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Writing Thesis in EnglishWord格式.docx

1、 Heart Metaphors in Chinese and Japanese Metaphors in the News Introductions3. You should be able to get access to the materials related.4. You should follow a standard sequence of steps.Chapter IIThe Process of Research and Research WritingFive Sources of Information:1 .encyclopedias2. biographical

2、 dictionaries and indexes3. book indexes4. journal indexes5. computer databases6. .internet sources Steps for Searching:1. Search by key words.2. Scan indexes and look for the title you are interested in.3. Download the paper you want to read.How to make working bibliographic cards:Articles:Electron

3、ic sources:Books: Taking Notes:Paraphrasing source:According to Lakoff and Johnson (1980: 119-125) and Johnson and Lakoff (2002), meaning is the result of interaction between embodied sensory motor and cognitive structures on the one hand and the environment on the other. In other words, meaning com

4、es not from internal structures of the organism alone, nor from external input alone, but from the recurring patterns of engagement by the former with the latter. One of the ways these recurring patterns manifest themselves is conceptual metaphor, the analysis of which has amassed a large body of li

5、terature.Chapter IV:Five layers of styles:Frozen: in reports, official documents, business letters, scholarly and scientific articles, and dignified public speeches Example: This is to certify that Li Ying (female, born in 1984), now residing at 187 Nanjing Roadm Heping District, Tianjin is the daug

6、hter of Li Tao who resides in Canda. Dear Sir: I wish to your attention the fact that my performance has improved immeasurably in terms of increased contract production and unique customer generation. Therefore, in the interest of fairness, I request an appropriate monetary reward.Formal:Moderate an

7、d consultative:Casual and colloquialIntimateThree big origins of English words:SaxonsFrenchLatinPrinciples of good diction:Prefer the familiar words to the far-fetched.Prefer the concrete words to the abstract.Prefer the single word to the circumlocution.Prefer the short word to the long.Prefer the

8、Saxson word to the Romance.Examples of different dictionThere is nothing new in the recognition, within a given language, of a distinction between common usage and uses of the language for more restricted purposes and often enough, perhaps characteristically, more elevated purposes. The monolithic n

9、ature of English is not questioned when literary essayists like Emerson contrast poetry and common speech. The latter is recognized in America to be the proper subject for the investigation of linguists who, however, now show some incipient inclination to the investigate poetry, too, and other nonca

10、sual utterance in a given language.You have your tension. Sometimes you come close to having an accident that upsets you. You just escape maybe by a hair or so. Sometimes maybe you get a disgruntled passenger on there, and starts a big argument. Traffic. You have someone who cuts you off or stops in

11、 front of the bus. Theres a lot of tension behind that. You got to watch all the time. Youre watching the drivers, youre watchin other cars. Most of the time, you have to drive for the other drivers, to avoid hitting them. So you take the tension home with you. And most of the runs are long runs. Fr

12、omone end of the line to the other would be about an hour and twenty minutes. Most of the drivers, theyll suffer hemorrhoids, kidney trouble, and such as that. I had a case of ulcers behind it.When I was a kid and reading every fiction book in the library, I used to wonder exactly how the future wou

13、ld happen. By that I dont mean what the future would be likescience fiction already told me thatbut rather how wed actually get there. Science fiction books seemed to agree, for example, that in the future there would be no moneyall transactions would be made via identity cards and centralized compu

14、ters. But that seemed dubious to me: how, I wondered, are you going to get everybody to give up money in the first place?In making a good diction, you need to tell standard and nonstandard English, formal and colloquial English, slang, specific and concrete words, archaisms, obsolete words.Some exam

15、ples of concrete words:individual, man, chap, fellow, guya good man: kind, honest, just, generous, sympathetic, warm-hearted, selfless, honorablegood food: tasty, nourishing, rich, wholesome, high-priced, fresh substantialhouse or building: mansion, villa, chateau, cottage, bungalow, cabin, hut, sha

