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Whose clothes are theseWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、 No, its not mine。 I think its his/hers You must look after your Puton What about? Whose is this? Whose are these? Its hers。 Theyre ours。教学建议 教学内容分析 该单元核心教学项目是 “找寻物主”(Asking about ownership ), 这就不免牵扯到物主代词(Possessive pronouns)的使用,但要让学生正确区分两种物主代词(形容词性的物主代词、名词性的物主代词),并不能仅仅从有没有“s”来作为标准,当然可以让学生找到其中小小的规律,

2、即形容词性物主代词(my) +名词(name) =名词性物主代词(mine)。另外,whose一词也可同法教学,它本身可以说是集形容词性和名词性于一身的一个词:? =Whose are these (clothes)? 类似的还有名词的所属格也具备这一特征:Lucys hat looks like her cat。 =Lucys looks like her cat。本单元是功能(Asking about ownership)、话题(Clothes)和语法项目(Possessive pronouns)的典型结合。 单词教学 本单元重点词汇是以名词居多(8个),其次是代词(6个),其余的还有介词

3、、形容词及两个词组,可见名词和代词占了本单元单词教学的主要部分。在名词中主要是衣物名词的学习,由于接近生活,所以学生还比较容易接受,其中要特别提出重视的是始终以复数形式出现的(clothes, trousers)等词,关键要提醒学生们正确使用与之搭配的be动词。而新学的代词主要是在已学过的形容词性物主代词的基础上稍加注意即可,关键要学生理解两种物主代词之间的区别和联系。在词组方面,可提供给学生put on的反义词take off,What about?的同意用法How about?等知识点。口语教学 重点突出在以问句为主的功能性会话的训练上,让学生准备丰富多彩的实物做口语对话,使学生在逼真的场

4、景下,脱口说出恰当的语句, 即使学生真正理解每一句会话的用处和用法。 例如: 1)让学生互相谈论照片中自己的衣物(因为大多数学校要求学生们着装统一校服),以加深学生们对衣物单词的记忆,其中可能用到的语句有: Is it a nice skirt?/ Whats this? / Its a dress。 / This coat looks great, isnt it?s on your head? It is my hat, is it looks like a cat? / Yes, its very cold then, I wear a pair of gloves 2)也可以让学生制作

5、卡通的衣物图片,老师把所有图片统一装在一个大纸箱里,派学生上讲台参与抽图片,让其他学生提问抽出的图片上的“衣物”是谁的, 问答形式如下: Whats a sweater。 / What color is it?s blue and white。 / Whose sweater is this? / X X, is it your sweater? / No, it isnt。 / Whose shoes are these? / Y Y, are these your sweater? / Yes, they are。 / Whose is the hat? / Z Z, is it your

6、 hat? / Yes, it is。 / Whose are these trousers? / A A, are these trousers yours? / No, theyre, not。 3)最后一种方法就是,可以把学生们分成几人一组的若干组,各自编一个接近生活场景的找东西的对话,注意学生们句型语序和物主代词的正确使用, 在此提供其中之一,仅供参考之用: A: Excuse me。 Do you see my gloves? I cant find it。 B: I can see a pair of red gloves on teachers desk, are they yo

7、urs? No, mine are blue and yellow。 Can you help me to find them? No problem。 Lets find them。 Look! There are two blue ones under your own chair, are they yours? Oh, dear。 I find them。 They are just mine。 Thank goodness! Dont thank goodness, thank me。 Yes, you are great, thanks a lot。 Thats OK! Be ca

8、reful next time, you must look after your things。 Yes, thank you again。 句型教学 由于本单元的重点句型可以有两种表达方式,如: 这是谁的书? Whose book is this? 这书是谁的? Whose is this book? 这是我的书。 This is my book。 这本书是我的。 This book is mine。 这是你的书。 This is your book。 这本书是你的。 This book is yours。 但在中文里无论是形容词性的 (whose, my, your)还是名词性的(who

