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1、闽教版小学英语第六册Unit5SportsDayPartA教学设计闽教版小学英语第六册Unit5 Sports Day Part A教学设计教学目标一、语言知识目标1学习并掌握以下词汇:Sports Day,meter,long jump,high jump; 2学习并理解以下词汇:fast , try 3学习并运用以下句型:We are going to have a Sports Day. A: Who will?B: I will. 4话题:能够初步运用所学句型谈论学校运动会。二、语言技能目标 1能认读和正确书写有关运动项目的词汇。2能表达自己打算在运动会上参加哪些运动项目。3能用所学语

2、言询问他人所擅长的运动项目并制订运动会报名表。三、情感态度运用谚语:Life depends on sports.告诉学生生命在于运动,增强学生的健身意识。教学重难点1认读和正确书写有关运动项目的词汇:have a Sports Day, run 100 meters, do long jump, do high jump; 2能运用所学词汇表达自己打算在运动会上参加哪些运动项目。3能用所学语言询问他人所擅长的运动项目并制订运动会报名表。教具准备单词卡片、教学幻灯片、教学光盘、评价物品。教学步骤 Step1 Warming up 1Greetings. 2Say a chant. (设计意图:

3、师生互打招呼,使学生进入英语学习氛围。介绍评价机制,调动学生积极性。通过学唱歌谣,复习旧知活跃课堂气氛。)Step2 Lead-in T: Look, Its a plan for our school. On March 12th we are going to plant trees. On April 5th we are going for a spring outing. What about on May 10th? Ss: have a sports day. T: Yes, we are going to have a Sports Day. Today we are goin

4、g to learn Unit 5 Sports Day Part A. Teach: sports day, have a sports day, we are going to have a sports day. (设计意图:通过学校计划表,引出课题Sports Day. 在教学Sports Day时,渗透语音教法。) Step3 Presentation 1. Listen and choose. Q1: What will they do on Sports Day? 2. Listen and answer Q1: Who will run 100 meters? Teach: m

5、eter(robot game) run 100 meters, fast Q2: Who will do long jump? Teach: do long jump 3. Listen and match. Teach: do high jump (设计意图:利用文本教学来呈现新知,使学生们在情景中理解单词与句子的意思。在听力题目设计中,由易到难,实现知识结构逐步上升。)Step4 Practice 1Play a game. 2Ask and answer. (pair work) 3Lucky Numbers. (Play a game) 4Listen and follow the

6、text. 5Retell the text. Step5 Consolidation Task 1: Work in groups. Rules: Do a survey in group of 4 for Sports Day. (4人小组,组长对组员进行运动会采访,完成表格Task2: Write the sentences according to the table. 根据完成的表格,仿写句子, 汇报结果Step 6 Summary(单词词组句子) Step 7 Homework Step 8 Blackboard Design: Unit 5 Sports Day Part A W

7、e are going to have a Sports Day. do long jump? A: Who will run 100 meters? do high jump? B: I will. Step 1. . Per-reading 1.Greetings. T:Good morning, Boys and girls. How are you?Nice to meet you. 2.Divide the groups T: This lesson we have four groups in our classroom. G1、G2、G3 and G4. Were going t

8、o have a race .If you do well, youll get 10 meters. At last lets see who is the winner. Are you clear? 3.Sing a song: Lets tiptoeT: Before class, lets sing a song. OK?4.Free talk T: You all do well. As we know walking jumping and running are all sports. Do you like sports? What sports do you like? (

9、复习play basketball, play football, run, swim ,skate, ride a bike等中插入生命在于运动的情感教育。) Step 2While-reading (1)Watch the video T: Boys and girls, we all like sports. Peter , Julia , Yang Ming like sports too .Theyare going to have a sports day. what will they do on Sports Day? (2) 1. Listen and choose. Q1:

10、 What will they do on Sports Day? (3)Listen and answer. Listen and think :“Who will run 100 meters? Who will do long jump? Who will do high jump?” . then you can try to match them. Julia run 100 meters Yang Ming do long jump Peter do high jump 教师播放课本动画,学生边听边看,从对话中找出答案 Julia run 100 meters Yang Ming

11、do long jump Peter do high jump (1)learn the new phrase “run 100 meters”and the new sentence“Who will run 100 meters?”(采用男女生读,分组读,接火车读操练) (2)learn the new phrase “do long jump”and the new sentence“Who will do long jump?”(采用大小声读,个人读方法操练) (3)learn the new phrase “do high jump”and the new sentence“Who

12、will do high jump?”(采用全身反应法,游戏法操练) 【设计意图】: 读中,先带着问题“What will they do on sports day?”观看课文动画,整体感知语篇信息。再提出具有不同针对性的问题“Who will run 100 meters? Who will do long jump ? Who will do high jump?”等,帮助学生去理解语篇,获取具体信息,培养学生的阅读能力。Step3.Post-reading 1.Listen and repeat. T:Yes.These are their plan for Sports Day. T

13、his time lets listen again and repeat it 【设计意图】:听音跟读,模仿语音语调。 2.Pairs work: Read and fill T: Read the dialogue by yourselves, then work in pairs and fill in the blanks. Sports Day The pupils are going to have a Sports Day .They are very happy. Peter will run_(100/200)meters .He can run very _(fast/sl

14、ow) . Julia will do _(long/high)jump. Yang Ming will do _(long/high)jump. And Sally will take _(photo/photos)for their class. 【设计意图】:检测学生对本课的理解,帮助学生逐渐实现由知识向技能的转化。小组合作,培养学生合作意识。Step 4.Extension 1、Play a game: Guessing Game (1)T:As we know we have Sports Day every year. our school Sports Day is coming

15、 soon. What will we do on Sports Day? Now lets play a game. 2、Do a survey. (1)Fill in the form We are going to have a Sports Day. Can you use the new sentence Will you to ask your classmates and fill in the form. Step 4.Extension1、Play a game: Guessing Game (1)T: As we know we have Sports Day every year. our school Sports Day is coming soon. What will we do on Sports Day? Now lets play a game. 2、Do a survey. (1)Fill in the form We are going to have a Sports Day. Can you use th

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