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1、高一英语专题培优 阅读理解解题技巧第三节:阅读理解之推理判断题分析解读:推理判断题考查学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含意思,对作者的态度及文章细节的发展做出正确推理判断的能力。考生需尽量考虑文中的全部信息和事实,在理解通篇文章的基础上去领会作者的言外之意,并做出正确的推断,这是对文章深层次的把握,属于高层次的阅读理解。即根据阅读材料中所提供的已知信息,推断出未知部分。文章中没有明确的答案。要求考生从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法和观点。技巧点拨:1. 常见提问方式:(1) It can be inferred/concluded from the passage that _?(2)

2、 The writer suggests that_?(3) The author uses the example of to show that _?(4) Whats the authors attitude toward _?(5) From the story we can guess _?(6) What would happen if _?(7) Which of the following does the author agree with?(8) Whats the tone 语气of the author?(9) The paragraph following the p

3、assage will most probably be _?(10) Where would this passage most probably appear?2. 解答步骤:(1) 定位信息:通过寻读找到相关信息点。(2) 字面理解:理解相关信息点的字面意义。(3) 深层理解:结合语境和常识,在字面意义的基础上进行符合逻辑的推断, 从而理解作者的言外之意。3. 干扰项的特点:(1) 只是原文的简单复述,而非推断出来的结论,把直接表达当做间接推理。(2) 看似从原文推断出来的结论,然而实际上与原文不符,如因果倒置,手段变目的等。(3) 根据考生已有的常识来看是正确的,但是却不是基于文章(4

4、) 推理过头,引申过度。4. 注意:有时作者并未把意图说出来,我们可根据字面意思,通过研究语篇的逻辑关系和细节的暗示,来推敲作者的态度,进行深层理解。典型例析:一 推断隐含意义:例:Did you ever hear a strange sound coming from the wall? Did it sound like a clock? If so, it may have been made by a beetle. Long ago people thought the ticking meant that someone was about to die. Thus the be

5、etle is called the deathwatch beetle.Q:It can be inferred from the text that the sound of this beetle _.A. leased people B. surprised people. C. frightened people. D. excited people.练一练: One day a man walked a pet shop and said to the shop assistant, “I need two small mice and about five dozen roach

6、es(蟑螂) and two spiders(蜘蛛).” “What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised. “Well,” replied the man, “Im moving out of my apartment and the landlord(房东) insists that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.”Q: The passage suggests that when t

7、he writer moved into the apartment, it was _. Avery clean B. just cleaned by the landlord C. tidy and comfortable D. dirty and full of insects (昆虫)技巧:这类题干中通常含有infer, imply, suggest, conclude, indicate(暗示)等标志性词语。解题步骤:1, 全面分析 2, 忠实原文 3, 不要选择表层信息二 推断作者观点或态度:例:But in London, dinner parties are in people

8、s homes. Not only that, the guests are an interesting mix. The last time I went to one, the guests were from France, India, Denmark and Nigeria; it was like a gathering at the United Nations. In New York the mix is less interesting. Its like a gathering at Bloomingdales, a well-known department stor

9、e. Q:What does the author think of the parties in London? A. A bit unusual. B. Full of tricks. C. Less costly. D. More interesting练一练: Why isnt your newspaper reporting any good news? All I read about is murder, bribery(行贿),and death. Frankly, Im sick of all this bad news.Q: Whats authors attitude t

10、owards the newspaper reporting? A. Complain B. Apologize C. Admiring D. Support技巧:注意作者表达感情色彩的形容词、副词、动词及所举的例子,推断出作者的弦外之音。站在作者的立场或角度思考答案。表示态度的形容词:(1)positive 积极的 (9) reserved(2)negative 消极的 (10) indifferent 漠不关心的(3) optimistic 乐观的 (11)cautious 谨慎的(4) pessimistic 悲观的 (12) surprised 惊讶的(5) objective 客观的

11、 (13)sympathize 同情的(6) subjective 主观的 (14)support 支持的(7) admiring 羡慕的 (15)doubt 怀疑的(8)critical 批评的 (16) approve 赞成的(17)ironic 讽刺的 (18)neutral 中立的三 推断写作目的:例:“Have you ever been out on a boat and felt it lifted up by a wave? Or have you jumped in the water and felt the rush of energy as waves came ove

12、r you?” asked Jamie Taylor of the Wave Energy Group at the University of Edinburgh. “There is certainly a lot of energy in waves,” he said. Q:The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to_. A. test the readers knowledge about waves B. draw the readers attention to the topic C.

13、 show Jamie Taylors importance D. invite the readers to answer them练一练: A young man from a village called Nawalapitiya married a young woman from Maliyuwa, a nearby village. They lived with the mans big family his parents, his brothers, their young wives and children. The family kept an elephant, in

14、 which the young woman soon took a great interest. Every day she fed it with fruit and sugar. Three months later the woman went back to her parents home, having quarreled(吵架) with her husband. Soon the elephant refused(拒绝) to eat or work. It appeared to be ill and heart-broken. One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house. It went to the womens home. On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. The young woman was so moved by the act of the animal that she returned to her husbands home.Q. The writer wrote the story in ord

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