16、ck, shanty. Shed, barn, warehouselaugh: smile, grin, beam, giggle, titter, snigger, chuckle, chortle, guffawwalk: stroll, stride, drag, shuffle, slouch, stagger, totter, limp, wanderbad weather: windy, dusty, icy, rainy, moist, Popular and Learned:A (popular) B (learned)agree concurend terminatebrea

17、k fractureclear lucidclever intelligentshow exhibitquit resignmake easy facilitateprove verifysurrender capitulate wordy verboseCommendatory and DerogatoryA Bslender skinnyfrugal miserlyfirm pigheadedfamous notoriousstatesman politicianbravery foolhardinessintellectual eggheadconfidence conceitmodes

18、t humbleBlack niggerDegree of words:Anger, rage, fury, indignationConcretenessTheir neighbor is a very nice old lady. (vague)Their neighbor is a kind and helpful old lady. (concrete)The film I saw last night was very good. (vague)The film I saw last night was amusing and instructive. ( concrete)The

19、weather in winter inn Changsha is terrible. ( vague)The weather in winter in Cyhangsha is cold and moist. ( concrete)The man ate a big meal. (general and vague )Robert devoured a large steak, a baked potato, a hot dog and two bottles of Qindao.Conciseness and briefness:Owing to the fact that he was

20、down with illness, he did not make his appearance at the meeting.He did not attend the meeting because he was ill.During last summer vacation, there was a weekend when a friend of my brother was a guest at my home.A friend of my brother visited us at a weekend last summer vacation.Youd better think

21、it over and consider it carefully.Youd better think it over.I missed the last bus, so I had to walk on foot back home.I missed the last bus, so I had to walk back home.The sound lab is open both to the students who are studying in our department and to the students who are from other departments in

22、our university. The sound lab is open to the students both in and out of our department in our university.42,43, 4.5 Tone ,Voices and TensesAvoid subjective expressions,Avoid using more first person,In our book Metaphors We Live By (1980), we presented evidence that taking the existence of conceptua

23、l metaphor seriously would requirea massive rethinking of many foundational assumptions in the Westernphilosophical tradition concerning meaning, conceptualization, reason,knowledge, truth, and language. In the twenty years between that bookand Philosophy in the Flesh (1999), a mushrooming body of a

24、dditionalempirical evidence from linguistics, psychology, cognitive neuroscience,and anthropology became available, which not only reinforced ouroriginal claims about the pervasive, constitutive nature of conceptualmetaphor, but also revealed implications for traditional philosophy thatwere even mor

25、e devastating than we at first imagined.However, Rakova denies the very existence of conceptual metaphor ofthe sort that we and others in our discipline have been providing evidencefor over the past twenty years. The argument she gives is a philosophical,not an empirical one. She asserts that the ma

26、in point I want to make here is that the idea of the metaphoric structuring of concepts is only tenable if an extreme empiricism of Lakoff and Johnsons kind is accepted. However, it is doubtful that any version of extreme empiricism can everturn out to be true. (p. 218)4.6 Sentence StructureSentence

27、 sense: Avoid fragments, comma faults, dangling modifiers, and dependent clausesFragment: The old man sitting the bench. The railroad bringing settlers, new money, and access to new market to the territory.Comma mistakes: It was raining hard, they could not work in the field.People are worried about

28、 the future, they are especially concerned about the social stability and the economyDangling modifiers: To get up early, the clock was set at six. After correction, the second draft of the paper was much better than the first. Although seriously ill, the boss made her work ten ours a day in the hot

29、 workshop.Dependent clause: She decided to learn Japanese. Because it is a useful language.Unity, coherence, good order and completeness are virtues of a good English sentence.Unity:We had a party yesterday and it was a great success. We had a party yesterday and Karl was ill.We had a party yesterda

30、y but Karl was absent from it.Coherence of a sentence:A sentence is coherent when its words or parts are properly connected and their relationships made unmistakably clear. Coherence is violated when faults like the following appear in a sentence: faulty parallel constructions, ambiguous reference of pronouns, dangling or misplaced modifiers, confusing shifts, mi

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