9、se, mine, yours), 译成中文都是同一个词(谁的, 我的, 你的),这正是初学者容易混淆不清之处, 所以要让学生们一定用英文的思维去处理这种情况,类似的还有名词的所属格,如:莉莉的猫Lilys cat/ Lilys, 老师的房间 the teachers room/ the teachers, 父母的工作 parents jobs/ parents, 甚至可用职业代替说明工作场所, the doctors(医生门诊), the butchers(肉店), the barbers(理发店), the tailors(裁缝店) etc。 词组教学 1。puton是教师要提醒学生们注意

10、的,如果穿上的宾语是名词,则该名词可以随便放置,即穿上(puton)和穿上(put on)均可,而如果宾语是个代词,则只能放中间,即穿上(put it on) 2。must是情态动词,要注意它所含的情态,是必须的意思,其后应跟动词原形,同类还有can, may, could, will, would, shall, should, need, have to, ought to, dare等词 3。Look after是又一个常用词组,注意look与after是不可拆开的词组,其后接名词做宾语。提醒学生们联想与look有关的所有词组:look at, look for, look like,

11、look the same, 并拓展知识外延look out(小心,向外看), look up(查字典,向上看), look over(仔细检查)etc。 语音教学方面 本单元在语音方面教学五个元音发音/a:/, /au/, /R:/, /:/, /其中/a:/与/au/,不少学生容易把/a:/发成“阿”,主要是忽视了音长和口腔共鸣,教师多做口型夸张表演,而学生则多做模仿和练习。还有的学生区分不了/R/与/R:/与/的长短音,甚至有人把/R:/读作“凹”,把/:/读成“儿”,因而失去了长音的特点,所以要求学生注意听音,加强模仿是当务之急。 辅音/在同学们朗读模仿时,不存在大困难,大部分同学都能

12、正确掌握其发音。 情感教学 1通过“找寻物主”这一课题的学习,要教育学生养成好的生活习惯。对于自己的东西不能随便丢放。“你必须照看你的东西。You must look after your things。”另外,还要让学生学会关心爱护别人,帮助别人寻找丢失的物品和照看好他人的物品。班级同学要互相关心、互相爱护、友好相处、共同进步。 2当我们得到别人的帮助时,要及时表示谢意。如: You must look after your clothes。 Yes, thank you, Mr。 Mu。 背景材料分析 1在英语当中,有一些词的用法和我们汉语的习惯是不同的,例如,我们汉语可说一条裤子,做为单

13、数。而在英语当中,如trousers做主语,谓语必须用复数形式。 2在英语里表示一家人可以在姓前面加the, 后面加family。 如the Green family。 除了这种表达方法之外,比较常用的还可表示为the Greens。 即在姓氏前面加the, 在后面加s。 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词用法上的区别 (1)形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只可作定语,修饰名词。Their teacher is Miss Gao。 (2)名词性物主代词相当于一个名词短语,在句中可作主语、宾语等成分。 This is your bike, mine is under the tree。 (作主

14、语) 这是你的自行车,我的在树下。 I like my pen, I dont like hers(作宾语) 我喜欢我的钢笔,我不喜欢她的。 That bag isnt mine, its yours。 (作表语) 那个书包不是我的,是你的。 (3)名词性物主代词作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于它所替代的名词的数。 My trousers are long, hers are short。 我的裤子长,她的裤子短。 Your school is big, ours is small。 你们的学校大,我们的学校小。 (4)形容词性物主代词不可单独使用,其后必须有被修饰的名词。 那是他的椅子

15、,我的在那儿。 误 Thats his chair, my is over there。 正Thats his chair, mine is over there。s his chair, my chair is over there。 Whose用法 whose不等于whos。Whose是who的所有格形式,意为“谁的”,而whos是who is的缩略形式,意为“谁是”。但whose与whos同音,都读作hu:z。 whose在句中可作表语、定语等。 Whose is that computer? 那台电脑是谁的?(作表语) Whose sweaters are these? 这些是谁的毛衣

16、?(作定语) whose用来对物主代词及名词所有格进行提问: 1提问形容词性的物主代词。 These are my bananas。 Whose bananas are these? 2提问名词性的物主代词。 That bedroom is mine。 Whose is that bedroom? Hers are in the classroom。 Whose are in the classroom? 3提问名词所有格(不包括of构成的所有格)。 Those are the twins bags。 Whose bags are those? Toms mother is a good te

