solutions。 Good for construction enterprises to maximize the benefits.Key words : bidding, construction organization design, cost control附件一华通产业园1号楼工程量计算书附件二 华通产业园1号楼工程量清

14、单计价文件附件三华通产业园1号楼施工进度计划计算书第一章 引言1.1设计课题的提出随着市场经济的发展,我国的建筑行业在迅猛发展的同时也加剧了行业间的竞争,建筑企业要想在市场竞争中立足和发展,关键在于取得质量和成本的双重优势。如何对工程项目进行有效的成本控制是每个建筑企业所面临的非常有意义的课题以及探讨。搞好成本控制使经济效益最大化已经成为施工企业提高自身竞争力的重要途径。因此,成本因素有着越来越高的地位。在我国,市场的国际化是必然的趋势.我国建设施工企业也必将面临国外同行业竞争的压力。与此同时,国内日益激烈的市场竞争,使得企业不得不压低成本,提高竞争力。从这两个方面考虑,不管是提高企业竞争,还

15、是节约成本,都应该建立健全科学有效的施工阶段的成本控制方法.本文将结合华通产业园1号号楼工程对这一问题进行论述,以便能使建筑企业在项目管理中获得更大的效益。1.2 国内外研究现状1.2.1国内现状自从工程量清单计价体制在全国实施以来,工程造价领域发生了重大的变化和改革,同时也导致建筑市场的竞争更加激烈。我国人口众多,项目多,工程量大,相比以前我国的施工阶段的成本控制有了很大的提高,极大地推动了建筑企业的迅猛发展。但是我国的施工企业在发展的同时也存在着一系列成本控制的问题,比如管理制度不够完善、管理水平不高、效率低下、成本支出较高等。我国对成本控制的研究从上世纪80年代开始,进入新世纪后,国内的

16、许多项目管理者开始在系统梳理作业成本法概念体系的基础上,对施工阶段的成本控制进行了深入剖析,并尝试将其有效地利用在建筑企业的项目管理上,力求在建设高质量的建筑物的同时使施工企业获得利益最大化。1。2.2 国外现状最早从理论和实践上探讨作业成本控制的是美国会计学家科勒教授,他首次发表论文对作业成本控制进行了讨论。之后,一向推崇作业成本制的库珀提出了以作业成本制为指导核心的成本管理理论。在2000年,库珀和卡普兰教授成本管理系统设计中指出,先进的成本管理系统的应用需要作业成本系统和组织中的其他系统进行密集的信息交换,因此必须基于企业资源计划的成本系统才能胜任。而卡普兰教授则被认为是作业成本法的集成者,他强调作业成本法的本质就是以作业作为确定分配间接费用的基础,引导管理人员将注意力集中在成本发生的原因及成本动因上,而不仅仅是关注成本计算结果本身,通过对作业成本的计算和有效控制,就可以较好地克服传统项目管理

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