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1、41.10Jason: Yeah, I hope theyve resolved that situation with his teeth.41.10詹森:对,我希望他们已经把吉夫的牙齿问题解决了。45.10Ben: Oh yeah, now I remember this guy.45.10本:噢,现在我想起这家伙了。48.90Ben, Carol and Mike: Hi Im Jeff, huh huh.48.90本、卡罗尔、迈克:嗨,我是吉夫。54.70Maggie: Hey, can it you guys. Now Jeffs a nice boy and while hes i

2、n this house I expect you to treat him like one of the family.54.70马吉:嘿,孩子们别闹了。吉夫是个好孩子,我希望他在我家的时候你们能把他当做一家人对待。02:02.20ason: Better you treat him like a human being.02.20詹森:你最好能把他当做一个人对待。06.50Maggie: Oh thatll be him.06.50马吉:哦,一定是他。07.10Carol: Oh no please dont get up. I rather enjoy doing all the wo

3、rk in the house.07.10卡罗尔:哦,请你们不要站起来。我情愿在屋子里把所有的事干完。12.60Jason: Carol be nice!12.60詹森:卡罗尔,礼貌点!15.10Carol: Oh come on dad, when have you ever known me not be.nice.15.10卡罗尔:哦,爸爸你别担心。你什么时候见我没有礼貌。22.40Jeff: Carol? Boy somebodys really grown up.22.40吉夫:卡罗尔?有人真的长大了。27.80Ben: Somebodys reall been to an orth

4、odontist.27.80本:有人已经开始戴牙套了。34.00Jeff: Well after I graduated I decided to do some traveling in South America.34.00吉夫:喔,毕业后我去南美旅行了。37.20Maggie: Oh, give us the high lites.37.20马吉:哦,谈谈旅行见闻吧。39.10Jeff: Well, I went to carnival in Rio, did some rock climbing in the Andes, and got dissentary in Bogotta.3

5、9.10吉夫:好吧,我参加了里约的狂欢节,攀登过安第斯山,后来在波哥达得了痢疾。47.60Carol: That sounds fascinating.47.60卡罗尔:听起来真是太棒了。52.30Jeff: Youve obviously never had dissentary.52.30吉夫:你显然从没得过痢疾。56.00Jason: So tell us about Brazil Jeff, Ive always wanted to go there.56.00詹森:跟我们讲讲巴西的情况吉夫,我一直想去那。58.80Jeff: Well its spectacular, the peo

6、ple, the history, the culture.58.80吉夫:喔,那里真是太壮观了,那里的人民,那里的历史,那里的文化03:01.80Mike: Yeah I hear they got a load of nude beaches there.01.80迈克:我听说那儿有很多裸体海滩。04.80Carol: Mike! Hes so immature.04.80卡罗尔:迈克!你太幼稚了,08.50Jeff: Nude beaches arent so great Mike.08.50吉夫:裸体海滩并不很有意思,迈克。11.10Jason: Yeah, where are you

7、 supposed to keep your keys?11.10詹森:哦,那你们把钥匙放哪儿呢?13.20Ben: You could hang them on your.I was going to say ear.13.20本:你可以把它们系在你的.我想说的是耳朵上。18.80Maggie: Ok, were ready for a little Trivial Pursuit.18.80马吉:好了,我们来玩点儿小娱乐。21.60Jeff: Great! What are the teams?21.60吉夫:好棒,怎么分组?23.40Mike: Hey, Im not getting s

8、tuck with Ben again. I mean when he doesnt know the answer he gets huffy.23.40迈克:嘿,我不想再和本一组。我是说当他不知道答案时总是生气。27.50Ben: I do not!27.50本:我没有!29.50Jason: Ben, its ok Ben, Ill be on your team.29.50詹森:本,好了,本,我会跟你一组。31.90Ben: Oh great, now I have to carry dad again.31.90本:这下好了,我又得带上爸爸了。35.50Maggie: Wait a

