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1、卢志宏 职称/学位: 讲师 导师所在单位:安徽大学外语学院 完成时间: 2014年4月AcknowledgmentsFirst and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Lu, Thank you so much for your carefulness .Your meticulous style has always been a role model in my work and study. You described the teachings, a

2、nd your outside-the-box thinking gives me endless inspiration; Your tolerant attitude help me to quickly integrate into research. Thanks to my parents. Thank you all the way of my life since the care and support for me to study, your healthy and happy is always my biggest wish. Thanks to my roommate

3、s, it is you jointly maintain the brotherly feelings between each other, and keep the bedroom of the house of the harmony, thank you very much in the process of thesis writing put forward valuable opinion for me. Four years, idle away ones. Now go their own way, please take good care. ANALYSIS OF “P

4、RIDE AND PREJUDICE” THEME Luo Qi Grade 10 Economics College International economics and trade Supervisor: Lecturer Lu Zhihong Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui 230601AbstractThis paper try to discuss the theme of Pride and Prejudice which is the masterpiece of Jan Austin. The novel tells the story of E

5、lizabeth Bennet female squire of love story. This work of daily life for the material, and the artificial writing against the society at that time the popular sentimental novel, vividly reflects the late eighteenth Century to early nineteenth Century and in the conservative state of occlusion of the

6、 British town life and the ways of the world and has been adapted for film and television.This paper studies by the method of understanding the background and the author as well as the original reading.In this paper, based on reading the original,an overview of the era of the British, and the author

7、s writing characteristics are described.This paper reference books including The Works of Jane Austen, English Society, 1580-1680, the seventeenth Century British society and so on.Lydia and Jobs marriage is blindly pursue the passion of pleasure. Charlotte and Collinss marriage is compromise to rea

8、lity.The marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy is only the perfect combination of emotion and reason.Jane Austen believe that only based on the entities of true love feeling of marriage can be happy .Therefore, this article think,the concept of marriage is the theme of pride and Prejudice. Key words: Jane

9、 Austen; Pride and prejudice. English literature; marriage罗祁10级经济学院 国际经济与贸易指导教师: 卢志宏讲师安徽 安徽大学,合肥 230601摘 要本文试图探讨奥斯汀的代表作傲慢与偏见的主题。小说讲述女乡绅班纳特家的爱情故事。这部小说以日常生活为素材,细致入微地描写了当时英国的社会现实。这部作品生动地反映了十八世纪后期到十九世纪初的英国闭塞保守的状态,而且被改编为电影和电视。本文主要采用知人论世和原著阅读的方法来进行研究。论文在原著小说的基础上,对当时英国的时代背景以及作者的写作特点进行了概述。本文参考了包括奥斯汀作品 英国社会1

10、580年至1680年 ,17世纪英国社会等专著。在小说中,莉迪亚的婚姻是盲目地追求快感的激情;夏洛特和柯林斯的婚姻是对现实的妥协;只有伊丽莎白和达西的婚姻是基于情感和理性的。奥斯汀相信只有基于真正爱情的婚姻是快乐的。因此,本文认为,婚姻的观念是傲慢与偏见的主题。关键词:简奥斯汀;傲慢与偏见;英国文学;婚姻Thesis Statement: This paper attempts to analyze or explore the theme of by the way of analyzing The content of novel .OutlineANALYSIS OF “PRIDE AN

11、D PREJUDICE” THEME1. Introduction 1.1. General introductionJane Austen (1775-1817), was born on December 16, 1775, Steven township, a parish priests family. Is the good family education, the main teaching material is fathers literature books. Austin, a popular novel, love, mostly vulgar amusement pr

12、oducts. Her girlhood paper is the parody of this kind of popular novels, thus has formed her works mocking tone.Her six novels , most of the daily life in the villages and towns on the middle class as subjects, through love marriage of contradiction conflict reflects the late 18th century, at the be

13、ginning of the 19th century British social style and features. Works through the comic scenes often taunt people stupid, selfish and snobbish and blind confidence contemptible ridiculous weakness. Austins novel appeared in the 19th century, a popular false romanticism trend, inheritance and developm

