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2、级的教学实践,通过对所得数据进行详细对比分析及问卷调查,研究任务型语法教学的影响。第五章:总结任务型语法教学实践,指出合理的任务设计有助于激发学生的积极性,培养学生综合语言应用能力,并指出此次研究的局限性,及对未来研究提出建议。 【Abstract】 Grammar teaching has been the researchers debating topic all the time in language teaching. During the senior high school English teaching the most important purpose is to tr

3、ain the students communicative ability, which requires the process of carrying out the communicative principles. Task-based teaching fully reflects the teaching and learning process of the communication features with the students as the main body and with the overall goal to foster the students abil

4、ity to use an integrated language. The whole process of teaching is a process of completing a variety of tasks. Senior high phase of English teaching is an important process to train citizens foreign language ability. The New High School English Curriculum advocates the implementation of task-based

5、English teaching and cultivate the students integrated language application ability. Grammar knowledge is an integral part of language ability, essential to the development of basic language skills. Therefore, grammar二、文献综述(分析国内外研究现状、提出问题,找到研究课题的切入点,附主要参考文献,约2000字):本文主要涉及语法教学和任务型教学两方面的内容国外的专家和学者们对这两

6、个方面都给与了足够的重视并做了相关研究This article mainly involve two aspects of grammar teaching and task-based teaching,And to do related research In this paper, involving aspects of grammar teaching and task-based teaching foreign experts and scholars on these two aspects gave a sufficient attention and do related

7、research从范围看,任务型教学法和语法教学的研究大都集中在大学,之高或者部分城市中学,很少涉及县城中学;从应用方向看,主要涉及了任务型教学在阅读、听力和写作中的应用,对于在语法教学中采取任务型教学法的探讨则很少From the perspective, the task-based teaching and study of grammar teaching are concentrated in the university , high or part of the urban high schools , rarely involving county schools ; from

8、 the application direction , mainly related to the task-based instruction in reading, listening and writing applications, are rarely taken to task-based teaching of grammar teaching国外外语教学的历史上先后出现了许多的教学法流派,它们对语法教学的地位及作用都有各自不同的看法The history of foreign language teaching has appeared many schools of ped

9、agogy. They have their own different views on the status and role of grammar teaching.语法翻译法认为语法是外语学习的主要内容。因此,他把语法教学当做中心任务,而且,课堂上的教学活动也以掌握语法项目为直接目标,常以翻译题的形式出现Grammar Translation Method syntax is the main content of foreign language learning . Therefore, his grammar teaching as a central task , and cl

10、assroom teaching activities to master the syntax project is directly targeted , often in the form of translation problems听说法主张听说为首,但他并不反对语法教学,也主张句型的操练Heard that France advocated heard , led by , but he was not opposed to grammar teaching , also called for a sentence drilling认知法认为学校语言的目的主要是掌握语法,因而十分重

11、视语法教学,被称为现代的语法翻译法A Cognitive Approach to think that the main purpose of the school language is to master the grammar, thus attaches great importance to grammar teaching , known as the modern grammar-translation method直接法不主张直接教语法,而主张让学生事先掌握语言材料,再从所积累的感性材料中总结出语法规则,即通过归纳途径获得语法Direct method are not in f

12、avor of teaching grammar, and advocate for students to master language materials in advance , and then from the accumulation of emotional material , summed up the rules of grammar , by induction pathway syntax自然法认为语言规律是自然习得的,语法学习对语言习得的促进作用并不大Natural law that the language of the law is a natural acqu

13、isition , grammar learning role in promoting language acquisition is not任务型教学法以任务为中心组织教学,通过运用目的语执行任务,调动学习者已有的语言资源,以参与、交流、合作等学习方式,在实践中认识、运用目标语,在“做”中学,从而使学生在学习过程中发展综合运用能力。任务型教学法强调任务集中于意义而不是形式,主张任务之后再进行语法教学。Task-based teaching to task- organize teaching by using the target language to perform the task

14、to mobilize learners existing language resources , participation, communication, cooperation and learning , in practice, to recognize and use the target language , in the do secondary schools, so that students develop the ability to make comprehensive use of the learning process . The task-based tea

15、ching stressed that the task is focused on meaning rather than form , and advocate the task and then the grammar teaching .目前,国外的外语教学普遍关心学生语法意识的提高,简称CR At present, foreign language teaching abroad are generally concerned about students grammar awareness , referred to as CR。 Ruthererford和Sharwood Smi

16、th 对CR进行了明确的定义:有意识地把学习者的注意力吸引到目标语的形式特征上。 Ruthererford and Sharwood Smith, a clear definition of CR : consciously to attract the attention of the learner to the formal characteristics of the target language . Desyser, Sharwood Smith 等人把语法教学分为显性语法教学和隐性语法教学,显性语法教学根据语法系统的缩节程度和语法术语使用的多少,可分为不同语法明显度的教法,同样,

17、隐性语法教学也有各种方案,其语法隐藏度也有高低不同。通过自然习得语言显然是“隐藏性最高的语法教学,也是明显度为零的语法教学。很明显,演绎法的语法明显度高于归纳法 Desyser, Sharwood Smith , grammar teaching explicit grammar teaching and implicit grammar teaching , how many of the explicit grammar teaching according to the grammatical system of the degree of DPC and grammatical ter

