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1、See you.(4)感 (Thanks )A. Thank you (very much).Thanks a lot.Thank you for your help.Its very kind / nice of you.* I appreciate your help.B. Its a pleasure.* My pleasure.Thats OK/ all right.Youre welcome.* Don t mention it.(5)道歉(Apologies)A. Sorry. Im sorry.Excuse me, please.I beg your pardon. m sorr

2、y for losing your book.m sorry to interrupt you.m sorry (that) Im late.B. Thats OK.s all right.Never mind.It doesnt matter.s nothing.* Forget it.(6)邀请(Invitation)A. Would you like to go for a walk?You must come to dinner with us.May I invite you to dinner?What / How about having a swim?B. OK.Thank y

3、ou.d like that, thanks.Yes, Id love to.That would be very nice.No, thank you.s very nice of you, but my mother is ill.d love to, but Im afraid I have no time.m sorry I cant. What about another time?(7)请求允许 (Asking for permission )A. May I come in?Can / Could I use your telephone?* Is it all right if

4、 I sit here?* I wonder if I could smoke here.Would / Do you mind if I open the window?B. Yes, please. Sure. Certainly.* Please do. Thats all right. Of course, you can.* Go ahead, please.Im sorry, its not allowed.m afraid not. Youd better not.* It s not allowed.* Im sorry, but you can smoke in the ne

5、xt room.(8)祝贺与祝愿 (Expressing wishes and congratulations)A. Have a good day / time!Have a good journey / trip!Good luck!Enjoy yourself!Best wishes to you.Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!Happy birthday!*Wish you all the success!Congratulations!Well done! B. Thank you.You, too.The same to you.(9)提供帮助 (O

6、ffering help)A. Do you want me to clean the room?Can I help you?Would you like me to help you?What can I do for you?Let me take your bags.B. Yes, please. Yes, thanks.Thank you.That would be nice / fine.Thank you for your (the) help.No, thanks / thank you.Thank you all the same.s very kind of you, bu

7、t I can manage it myself.(10)约会(Making appointments )A. Will you be free tomorrow?Do you have time this afternoon?How about tomorrow morning?When / Where shall we meet?Could we meet at 4:30?Lets make it 4:30.* What time is convenient for you?*Id like to make an appointment with Mr. Jones.B. Yes, Ill

8、 be free then.All right. See you then.m afraid I have no time then.Sorry, I wont be free then. But Ill be free tomorrow.(11) 打 (Making telephone calls )A. Hello! May I speak to Tom? Id like to speak to Mr. Green.Is that Liu Ying speaking?Extension six two two six, please.Can I leave a message?ll cal

9、l back later / again.ll ring him / her up again. This is Mary speaking.Hello, who is this?Hold the line, please.Just a moment, please.Hello, whos speaking?Sorry. He / She isnt here right now.Can I take a message?Sorry. I cant hear you.The line is bad / busy.I couldnt get through.Sorry, Im afraid you

10、 have the wrong number.(12) 就餐 (Having meals)A. Would you like something to eat / drink?What would you like (to have)?Would you like some more fish?Help yourself to some fish.* Which do you prefer, rice or noodles?* What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?B.Yes, Id like a drink.d like rice and c

11、hicken.Just a little, please.Can I have some more soup?s so delicious. Thank you.* I prefer noodles to rice. I like green tea.No, thank you. Ive had enough.m full, thank you.s very delicious, but I cant eat any more.(13)就医 (Seeing the doctor)A. Whats the matter?What seems to be the trouble?Do you ha

12、ve a fever?How long have you felt like this?s nothing serious.Take this medicine three times a day.ll be all right / well soon.* Give up smoking and keep on taking more exercises.B. I have a headache / cough / fever.I feel terrible / bad / horrible / awful.I dont feel got a pain here.It hurt

13、s here.*I dont feel like eating.I cant sleep well.(14)购物 (Shopping)A. Can / May I help you?How many / much would you like?What colour / size / kind would you like?What about this one?Heres your change.B. I want /Id like a pair of shoes.How much is it / are they?May I try it on?s too big / small.Sorr

