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The Million Pound Bank Note教案Word下载.docx

1、The first perid Intensive reading Step Iaring up 1ar Tain is prbabl ne f the fe Aerian riters ith h students are alread failiar This exerise aes the teaher find ut h uh the students n abut this riter and deide h uh the need t n abut the authr befre the read the pla T: D u n sething abut the Aerian r

2、iter ar Tain?Ss: A little Tda e ill learn sething abut this great riter in the Aerian histr N please read “Abut ar Tain” n page 23 s that u an n re abut hi 1 Students read the passage abut ar Tain and anser the questins given in the fr n page 23 a hats the real nae f ar Tain?b hen as he brn and hen

3、did he die? D u n all the plaes here he lived?d an u nae three f his faus stries? As e n, ar Tain is nn as a hurist during his life And this is refleted in THE ILLIN PUND BAN-NTE S, tda e ill learn se parts f this faus pla Step Pre-reading Get the students t disuss the questin ith their partners and

4、 then as the t reprt their r Enurage t express their pinins freel If a rih persn gives u a large aunt f ne t use as u lie, fr exaple, ne illin pund, hat ill u d? h?( Students have a disussin n this questin hatever hie students ae here, the shuld be read t ffer their lassates a gd reasn fr it) I thin

5、 all f u have a gd idea D u ant t n hat happened t Henr Adas in THE ILLIN PUND BAN-NTE ritten b ar Tain? Have u ever read the str? S this lass e ill learn the str tgether Step hile reading 1 Sanning Get the students t prehend the hle sene quil and auratel and eanhile help the fr a gd habit f reading

6、 Give the students se tie t read thrugh the senes and then anser se questins a H did Henr Adas e t England?b here did Henr r befre? H uh did he have? hat did the t gentleen give Henr?d hen an Henr pen the letter 2 After the students disuss the questins and then he the ansers ith the hle lass Listen

7、t the tape and tr t find ut the harateristis f the hle passage This is part f a pla S, the narratin is ritten in the present tense All f u have dne a gd b Next, lets read the sene again and d se exerises Step Pst-reading D prehending exerises and explain :a a large aunt f: a large quantit f; a great

8、 deal f eg The bught a large aunt f furniture befre the ved their ne huse b ae a bet: ae an arrangeent t ris ne, et n an event f hih the result is dubtful eg e ade a bet n the result f the ath perit sb t d sething: all sebd t d sething eg ther desnt perit e t ride in the street after it rained d b a

9、ident: as a result f hane eg I nl fund it b aident e stare at: l at sebd r sething ith the ees ide pen in a fixed gaze( in astnishent, nder, fear, et) f t be hnest: t tell u the truth; t be fran eg T be hnest, I dnt thin e have a hane f inning Step Her 1 Revie the e sentenes in this part 2 Previe th

10、e rds in the send perid 3 At ut the pla in grups The send perid Extensive ReadingStep 1 Ne rds Tell the ne rds in these partstea: eat lie a lf: genuine: reserve: srea: fae:shulderStep 2 Listen t At ne, Sene 4 in the restaurantAnd anser the flling questins:1 hat as it in the letter?2 Befre Henr t the

11、 nte ut f the envelpe, did the aiter serve hi plitel?3 Did the ner believe that the nte as genuine r nt?Step 3 atingIn grup f fur, pla the parts f “Henr, aiter, ner, hstess and leens” Step 4 Explanatin1Itll st a tin bit 1) tin: ver sall 极小的,微小的 a tin bab, a tin shl 2) nt a little 许多,很 nt a bit 一点也不

12、I nt a bit tired 我一点也不累。 I nt a little hungr 我非常饿。2tae a/ the/ hane/ hanes 碰运气;冒风险3 in a rude anner anner 表“方式,方法”,常用单数; 表“举止,态度”,也用单数; 表“礼貌,礼仪”,常用复数。He ansered in an arrgant annerHis anner as ipliteIt is bad anners t tal ith ur uth full6 issue 1) publish 出版,发行 The Ban f England issued the illin pun

13、d ntes 2) e, g r fl ut 流出 bld issuing fr a und 7 in rags 衣衫褴褛 rag: dd lth He is in rags8 indeed 1) in fat 事实上,其实 I dnt ind Indeed, I a illing t help u 2) trul, reall, ertainl 的确,实在的,确实 - Did he finish the r? - Indeed, he did 9 even if even thugh 即使 He desnt ant t bu the nie huse, even if he gets a l

14、t f ne The ae t help us, even if the had an things t dStep Her1 Read and perfr the hle pla ith the help f the sripts in the b 2 Revie hat u have learnt in the hle unit The third Perid GraarStep 1 Learning abut languageAs se students t tell the right anser in this partStep 2 Using rds and expressins

15、in rb P7Enurage the students t read the sentenes and rret the if there are se errrsStep 3 Graar1hat is the nun lause?2the differenes beteen hat and thatEg (1) hat u said esterda is right(2) That she is still alive is a puzzle3 否定的转移若主语谓语动词为thin, nsider, suppse, believe, expet, guess, iagine等,其后的宾语从句

16、若含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。4it常可以放在动词thin, find, nsider, believe, feel, ae等后作为形式宾语Then d se exerises abut the nun lauseAnd finish the exerises in the Using strutures (P7 and 8)Step 4 Her1 Reite the e sentenes n the graar-nun lauses as the bet and prediative2 Previe the third peridThe furth per

17、id ListeningStep 1 ListeningListen t the tape and anser the flling questins1 h des Henr rr after he leaves the restaurant?2 h des he g ba t the t brthers huse?3 h ant he see the t brthers again?4 hat d the as hi t d?Step 2 Listening textHand ut the listening aterials and listen t the tape and plete

18、the passage, at last as se students t read the passage ith right ansersStep 3 Listening in rb (P-6) As: hat u thin ill happen in the tailrs shp after Henr shs the ler and the ner the ban-nteThen listen t the tape and anser the flling questins1 h desnt the ler give Henr his hange right aa?2 Is the ne

19、r reall angr at the ler r des he ust pretend t be angr? H d u n?3 Is Henr glad t get re than ne suit at?4 Henr tells the ner that he is ving Give t reasns h the ner isnt surprised t hear this nes hat des the ner ffer t d fr Henr?At last , give the the listening aterials and as the t plete the passag

20、ePrevie the furth peridThe fifth perid Speaing and riting Step 1 perative learningHave an intervie ith Henr1hat did u d befre u ae t Lndn?2Did u find it hard t get a b there?3H did u feel hen u ere ased t the rih brthers huse?4Did u believe that the letter ill r?Did u feel angr hen the ler at the ta

21、ilrs shp treated u badl at first?ae a dialgue fr At T and as se students t atStep 2 Listening, Speaing and riting Tas (P8)Iagine that Henr eets the an f his dreas-Prtia, h ill the tal ith eah ther? H uld Prtia n if Henr as telling her the truth? H uld Henr sa that he lies her ver uh in a a that she

22、uld lie?Step 3 riting Tas (P60-61Iagine that after Henr arries Prtia he has bad lu in business and bees pr ne again N he ust tell his ife the bad nes Befre u rite, hever, disuss these questins ith ur partner:1) D u thin Henr uld rr abut hat his ife uld sa t hi after she heard the bad nes? Fr exaple, d u thin she uld get angr at hi?2) D u thin Henr uld rr that his ife uld leave hi?3) D u thin Prtia uld as Henr h he suddenl beae s pr?4) D u thin Prtia uld rr abut their arriage n?1 Revie the rds and expressins learnt this lass2 Revie At ne, Sene 4 n Page 21-22 and be read t at it ut

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