18、minology used can be divided into the teachings of the different syntax obviously Similarly , the implicit grammar teaching a variety of programs , its syntax to hide the degree of high and low . Through natural acquisition of language is clearly the hidden grammar teaching , there is an obvious zer

19、o grammar teaching . Obviously , the syntax of the deductive method is significantly better than the induction国内关于语法教学,国内不少学者不仅道出了教学语法的目的,而且提出来自己的一些看法,并进行了语法教学的相关研究,为以后的语法教学提供了些许素材和参考As to grammar teaching , quite a few scholars have not only revealed the purpose of teaching grammar , but also raise

20、d some of their own views , and the study of grammar teaching grammar teaching provide a little material and reference for the future.王铭玉,贾梁豫(1999)认为教学语法的目的是:使学生能正确地掌握目的语,最终在用目的语交际时不必或基本上不依靠语法规则来表达自己的思想和理解别人的话语。换句话说,学习语法往往是为了不再依赖于语法而进行交际Wang Ming Yu , Jia Liang Yu , teaching grammar objectives are:

21、to enable students to master the target language , and ultimately in communication with the target language do not have to basically do not rely on the rules of grammar to express their ideas and understand other peoples words . In other words, the study of grammar is often no longer rely on syntax

22、to communicate胡壮麟(2000)指出如果语言教育的目的包括教会学生正确地有意义的和得当的使用英语,我们就应该把语法看做是一个理性的动态的动态系统,而不是任意规则的静态系统。Hu Zhuanglin (2000) pointed out that if the purpose of language education includes that teaching students the correct meaningful and appropriate use of English. We should see the syntax as a rational dynamic

23、 system rather than static system of arbitrary rules.贾冠杰(2003)认为外语语法学习的目的不是为了熟记外语语法的条条框框,而是为了更好地进行听、说、读、写,学习外语语法是为培养外语运用能力而服务的,是为了帮助学习者利用语言知识,提高外语的听、说、读、写。Guguan Jie (2003) foreign language grammar learning to think outside the box in order to memorize foreign language grammar , but in order to bett

24、er hear, say , reading , writing , learning a foreign language grammar and services for the training of foreign language proficiency , in order to help learners language knowledge and improve foreign language listening , speaking, reading and writing . 学语法不是为了练语法,外语语法教学就是为了让学生掌握必要的语法规则,为学生语言能力的提高打下基

25、础,为培养听、说、读、写能力服务,即语法所起的只是工具作用。Grammar is not to practice grammar , foreign language grammar teaching is to enable students to acquire the necessary grammar rules to lay the foundation for the improvement of students language ability , and for the training , speaking, reading, and writing services ,

26、ie grammar played only a tool role .邵有学(2007)对我国现阶段高校扩招后大学英语教学与中学英语教学的衔接提出了质疑,认为中学英语的语法教学没有得到应有的重视Shao school (2007) questioned the convergence of the college enrollment college English teaching and secondary school English teaching and thought that English grammar teaching in the secondary school h

27、as not been given enough attention.吴军(2009)分析了我国英语语法教学的弊端,从四个方面详细阐述了语料库在英语语法教学中的作用,最后,他还指出了利用语料库改革传统语法教学的意义Wu Jun ( 2009 ) analyzed the drawbacks of the Teaching of English Grammar , from the four aspects described in detail the role of corpora in the teaching of English grammar , and finally , he a

28、lso pointed out the significance of the corpus reform the traditional grammar teaching李双燕,马江涛(2009)就高三英语语法复习提出了几种语法教学,把建立轻松快乐、成功兴趣的学习氛围为目标,帮助学生构建语法体系。实验结果表明,高三的集中语法教学快递高校,能培养学生的自信心。Li Shuangyan, Ma Jiangtao (2009) proposed several grammar teaching, with the aim of establishing a relaxed and happy le

29、arning atmosphere to help students build the grammar system. The experimental results show that this method foster students confidence.雷敏(2010)分析了大学英语语法教学的现状,并探讨了用“浸入式”教学法进行大学英语语法教学的问题Lei Min University Teaching of English Grammar (2010) analyzed the current situation and to explore the use of immer

30、sion teaching to the teaching of college English grammar彭青青(2010)以新课程标准为背景,重新审视并探讨了小学英语的语法教学问题,建议教师用显性的语法教学来补充学生的自然地内隐学习,从而促使语言的习得。Pengqing Qing ( 2010 ) to the new curriculum standards as the background , to re-examine and explore the problem of primary school English grammar teaching , it is recom

31、mended to supplement the students naturally implicit learning , thus contributing to the acquisition of language teachers use explicit teaching of grammar .任务型教学法国内外研究Long91985)认为任务是人们为自己或为他人所做的,作为一项无偿性的或有报酬的工作。如买鞋、给小孩穿衣服等。换句话说,任务就是人们在日常生活中所做的各类事情。Long91985 ) that the task is for themselves or for others have done , as an unpaid or paid work . Such as a pair of shoes , clothes for the children . In other words, the task is done by people in everyday life all kinds of things .Richard Plat(1986)认为任务是人们在学习、理解语言之后所产生的活动。如边听边录音边画画、听指挥执行命令。Richard Adaptation of Pl

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