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1、2 my own bedroomown a small company3 60 feet tallon footat the foot of4 His elder sister5 20 aquare metresthe town square6 pay a visit tovisit the parkvisitors7 be illsick sick people8belowunderStep3 important phrases1live in a palace 2 live next to a restaurant 3 the biggest one4 would like to 5 in

2、 the centre of 6 my own bedroom7look out at the beach and the sea 8 in different countries9In the white house 10 the Eiffel Tower 11 Big Ben 12 red square 13 a town 15 miles from London 14 have fun with sb15 in bed 16wash ones face 17grow flowers18visit our new neighbor 19 do some shopping 20welcome

3、 visitors like you21among the volunteers 22 check it 23 around your neighbourhood24 share their different skills 25most of them 26something wrong27college students 28be afraid 29 be ready to do sth30 help with their problems 31 a computer engineer 32 have a meetingStep4 Important sentences1 would yo

4、u like to live in a palace?2which is your favourite3I always have fun with my dog there4we often listen to music in bed5 we love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea6Red Square in Moscow is about 9100 square meters in size7France has an area of over 260000 square miles8he is always the

5、 first to come to school9 your house is really different from the flats here in our town10 they help us with all kinds of problems11 there is something wrong with my computer12 some college students are ready to help13Simon wants to ask someone to fix his bicycleStep 5Grammar1cardinal numbers 2 ordi

6、nal numbers3 the usage of shallStep6Homework1 recite the phrases2finish the exercises in the guide book of senior high school entrance examination Teaching notes7BUnit 3-4年 月 日 第 周 星期Period 6A recorder 掌握名词所有格Main points and Difficult points:掌握形容词性物主代词,形容词性物主代词Teaching method:Teaching Procedures:Per

7、sonal design Recite the 6th topicStep2Important words1somethinganythingnothing2 smell good3have tomust4remember to do that5 be in dangerbe dangerous6walk pastin the pastStep3 impotant phrases1 an old friend of mine 2 wait a minute 3 our schools football field4 invite sb to do sth 5have dinner with u

8、s 6try some Chinese food7stay in a quiet town 8 look forward to doing sth9welcome to our town 10 learn how to do sth 11be enough for12western restaurants 13 learn more about chinese art 14only about 40 minutes by underground15visit our local theatre 16enjoy Beijing Opera 17miss the opera shows18exch

9、ange students from the UK 19in the town centre20be far away from 21follow sb to do sth23 dont be afraid 24 a trip to the zoo 25go straight on26make beautiful sounds 27cross the bridge28open fans 29all day 30 lie down31jump around 32make sb do sth 33have a nice trip34 traffic light 35prepare forStep4

10、Important sentences1an old friend of mine is coming to see me.2But theres nothing in the fridge3Is it enough for a tin of dog food?4there are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town5why not visit our local theatre and enjoy Beijing Opera?6we are looking forward to seeing you soon.7Whats the food like

11、there? How is sth?8you can learn how to sing Beijing Opera in the town.9we can row a boat on the lake.10how far is it from the hotel?11Every day, you can smell the flowers and hear the birds sing.12Some families raise cows ,and others grow wheat.13Sunshine Park is east of Lake Park14here is the pand

12、a15go straight on,and you will find the Panda House16take the second turning on the right.Step5 grammar1名词所有格:表示人或物的所有关系单数名词所有格是在其后加s姓名的所有格是在其后加s以s es结尾的复数名词所有格是加不以s es 结尾的不规则变化的名词复数,是在其后加s2形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词3冠词4方位介词Step6 HomeworkFinish the relevant exercises Teaching notes7B Unit5-6Period 7A recorder

13、To introducesomething strange in the worldTo introduce intresting outdoor activitiesSimple past tense and the usage of was wereThe second preparing lessons Recite the 7th topicStep2 Important words1 amazingzmazed2usualusuallyas usual3sth happens to sb4searchsearch for5without doing6complain to sb ab

14、out sth7acrossthroughStep3 Important phrases1amazing things 2 bright lights 3 in the back of4 sit down under sth 5 the same size 6 from birth7elephants feet 8 stop growing 9 listen carefully10 sleep with ones eyes open 11come on 12as usual13 turn around 14 on ones way home 15say to oneself16pick up

15、17run away 18shout at19an animal centre 20sound like 21 take photos22not any more23 at the same time 24 see a rabbit in a coat passing by25take a watch out of his pocket 26 run across the field after the rabbit27jump down a big hole 28 let the rabbit get away 29 hit the ground30 find herself alone 3

16、1 outdoor fun 32 not that heavy33 complain too much 34 outside activities 35 go ridingcomplaining36look up 37 on the other side 38 go through the door 39surprise sb 40 put up the tent 41 make a bird out of woodStep 4 Important sentences1Fish sleep with their eyes open2 our eyes are the same size fro

17、m birth3 on their way home,they met Andy4when it miaoed,it sounded like a whisper5Camels can live without water for a long time6now I am not afraid of animals any more7they can write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time8now TVs can be as large as 152 inches9she looked up and saw a