9、minute, wait a minute, Jeffs our guest he should get to pick.35.50马吉:等等,你们等等,吉夫是客人,他应该先选。38.50Carol: Yeah Jeff you pick.38.50卡罗尔:对,杰夫你先选。40.20Jeff: Ok, one question. Who wrote Gullivers Travels? Whats the chemical equation for (cuts out). .40.20吉夫:好的,先来个问题。谁写了格列佛游记?的化学方程式是什么47.80Carol: Johnathon Swi

10、ft, H2 SO4, the southern most tip of Argentina.47.80卡罗尔:乔纳森斯维斯,H2SO4,阿根廷最南端。51.80Jeff: Theres my partner.51.80吉夫:我的伙伴有了。58.20Jason:s so funny?58.20詹森:什么这么有趣?59.60Maggie: Oh, I was just thinking about Carol and Jeff last night. She has such a crush on him.59.60马吉:哦,我正在想昨晚卡罗尔和吉夫的事情,她对吉夫有好感。04:05.10Jas

11、on: Nooo. Well I remember Miss White, my seventh grade biology Of course that was more of a relationship than crush.05.10詹森:不是的。我记起了怀特小姐,我七年级的生物老师喔。当然那时我对她不仅是有好感。18.70Maggie: Aha, and I bet every boy in your class had the same relationship.18.70马吉:啊哈,我敢打赌你们班上的每个男孩都有同样的念头24.20Jason: Na,

12、I was different. I was the only guy allowed to clean out the hamster cage.24.20詹森:不,我不一样。就我一个人被他叫去打扫老鼠笼。29.80Maggie: ooohh. Sounds pretty torrid29.80马吉:哦。听起来她很照顾你。32.80Jason: It was in her apartments32.80詹森:老鼠笼就在她房里。35.20Jeff: Well I found that road map, now I really have to visit Aunt Vera.35.20吉夫:

13、喔我找到路了,我现在真想去拜访下维拉姑姑。38.60Jason: Ah, theres the one whos always dreaming up those fatal diseases.38.60詹森:啊,是那个总以为自己得了病快死了的人。41.90Jeff: Aha, you name it, shes almost died from it.41.90吉夫:啊哈,你说对了。她差点就把自己吓死了。46.40Mike: And now for the Huntington Huskies, its number sixty eight in your programme, and nu

14、mber one in your hearts. Its Ben the sandman Seaver. Sandman, all of America wants to know, why do they call you The Sandman46.40迈克:现在注意啦,亨廷顿强人队,六十八号,你们有夺第一名的雄心,快看是本,睡魔王希弗。睡魔王,美国人都想知道,为什么他们叫你睡魔王?05:07.00Ben: Cos when I hit em I put em to sleep.07.00本:因为当我击倒他们的时候我会把他们打睡着。09.00Jeff: What position do y

15、ou play Ben?09.00吉夫:本你玩什么位置?12.30Ben: Defensive Tackler.12.30本:防守。13.50Jeff: Wow! Big man hey? What do you tip the scales at. two eighty? two eighty five?13.50吉夫:喔!真是个猛将?你转变比分到二百八十?二百八十五?17.50Ben: Seventy three and a half17.50本:七十三分半。19.90Jason: Today he goes against the biggest of the line men in t

16、he league.19.90詹森:今天他要和最魁梧的前锋对决了。23.00Mike: Yeah Jumbo Jimbo Lewsetski four foot six, eighty one pounds.23.00迈克:对是金刚鲁塞西,四英尺二,八十一磅。27.10Ben: Say he can eat a whole cheeseburger in one sitting.27.10本:听说他可以一口气吃掉整个干酪牛肉三明治。31.70Jason: Your last chance Jeff. Sure you dont wanna join us for some Piwi footb

17、all.31.70詹森:你最后的机会了吉夫,你确定了不想参加我们的橄榄球赛。35.30Ben: Yeah and you dont even have to watch the game. Most guys just watch the Piwiettes.35.30本:是啊你甚至不用非得看球赛,大多数人都会看拉拉队员。41.60Jeff: Id really love to guys, but I promised my Aunt Vera Id stop by so she could do this for half an hour: Oh Jeff Ive been dancing,