14、y, its too expensive.Do you have any other colours / sizes / kinds?Two and a half kilos / pounds, please.s fine. Ill take it.Just have a look.Well, I11 think about it.(15) 问路 (Asking the way)A. Excuse me. Wheres the washroom?Can you tell me how to get to the post office?Excuse me. Which bus goes to

15、World Park?Excuse me. Which is the way to the Bank of China?Excuse me. Could you tell me the way t6 the station, please?How can I get to No. 4 Middle School?B. Its over there.s about 400 metres from here.Go down this street until you see the tall red building.Turn right / left at the first / second

16、crossing / comer.You cant miss it.You can take bus No. 103.d better take a taxi. ?Sorry. I dont know. Im a stranger here.(16)谈论天气 (Talking about weather)s the weather like today?Hows the weather in Beijing?What a cold / hot day today!s a nice / fine / beautiful / horrible day today.s sunny / cloudy

17、/ windy / rainy / snowy / foggy.s getting cool / cold / warm / hot.(17)语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)Pardon?I beg your pardon? I dont understand. Sorry, I cant follow you.* Could you say that again, please?* Could you repeat that, please? Can you speak more slowly, please?* What do y

18、ou mean by killing time?How do you say . in English?t know how to say that in English.t know the word in English.How do you spell it, please?m sorry I only know a little English.(18)提醒注意 (Reminding and warning)Dont forget your raincoat. Remember to lock the door.* Make sure that all the windows are

19、closed.Mind your head/step!No smoking!No spitting!Wet floor!Look out!Be careful!t touch!s dangerous!(19)劝告(Advice)d better go to see the doctor.You should listen to and read English everyday.You need to buy a Chinese-English dictionary.* If I were you, Id phone him now.t rush / hurry/ push. Please s

20、tand in line.(20) 建议(Suggestions)s go and have a look.* Should we go now?What / How about a picnic this Sunday?Why dont you buy a computer?Why not go to a movie?2. 态度 (Attitudes) (21) 同意和不同意 (Agreement and disagreement)Sure. Certainly.* Exactly.* Thats correct.Of course. All right.I agree.No problem

21、.s a good idea.Yes, I think so.No way.Of course not.t agree.t think so.m afraid not.(22)喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)This book is very interesting.I like / love the movie (very much).I like / love to play computer games.I like taking photos.I enjoy listening to music.m interested in science.He is fond

22、of music.This song is bad / awful.t like the movie very much / at all.t enjoy collecting stamps.I hate to do homework.(23)肯定和不肯定 (Certainty and uncertainty)m sure.m sure of that.m (quite) sure (that) shell join us.There is no doubt that its made of silk.s clear that it will rain soon. m not so sure.

23、m not sure of that.m not sure whether / if she can come.Maybe youre right.Perhaps she is at home now.s hard to say.(24)可能和不可能 (Possibility and impossibility)A. He can / may come today.It may snow tonight. Its possible to finish the homework before 6 oclock.s likely to rain this afternoon.s likely th

24、at you will lose this game.B. He may not come so early.He cant be in the office now.s not likely to snow soon.s impossible to finish my homework within one hour.(25)能够和不能够 (Ability and inability)He can ride a bike. Hes able to pass the math exam.He is good at football.t swim.* Hes unable to walk any

25、 more.Shes not good at swimming.(26)偏爱和爱好 (Preference and hobbies)I prefer tea. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?* I prefer tea to coffee.d prefer to go by train.I like English better / the best.My favourite subject is physics.d rather drink coffee than tea,* Where would you rather go, London or T

26、okyo?(27)意愿和打算 (Intentions and plans)ll go with you.m going to see my head teacher this afternoon.d like to make a phone call to her after class.I want / hope to find an English pen-friend.I plan to go to Hangzhou this summer.* We are ready to move to a new house.*Bill intends to spend his vocation

27、in California.* I am thinking of driving to Beijing.I wont see the movie again.m not going to buy the book.t want to live in the big city.(28)希望和愿望(Hope and wish)I wish to see you again.I hope to become a doctor.I hope it stays fine.I wish I were younger.I hope so.I hope not.(29)表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)A. Very good

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