14、ent of the UK in the 18th century outstanding tradition of realism, for the climax of the 19th century realism fiction is prepared, like played an important role. (Chapman , Southam 17) Jane Austen is known asstatus can be on par with Shakespeares literary giant, the most perfect female artist, Brit

15、ains most popular writer. During the 16th to the 18th century, Britains political, economic, cultural, religious, great changes have taken place in all aspects, such as started from traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society transformation process. Social structure and social idea

16、s, the more obvious changes have taken place in the peoples values, the spouse-selection view with corresponding changes, which directly or indirectly affect the marriage and family. (Jin Caiyun 2)Whether in what requirement, choose a spouse standard, whether the property distribution, or the attitu

17、de toward marriage and family, in early modern England, the family of the unique style, embodies the old and the new culture in this period of conflict and collision, embodies the ideas of changes during the period of social transformation and communion, such a change in the future development trend

18、 of marriage and family, and the process will produce certain effect on the future of the society as a whole. ( Wright son 68)In the 16th century, William Buckings deem that people choose a spouse standard can be divided into necessary terms and conditions. The former have done for the church and st

19、ate to effective marriage norms; The latter is to form the conditions attached to a good marriage, such as age, social status, economic condition, reputation, religion, etc, difference and love each other.What do the decades from the late 16th century to the early 17th century, the limited core patr

20、iarchal family (restricted patriarchal nuclear family) began to dominate in England Society. Although say to the realization of the interests of the family, this kind of moral preaching is not fully implemented, but this period the British people will pay attention to emotional factors in marriage.

21、The choice of parents for their children s marriage object still have considerable control power, but the children of parents decided to have a veto. (Stone 191) And lasted until The early 17th century to The 18th century. By the 18th century, mate choice decisions has been relegated to the parties

22、to a marriage. And then the young when mating, economic and social factors began to give way to personal emotional factors.In modern British society, the arrangement of the marriage is often have parents, or at the time of mating parents influence played a decisive role. And in the aristocratic soci

23、ety, parents control children, in women than in men of the parties in the marriage of the parties in a marriage is more common.(Xu Jieming 28) On the choice of marriage obviously they despise the rabble businessmen and because in this period of time, the British pop is the dowry system makes marriag

24、e is not in the middle of the aristocracy, in order to meet the psychological and physiological need of private individuals, but the institutional strategy in order to protect the family wealth forever.In Jane Austen s society, women generally except when old maid and tutor, then the only way out is

25、 to marry. Marry a rich posted a decent family, became a young lady to get and maintain a reliable ideal way of social and economic status. Especially in the general property is not much, but breeding of young woman, is take marriage as the only one not the rain silk decent way out, no matter how nu

26、merous in the heart, happiness, get married is haven, they can accord the most prevention after they did not have food. Therefore, to win an ideal husband seems to be the young ladies in the novel the only aim in life, and to achieve this goal continuously in the fierce competition.Jane Austen, a 19

27、th century British novelist, the world one of the most influential woman writer in the history of literature, its most famous work is pride and prejudice and sense and sensibility, to is famous for its meticulous observation and lively and interesting words. Respectable people in Britain at the time

28、 of the country is Austin marriage important matters all the six novels, as well as the scope of her early project. She is concerned about most is the heroine - often is no abundance respectable people him fair maiden - marriage. I think this is a very narrow literary viewpoints. But thats exactly w

29、hat Austin and stay for the rest of my life. There is no doubt that Austen was writing a little. According to her own said: three or four families in the countryside village is her handy good material. She also compares their art to the two inches ivorydrawing very carefully. This is Austin in art c

30、onscious choice. When someone suggested she change way to write this to write that on creation, she declined, insisted:no, I have to keep their own style, writing in his own way.Jane Austin using the style of ironic humor vivid tells the story of the end of the 18th century in the early 19th century

31、 British rural life. (Liu Qin 3)She by womans unique meticulous observation, truly describe the world around her small, especially among ladies of marriage and love. From the end of the 18th century to the early 19th century, vulgar boring sentimental novelsgothic novel are full of English literatur

32、e, and Austins novel iconoclastic, an unusual plan to show the at that time has not been impacted by the capitalist industrial revolution of the English countryside middle class daily life and rural scenery. Although in the war, but made no mention of war. But the attention to the countrys young peoples marriage problems.

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