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1、 2007年,在中央企业第一任期业绩考核中,被评为A级,并荣获“业绩优秀企业”和“2007最具责任感企业”称号In the year 2007, it has been awarded grade A and “Excellent Enterprise” and “the most Responsible Enterprise” during the first test of state enteprises. 2007年,位列中国企业500强第23位In 2007, it has been ranked 23 in China enterprises in Top 500. 2005、20

2、07年,入选“世界著名品牌500强”In the year 2005 and 2007, it has been one of “the Famous Top 500 Brands”. 1999年,入选“中国上市公司50强” In the year 1999, it has been awarded one of “Chinas Top 50 Public Companies”. 1998年,在联合国“全球发展中国家50家最大跨国企业”评比中,中国五矿列第35 位In the year 1998, China Minmetals Corporation has ranked 35 in the

3、 comparison between the biggest 50 multinational firms in developing countries all over the world launched by the United Nations.2000-2007年中国五矿销售收入China Minmetals Corporations sales income from the year 2000 to 20071950-2007年中国五矿经营额China Minmetals Corporations operating expenditure from the year 195

4、0 to 20072007年218亿美元 $21,800,000,000 in the year 20072006年189亿美元$18,900,000,000 in the year 20062005年150亿美元$15,000,000,000 in the year 20052004年117亿美元$11,117,000,000 in the year 20042003年68.5亿美元$6,850,000,000 in the year 2005核心业务Core business黑色金属ferrous metals有色金属nonferrous metals地产开发real estate物流lo

5、gistics金融finance五矿产业园China Minmetals Industrial Park产业园概况Introduction of Industrial Park位于营口市沿海产业基地核心景观区南侧,规划总面积30.4km2,分三期开发。Located on the southern part of Yingkou Coastal Industrial Base, Minmetals Industrial Park covers a total area of 30km2, which is planned to be gradually developed according

6、to three stages.产业园规划由新加坡裕廊国际荣誉承担。裕廊国际有着十分丰富的工业园区规划经验,主持完成了新加坡裕廊化工岛、印度班加罗尔资讯走廊、中新苏州工业园区等700多个著名项目。The planning of the Park is undertaken by Singapore Yulang International, who is experienced in park planning and finished over 700 items such as Singpore Yulang Chemical Island , India Bangalore Inform

7、ation corridor, sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park and so on.发展目标:建设产业集群优化、投资环境优良、生态环境优美,具有国际竞争力的高科技金属加工及装备制造产业园。Developing goal: in an effort to establish an industrial park of hi-tech metal processing and equipment manufacture with international competitivenessand to strive for industry optimiz

8、ation, good investment environment and beautiful natural environment.发展历程Developing process2006年8月16日中国五矿与辽宁省政府签署经济技术合作框架协议On August 16th, 2006, China Minmetals Corporation signed an economical technology cooperation contract with Liaoning provincial government.2007年2月2日中国五矿与营口市政府签署协议,确定建设五矿产业园On Fe

9、bruary 2nd, China Minmetals Corporation signed an agreement with Yingkou civil government and decided to build the Industrial Park.2007年3月29日“五矿(营口)产业园发展有限公司”注册成立。On March 29th, Industrial Park development Co.,ltd was registered.2007年5月22日新加坡裕廊国际启动园区规划制订On May 22nd, Singapore Yulang International se

10、t up the planning of industrial park.2007年9月29日园区举行开工奠基典礼,与法液空、日本兼松、领锐等公司签署入园协议。On September 29th, the park had opening ceremony and signed the agreement with Air Liquid Group (France) and Kanematsu Corporation (Japan).入驻企业法国液化空气集团举行奠基仪式On September 29th, it entered Air Liquid Group (France) had ope

11、ning ceremony.发展理念Developing Idea1. 主业协同Business cooperation中国五矿集团国际领先的资源控制商优势金属生产商和流通服务商China Minmetals CorporationIntenational advanced resource controller advantage, a metal manufacturer and logostics facilitator. 五矿产业园China Minmetals Industrial Park以集团公司为依托发展装备制造、钢材精深加工、精密机械及仪表制造和新材料应用四大主导产业The

12、Industrial Park will focus on the four leading industries of equipment manufacture, steel products deep-processing, precision machinery/meter manufacture and new materials application supported by the coporation.提供上下游产业链和营销网络Provide with upper and back industry chains and selling web注入新活力 拓展新空间Put i

