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1、英语六级阅读真题长难句解析1英语六级阅读真题长难句解析(1)1. She recalls watching the ship, brightly lit, slipping into its dark grave - and into seeming nothingness, rarely mentioned for more than half a century. (2004. 阅读. 6. Text 1)【译文】她回忆起看着轮船被火光照亮,慢慢沉入漆黑的墓穴,最后永远消失。这场悲剧半个世纪以来极少被提起。【析句】英语句子中存在多个动词时,常大量使用分词,保证句子中只有一个谓语动词。本句中

2、主句是She recalls watching the ship,recall是谓语动词,后面的一系列分词lit,slipping, mentioned的主语都是the ship,通过动作与the ship的主动被动关系决定使用的是现在分词还是过去分词。在现在分词slipping后跟有两个并列的into短语。2. Now Germanys Nobel Prize-winning author Gunter Grass has revived the memory of the 9,000 dead, including more than 4,000 children - with his l

3、atest novel Crab Walk, published last month. (2004. 阅读. 6. Text 1)【译文】如今,德国诺贝尔奖作家冈特格拉斯用上个月最新出版的蟹行一书重新将这份惨烈的记忆9000人死亡,其中有4000是儿童在人们心中唤起。【析句】复合句。主句Ginter Grass has revived the memory of the 9000 dead是主句,Germanys Nobel Prize-winning author作主语的同位语。including more than 4,000 children是现在分词作定语。最后,破折号后,with

4、his latest novel published last month作伴随状语。3. Few MacArthur Prize fellows, winners of the MacArthur Award for creative accomplishment, had good things to say about their precollegiate schooling if they had not been placed in advanced programs. (2004. 阅读. 6. Text 2)【译文】麦克亚瑟奖是为那些做出创造性成就的人设立的。那些很早就被安排参

5、加高级课程的获奖者很少有人对大学前的教学做出正面评价。【析句】复合句。主句FewMacArthur Prize fellows had good things to say about their precollegiate schooling,winners of the MacArthur Award for.作主句主语.fellows的同位语。在主句后,if引导条件状语从句表明few had good things to say.的前提。英语六级阅读真题长难句解析(2)1. Richard Satava, program manager for advanced medical tech

6、nologies, has been a driving force in bringing virtual reality to medicine, where computers create a “virtual” or simulated environment for surgeons and other medical practitioners. (2003. 阅读. 12. Text 4)【译文】高级医学技术项目部经理理查德塞塔瓦是将虚拟现实技术引进医学领域的先驱。在该领域,电脑为外科医生和其他医护人员创造出一种虚拟或模拟情景。【析句】复合句。主句Richard Stava h

7、as been a driving force in.,program manager for advanced medical technologies作主语Richard Satava的同位语。主句后,where引导定语从句修饰medicine。2. As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery, they move instruments that are connected to a computer, which passes their movements to robotic instruments that

8、 perform the surgery. (2003. 阅读. 12. Text 4)【译文】外科艺术一边观察手术的三维影像,一边移动与电脑相连的工具,并通过这个工具将他们的动作传递给正在操作手术的机器手。【析句】包含多个从句的复合句。主句they move instruments,后面是that引导定语从句修饰instruments,主句前as引导时间状语从句,主句后,which passes their movements to robotic instruments作非限制性定语从句,而这一从句中,robotic instruments后又有that引导的定语从句修饰。3. Durin

9、g these proceduresoperations that are done through small cuts in the body in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuveredsurgeons are wearing 3-D glasses for a better view.(2003. 阅读. 12. Text 4)【译文】在这些手术过程中通过患者身体里被操控的微型相机和手术工具进行微创手术为了更好地观察,外科医生们使用3D眼镜。【析句】复合句。主句During these procedures

10、surgeons are wearing.view, 破折号中间operations是these procedures的同位语,that are done through small cuts in the body作operations的定语从句,且定语从句中the body后也有介词+which引导的定语从句修饰即in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered。英语六级阅读真题长难句解析(3)1. An examination of the history of humanity suggested that ma

11、n in our epoch is so different from man in previous times that it seemed unrealistic to assume that men in every age have had in common something that can be called “human nature.” (2003. 阅读. 12. Text 3)【译文】一项针对历史上人性的研究显示,现代人与过去的人截然不同,因此,认为不同年代的人们拥有共同之处即所谓的“人性”似乎是不现实的。【析句】复合句。主句An examination of the

12、 history of humanity suggested+宾语从句。宾语从句中,主句是 so different from man.that it seemed unrealistic to assume that.,包含短语so.that.,短语中that引导结果状语从句it seemed unrealistic to assume.,而assume后that引导宾语从句men had something in common,因为something后有定语从句that can be called.修饰,所以把something放在了in common之后。2. The stu

13、dy of primitive peoples has discovered such a diversity of customs, values, feelings, and thoughts that many anthropologists arrived at the concept that man is born as a blank sheet of paper on which each culture writes its text. (2003. 阅读. 12. Text 3)【译文】对原始民族的研究已经发现存在着多种多样的习俗、价值观、情感和思想,因此许多人类学家得出这

14、样的观点:人生来是一张白纸,各族文化在上面书写自己的内容。【析句】复合句。主句是The study of primitive peoples has discovered such a diversity of.that., 包含短语such.tht.,that这里引导结果状语从句。在结果状语从句中,主句是many anthropologists arrived at the concept,that man is as a blank sheet of paper作the concept的同位语从句,而a blank sheet of paper后有定语从句修饰。3. Another fac

15、tor contributing to the tendency to deny the assumption of a fixed human nature was that the concept has so often been abused as a shield behind which the most inhuman acts are committed. (2003. 阅读. 12. Text 3)【译文】还有一个因素强化了这种否认一成不变的人性存在的趋势,这个因素就是一成不变的人性这种观点经常被滥用,成为为多数残忍行为辩解的挡箭牌。【析句】复合句。主句Another fac

16、tor was that.,这里,that引导表语从句。主句主语another factor后contributing to the tendency是现在分词作定语,to deny the assumption.是不定式作定语修饰the tendency。而在表语从句中,主句the concept has so often been abused as a shiled,a shiled后有which引导的定语从句修饰。英语六级阅读真题长难句解析(4)1. At some point, while researchers work on figuring out where the truth lies, it just makes sense to say

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