18、white rabbit in a coat passing by10 Alice didnt want to let the rabbit get away11she found herself in a long low hallStep5 Grammar1simple past tense7B Unit 7-8RevisionPeriod 8The usage of can and couldWhat and how to express exclamationSome- any- no- every- Recite the 8th topicStep2impotant words1ab

19、ilitity2raise fordonate to3a lot of smokegive up smoking4pour5 hurt his foothurt badly6mousemice7teach taught taught8buildbuilding9in troublemake touble10 noise noisy noisilyStep 3 Important phrases1believe it or not 2look out 3plant trees4 collect things for Project Hope 5give a seat to sb on the b

20、us6the children in poor areas 7pay for pens and notebooks8raise money for them 9 clean up the park10be alone at home 11brave enough 12 put out the fire13hear sb shouting 14 the 79-year-old Mrs Sun15be careful with fire 16stay in hospital for two months 17 on fire 18keep away 19be badly hurt20put a w

21、et blanket over sb 21do sth to protect oneself22have time to think about 23 stop sb from doing sth24sleep on my knees 25bring me something to eat26rhyme with 27with eyes open wide 28be afraid of29swim around 30teach him to speakStep4 Impotant sentences1he was brave enough to save his neighbour from

22、a fire2 suddenly,he heard someone shouting3he was in hospital for two weeks5but I didnt have time to think about it6I left mine at home7He can fly as fast as light8dont pick them up with your hands9i like watching them swim aroundSrep5 grammar1can could may2what aan adj noun single form+s+vWhat +adj

23、+nounPLURAl+s+vWhat+adj+noun uncountable+s+vHow+adjadv3不定代词中国书法艺术说课教案 今天我要说课的题目是中国书法艺术,下面我将从教材分析、教学方法、教学过程、课堂评价四个方面对这堂课进行设计。一、教材分析: 本节课讲的是中国书法艺术主要是为了提高学生对书法基础知识的掌握,让学生开始对书法的入门学习有一定了解。 书法作为中国特有的一门线条艺术,在书写中与笔、墨、纸、砚相得益彰,是中国人民勤劳智慧的结晶,是举世公认的艺术奇葩。早在5000年以前的甲骨文就初露端倪,书法从文字产生到形成文字的书写体系,几经变革创造了多种体式的书写艺术。1、教学目

24、标: 使学生了解书法的发展史概况和特点及书法的总体情况,通过分析代表作品,获得如何欣赏书法作品的知识,并能作简单的书法练习。2、教学重点与难点: (一)教学重点了解中国书法的基础知识,掌握其基本特点,进行大量的书法练习。(二)教学难点: 如何感受、认识书法作品中的线条美、结构美、气韵美。3、教具准备: 粉笔,钢笔,书写纸等。4、课时:一课时二、教学方法: 要让学生在教学过程中有所收获,并达到一定的教学目标,在本节课的教学中,我将采用欣赏法、讲授法、练习法来设计本节课。(1) 欣赏法:通过幻灯片让学生欣赏大量优秀的书法作品,使学生对书法产生浓厚的兴趣。(2) 讲授法:讲解书法文字的发展简史,和形

25、式特征,让学生对书法作进一步的了解和认识,通过对书法理论的了解,更深刻的认识书法,从而为以后的书法练习作重要铺垫!(3) 练习法:为了使学生充分了解、认识书法名家名作的书法功底和技巧,请学生进行局部临摹练习。三、教学过程: (一)组织教学 让学生准备好上课用的工具,如钢笔,书与纸等;做好上课准备,以便在以下的教学过程中有一个良好的学习气氛。 (二)引入新课,通过对上节课所学知识的总结,让学生认识到学习书法的意义和重要性! (三)讲授新课 1、在讲授新课之前,通过大量幻灯片让学生欣赏一些优秀的书法作品,使学生对书法产生浓厚的兴趣。 2、讲解书法文字的发展简史和形式特征,让学生对书法作品进一步的了

26、解和认识通过对书法理论的了解,更深刻的认识书法,从而为以后的书法练习作重要铺垫! A书法文字发展简史:古文字系统 甲古文钟鼎文篆书 早在5000年以前我们中华民族的祖先就在龟甲、兽骨上刻出了许多用于记载占卜、天文历法、医术的原始文字“甲骨文”;到了夏商周时期,由于生产力的发展,人们掌握了金属的治炼技术,便在金属器皿上铸上当时的一些天文,历法等情况,这就是“钟鼎文”(又名金文);秦统一全国以后为了方便政治、经济、文化的交流,便将各国纷杂的文字统一为“秦篆”,为了有别于以前的大篆又称小篆。(请学生讨论这几种字体的特点?)古文字是一种以象形为主的字体。今文字系统 隶书草书行书楷书 到了秦末、汉初这一时期,各地交流日见繁多而小篆书写较慢,不能满足需要,隶书便在这种情况下产生了,隶书另一层意思是平民使用,同时还出现了一种草写的章草(独草),这

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