13、nto activity and broaden new space2. 产业集聚Industrial Agglomeration钢 铁 metal 装备制造equipment building钢材精深加工steel products deep-processing精密机械及仪表precision machinery/meter manufacture新材料应用new materials application综合工业comprehensive industry3. 区域联动Regional Interlock营口市及产业基地Yingkou city and industrial base市场

14、、信息产业、环保基础设施Market,information,environmental protection infrastructure引入知名企业,促进产业升级Bring in well-known enterprises and promite the industry提供政策支持、完善配套服务Provide policy support and perfect adequate and systematic service资源共享Resource Sharing企 业enterprise居 民inhabitant城市公共设施public accommodation园区公共设施insi

15、de public accommodation4. 生态优先Ecology Priority产业区 Industrial zone产业配套区Industrial assorted zone生活区Utility Area生态绿廊 Ecology pergola渤海湾Bay of Bohai Sea主导产业Mainly engaged in the business of 新材料应用 New material application精密机械及仪表制造Precision machinery/meter manufactureSteel products deep-processingEquipmen

16、t building现代商贸服务Modern business trade serviceLogistics产业循环关系Industry Recycle relations冶金原材料metalling raw material外部配套 outside assortation能源power原料raw material产品product零部件或设备accessories and equipment电或化石能源power and fossil energyequipment munufacturing新材料new materialprecision machinery/meter物流与商贸服务log

17、istics and business trade service危险固废 Risky solid waste一般固废Ordinary solid waste专业处理公司Professional processing company安全焚烧填埋Safety burning landfill原位再生水reuse water其他废水Other waste water污水处理厂Waste water processing factory专业水处理公司Professional water processing company其他用途Other usages自来水Dripping water海水Sea

18、water雨水rain处理processing原材料供应流Raw materail supply stream产品流Product stream服务流Service stream再生原材料供应流Reuse raw materail supply stream废物流Waste stream快速崛起的渤海明珠中国营口Yingkou,China-New Pearl of Bohai Sea环渤海中国经济增长第三引擎Circum-Bohai-Sea Region-the third engine of accerating China economy环渤海经济圈Circum-Bohai-Sea Reg

19、ion长三角经济圈Yangtze River delta economical region珠三角经济圈Pearl River delta economical region环渤海Circum-Bohai-Sea起步于21世纪 钢铁、机械、石化、电子等产业It begins at the 21st century and has steel, mechanical,oil and chemical and electronics industries.长三角Yangtze River delta1990年代起步 汽车、石化、电子信息等产业It begins at the 1990s and o

20、wns automobile, electronics, information idustries and so on.珠三角Pearl River delta1980年代起步 通讯、电子,电气机械,运输设备制造等产业It begins at the 1980s and owns coommunication, electronics, mechanical, transpotation equipment and so on.辽宁沿海环渤海经济的重要增长极Liaoning Coastal-important pole of Circum-Bohai-Sea economy京津冀经济带Bei

21、jing-Tianjin-HebeiEconomic Zone五点一线经济带Five Spots and One Line Economic Zone山东半岛经济带Shangtung Peninsula Economic ZoneGDP环渤海GDP总计:64781亿,占全国:26.3%;The total GDP of Circum-Bohai-Sea is 6,478,100,000,000, taking up 26.3% of the whole.钢steel环渤海地区钢产量2.19亿吨,占全国43%The total steel amount is 2,19 0,000 tons, t

22、aking up 43% of the whole.港口吞吐量Throughput of port环渤海拥有海岸线长5800多公里,港口吞吐量22亿吨,占全国40% ;Circum-Bohai-Sea is 5,800kms long with a throughput of 2,200,000,000 tons, 40% of the whole.原油crude oil环渤海地区原油产量6346万吨,占全国34%The output of crude oil is 63,460,000 tons, 34% of the whole.汽车automibiles环渤海地区汽车产量355万辆,占全

23、国40%The output of automobiles is 3,550,000, 40% of the whole.乙稀Ethylene乙稀生产占全国50%以上The output of Ethylene is 50% of the whole in China.五点一线辽宁对外开放的一号工程“Five Spots and One Line”-main project of Liaoning opening up 辽西锦州湾沿海经济区Liaoning Jinzhou Bay Coastal Economical Zone辽宁营口沿海产业基地Yingkou,Liaoning Coastal Industry Base大连长兴岛临港工业区Changxing Island,Dalian

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