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1、 Yes. you should.6.Tlie drner saw an old man lying on the side of the road.7.Tlie bus driver stopped die bus without thinking twice 8 Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the man wassa-ed by the doctors in time.9 Put a bandage on it.Key GrammarDescnbe health problems and give some advice.Ability G

2、oaLs【能力目标】l .Be able to describe health problems and give some advice.2 Enable the students to write conversations about health problems or accidents.Moral Goals【情感目标】l .Let the students know how to keep safe.2 It is important for them to keep healthy every day.Teaching Time 【课时】Five periodsPeriod 1

3、Section A( la2d)Period 2Section A(3a4c)Period 3Section B(laId)Period 4Section B (2a 3b)Period 5Self Check单元教材分析=本单元教材以Whafs the matter? ”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“身体状况”进行学习和运用几个 常见的句型:Whats the matter? I have a stoniachache./Whats the matter with Ben? He has a sore back./Do you have a fever?t./What should I do

4、? You should take your temperature./ Should I put some medicine on it? Yes you should等。让学生知道怎样表达身体的不适及正确地处理生活中的一些事情。在学习过程中,学生在交流 中,能促进师生之间的感情。Section A主要学习怎样表达身体的不适并给岀合理性的建议。应掌握句型: What I hate a stomachache Wliat should I do?等。短文Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Mail 介绍了一位公共汽车司机及乘客救一位老人的故事,增加了学生

5、的阅读量。SectionB安排了听、说、读、 写的任务,教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。课时分解.第一课时 Section A(la2d)Teaching Key Points 教学重点】The Tocabulary:matter throat, foot stomacht toothache headachei hae a stomachache, have a cold,he down, take ones temperaturet have a fever, go to a doctor I have a stomachache.2 What should I do? Sho

6、uld I take my temperature?3 I think you should 丘已 down and rest.Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】Use the target language above to talk about healtli problems and gin advice.Teaching Aids 教学工具】an English book, a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps【教学过程】Step 1 Preview and perception 【预习感知】Ask the stude

7、nts to read the vocabulary and target language.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1 一Whats die matter with her?She has a very sore t now.2 He ate too much, so he had a s 3 If you feel tired, you should 1 down and rest.4 If you (咳嗽),drink some hot tea witli honey.5. He wants to see a dentists because he has a (牙疼).St

8、ep 2 Consociation and exploration 【合作探究】Let the students read the book by themselves in order to find out the answers. They can discuss the questions in groups or ask the teacher for help.When they finish the questions, ask some students to check die answers.Step 3 Leading in【情景导入】Ask a student to a

9、ct something is wrong witli liis/ her head* And T:Help the students to answer: I have aHave die students repeat.Step 4 Pre task【准备任务】Page 1 la&lb1 Look at die picture. Write die correct letter am for each part of the body.2 Match each activity.3 Play the tape and ask the students to listen and find

10、the answers.Page 1 lc1 Focus on the conversation m the box.2 Practice reading.3 Painvork: Ask the students to look at the picture and practice in pairs like tliis:SI:s die matter?S2: I have-4. Groupwork: Divide the class mto some groups.Make conversations. She talked too much yesterday and didnt dri

11、nk enough xvater.She has a very sore throat now.S3:Step 5 Whiletask【过程任务】Page 2 2a&2b1 Play the recordmg for the first time.Students listen and number the pictures 1 5 m order.2 Check the answers.3 Play the recording a second time and say:There are five conversations.Some have some problems and die

12、others give them some advice.Listen and match the problems with the advice.Step 6 Posttask【后续任务】 2c & 2d1 Focus on the conversation in 2c & 2d.2 Practice reading.Make the students scan die conversations first.3 Teach and then make the students roleplay the conversation in pairs.4. Play the recording

13、 and ask the students to listen and repeat 2d.Step 7 Consolidation practice 【巩固练习】Look at the students book of the 1st exercise.Step 8 Summary 课堂小结】In this class we should master Mmatter, stomach, toothache, headache, have a stomachache, have a cold take ones temperanire and some sentences in target

14、 language.Step 9 Homework 【家庭作业】1 Listen to the tapes twice.2 Practice the com-ersation on Page 2, 2d.Board Design板书设计Unit 1 Whatfs the matter?Tlie first period Section A(1 a 2d)1 Key vocabulary: have a stomachache: have a cold; lie down; take ones temperature; have a fever: go to a doctor2 Target l

15、anguage:(1)Whats the matter?(2)What should I do? Should I take my temperanire?(3)1 tliHik you should lie down and rest.第二课时 Section A(3a4c)Teaching Key Points【教学重点】The vocabulary:passenger, trouble, herself, get off, to ones surprise agree to get into trouble Target language:l.Tlie dnver saw an old

16、man lying on the side of the road.The bus dnvei stopped the bus without thinknig twice.Thanks to Nfr.Wang and the passengers, the man was saved by the doctors in time.l.Use die target language above to talk about the event.2 The usage of get offt to ones surprise agree to get into trouble根据句意及汉语提示完成

17、句子。1.使他吃惊的是,他们都同意和他一起去。To his , they all go with him.2.很多人不想帮助他人,因为他们不想惹麻烦。Many people dont want to others because they don*t want to .3.看! 一个老年人在路上摔倒了。Look! Ail old mail on the road.4.他伤了自己。He hurt .Let the students read the book by themselves in order to find out the answers.They can discuss the q

18、uestions in groups or ask the teacher for help.When they finish the questions, ask some students to check die answers.Give the students 57 minutes.Ask some students to Teview the conversation they learned in last class.T: didnt go to school.WhatSs: She/He had a cold.S:Step 4 Pretask【准备任务】Page 3 3aAs

19、k die students to read die passage and guess die meanmgs of the words and phrases:passenger: herself; get off; to ones surprise; agree to: get into troublePage 3, 3b1 Pay more attention to the passage in 3a.Make the students know die meaning of the passage. 2 Make the students read agam.Aiid then fi

20、nish 3b.3 Choose one or two students to check the answers.Then ask one student to write his or her answer on the blackboard.4. Ask all the students to check the answers.Play the recording and ask the students to listen and repeat.Page 3 3cDivide the students into some groups and discuss die question

21、s in groups.And have one student in groups say his/her answer.1 Page 4, Grammar Focus(1)Review the grammar box. Work in pairs.One asks and the otlier answers.Then ask some pairs to act them out to die class.(2)Practice reading the sentences in die chart.2 Page 4, 4aAsk the students to fill ill the b

22、lanks in the conversations.If tliey don*t know the answers, they may discuss them in pairs or ask the teacher for help.Tlieii ask some students to check the answers.And practice die conversations m pairs.3 Page 4, 4bAsk the students to look at 4b, and circle the advice for tliese healtli problems.If

23、 they dont know the answers, tliey may discuss them in pairs or ask the teacher for help.Then ask some pairs to act them out to the class.4. Page 4, 4cAsk one student to mime a problem, the other students in groups guess the problem and giv已 advice like tliis: Whats the matter? Did you hurt yourself

24、 playing soccer?SI: No, I didnt. Did you fall down? Yes, I did. You should Step 7 Consolidation practice 【巩固练 Al 】 book of the 2nd exercise.Step 8 Summary【课堂小结】We ha-e learned a passage in this class.Ill the passage there are some iisefiil plirases.We should master 4kget off, to ones surprise, agree to, get into trouble* 1 Review the words and phrases in 3a.2 Retell the passage.f what should you do?2.Listen and find the answers.S

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