18、 why dont you call more?41.60吉夫:我很想去,不过我已经答应了维拉姑姑我会顺便去拜访她,不然她可以抱怨半个小时:哦,杰夫我快要死了,为什么你不来看我啊50.80Mike: Hey well if shes dead when you get there why dont you swing by the game.50.80迈克:嘿要是你去的时候她死了,你就回来参加比赛。55.50Mike: Just kidding.55.50迈克:我只是开玩笑。56.90Maggie: Well were about ready, wheres Carol?56.90马吉:我们准

19、备出发了,卡罗尔去哪了?58.70Mike: Want me to go and get her for you mom?58.70迈克:要我去找她吗,妈妈?59.30Maggie: Aha.59.30马吉:啊哈。06:00.80Mike: Yo rhino breath!00.80迈克:起来你这个呼噜鬼!04.00Maggie: Thank you, Mike.04.00马吉:谢谢你,迈克。05.90Carol: Mike you are such a.Oh hi Jeff.05.90卡罗尔:迈克你真是个嗨,杰夫。09.70Jeff: Hey.09.70吉夫:嘿。10.90Maggie: C

20、ome on Carol, are you ready to go to the game?10.90马吉:嗨卡罗尔,你准备好去参赛了吗?13.00Carol: Oh, er, Ive got to watch my banana bread cool.13.00卡罗尔:哦,呃,我要看着我的香蕉面包凉下来。17.50Jason: Oh Carol, Im no physicist, but I think it can manage without you.17.50詹森:哦卡罗尔,我不是个物理学家,但我认为没有你看着它也会凉的。22.20Carol: I cant abandon it no

21、w dad. Ive been with this bread since it was dough.22.20卡罗尔:我不能丢下它爸爸,它还是面团的时候我就和它在一起了。28.60Jason: Well ok, lets go team!28.60詹森:喔好吧,伙计们我们走吧!34.10Maggie: Bye guys!34.10马吉:再见孩子们!39.80Jeff: Oh well Im out of here39.80吉夫:哦,好了,我要出去了。41.80Carol: Oh? What do you have planned for the day?41.80卡罗尔:哦?你今天有什么打算

22、吗?44.10Jeff: Well Im gonna visit a relative, then Im gonna meet a friend in the city for dinner and a show.44.10吉夫:我先去看一位亲戚,再去拜访城里的一个朋友,吃饭然后看戏。48.30Carol: Ah, what are you gonna see?48.30卡罗尔:啊,你去看什么戏?49.20Jeff: The new Gershwin review.49.20吉夫:格什温的歌舞剧。50.40Carol: Ah I just love Gershwin. His music is

23、 so.musical.50.40卡罗尔:啊我喜欢格什温的戏,她的音乐非常有音乐感。07:01.50Carol: Hello. No theres no spud brain here!01.50卡罗尔:喂。不这里没有叫土豆脑瓜的人!06.60Jeff: Oh Carol I think thats for me. Yo Tommy! Buddy! Bro! You jerk! Well what am I supposed to do with these two tickets? Fine yeah great! Good talking to you too spud brain, by

24、e.Carol!06.60吉夫:哦卡罗尔我想这是找我的。哦,汤米!哥们!老兄!鬼东西!那些戏票我怎么办呢?我们总不能不见面吧。好吧就这样吧,很高兴你来电话,土豆脑瓜,再见。卡罗尔!32.80Carol: Yeah Jeff.32.80卡罗尔:是的吉夫。33.50Jeff: What are you doing tonight?33.50吉夫:你今晚有事吗?35.10Carol: Errm. Eating Banana bread.35.10卡罗尔:呃。吃香蕉面包。37.80Jeff: Darn! Shoot! Heck! I was hoping you werent busy.37.80吉夫:啊该死!说吧!哎呀,我还希望你不是很忙呢。40.30Carol:m sure I can get out of it.40.30卡罗尔:我想我可以不去管它。43.50Jeff: Would you like to see the Gershwin Review tonight?43.50吉夫:今晚你想去看格什温的戏吗?45.50Carol: Gee! Shucks! Such short notice. Oh what the heck.45.50卡罗尔:啊,无聊!时间也太仓促了点哦我去!

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