17、acher。 Whose mother is a good teacher 课文“淘金” clothes是穿在身上的各种服装的总称。包括上衣、裤子和内衣等。它不单指一件衣服,不能与数词连用,所以无单数形式。例如: What color are your clothes? 你的衣服是什么颜色的? trousers通常用作复数。trousers作主语时,谓语动词也用复数。要表示“一条裤子”可用a pair(双、对)of trousers,此时谓语动词用单数。 shoes常用作复数。用法同trousers,但也可以单数形式shoe出现,表示“一只鞋”。 4。 the Green family指“格林

18、一家”,表示“一家人”除此种表示方法外,还可表示为the Greens。 5。 Whose 可针对my, your, our, their, Kates等形容词性物主代词提问,其语序为: These are their sweaters。 这些是他们的运动衫。 这些是谁的运动衫? (针对定语提问) whose 也可针对mine, yours, ours, theirs, Kates等名词性物主代词或名词所有格提问。 This shirt is his。 这件衬衫是他的。 Whose is this shirt? 这件衬衫是谁的? (针对表语提问) 对画线部分提问 Those are her t

19、rousers。 Whose trousers are those? (提问表语的定语) That cup is mine。 Whose is that cup?(提问表语) Lesson 53-54 教学设计方案 Teaching Objects Learn new words about clothes。Teaching the expression of objects possession by using possessive pronouns。 Teaching Aids objects, record, cards, clothes Teaching Procedures Ste

20、p I Revision: First revise the content about last unit, like ask and answer What color is your pencil-box? It is white。 What color is your bag? It is black。 What about your hat? It is black, too。 The teacher can lead the Ss to the topic of this unit clothes。 Step II Presentation: Go on with the ques

21、tion about color of the clothes, like ask the Ss What color is the dress by pointing to a picture of a dress, the Ss can answer the right color, and get the meaning of the word dress, other new words of clothes as sweater, shirt , skirt, blouse, trousers and gloves can also be taught in this way。 St

22、ep III Practice: Let the students practice in pairs upon the easy sentence structure: What color is As sweater? Its light brown。 What color are Bs trousers? They are dark blue。 Remind the students pay attention to the using of light and dark。 Step IV Act Let the Ss act before the class about the col

23、or of their clothes, like Part 2, lesson 53 in pairs。 Be sure they can use the possessives correctly, and encourage them as much as possible。 In this way the Ss practice the new words and can keep them in mind easily at the same time。 Step V Presentation The teacher practice with the Ss on dialogues

24、 first about clothes then discuss about the possession of the clothes like: T: Hello A, what color is your shirt? S: Its white。 Then what color is Bs blouse? Its yellow。 Whose blouse is red? Cs (blouse) is red And the other Ss begin to practice this dialogue in pairs, teacher can check them by actin

25、g in front of the class。 Step VI Presentation After the practice of the key sentences, the teacher change the sentence Whose is this shirt into Whose shirt is this。 Tell the Ss Whose can be either followed with a noun or nothing, but the meanings are the same, that is to say it is used first as an a

26、djective or then a noun。 Step VII Listen, read and say Play the tape about Part 2, make the Ss repeat and after that, let them answer some easy questions about the dialogues, like Whose is this shirt? Is it Li Leis? Whose shirt is this on earth? Be sure the Ss grasp the point view of the dialogue, a

27、nd let them practise it in pairs, then get several groups of the Ss to act before the class。 Encourage the Ss who act well。 Step VIII Listen, read and say SB Page 67, Part 2, do the same as Step VII。 Add a new content, that is the use of the phrase put on, a noun can be use either before on or after

28、 on, but a pronoun can only be used before the word on Step IX Practice and act Divide the class in half。 Let the Ss in one of the class work in pairs to practise the dialogue in Part 1。 The Ss in the other half can practise the dialogue in Part 2。 After they have had a few minutes to prepare, get some pairs from each half to present to the class, without books this time。 Encourage them to put expression in their voices, to use appropriate actions and to use real items for props。 They should act, not just say! Step X Listening List

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