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1、IMDG:International Maritime Dangerous Goods国际海上危险货物运输规则(国际危规)IMO:International Meteorological/Maritime Organization国际气象/海事组织IHO:International Hydrographic Organization国际水道测量组织UKHO: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office英国海道测量局MSA: Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析MSC: Maritime Safety Committee 海上安全委员会S

2、TCW: International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers 海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约SOLAS: International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea 国际海上人命安全公约MARPOL: Maritime Agreement Regarding Oil Pollution .国际防油污公约GMDSS:Global Maritime Distress and Safety System 全球海

3、上遇险与安全系统RADAR: Radio Detecting And Ranging 雷达ARPA: Automatic Radar Plotting AIDS自动雷达标绘仪IACS:International Association of Classification Societies 国际船级社协会PSC:Port State Control 港口国监督(检查)TSS:Traffic Separation Schemes 分道通航制DSC:Digital Selective Calling 数字选择性呼叫EGC: Enhanced Group Call 增强群呼VHF:Very High

4、 Frequency 甚高频货舱通风系统:Cargo Tank Ventilation System潮汐基准面:The Tides Datum分道通航制:Traffic Separation Schemes让路船:Give-way Vessel 直航船:Stand-on Vessel最概率船位:The probability of locality/The most probable rate ship position英版航海通告:Admiralty Notice to Mariners恒向线:Rhumb Line大圆航线:Great Circle Course紧急局面:An Emergen

5、cy Situation气象预报与导航:Weather Forecast and Navigation气象报告与气象定线:Weather Reports and Weather Routing避让行动:Avoidance action避碰规则:Regulations for Preventing Collisions船舶行动规则:Ship action rules海上消防:Fire-fighting at Sea英版潮汐表:Admiralty Tide Table英版灯标雾号表:Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signal锚泊与靠离泊作业1.、_A_is no

6、t a step for anchoring preparationATo take off the covers from the hawse pipes and clear the spurling pipesBTo make sure that the windlass is out of gear and the brakes are on CTo turn the windlass over slowly DTo inform the engine room to ensure that deck power and water are off2、A “Mediterranean m

7、oor” should be used when _B_ Aanchoring in the Mediterranean Bdocking stern to a berth Cdocking bow to a berth Danchoring in a strong current3、A _A_ is the intersection of the surface of a sphere球体的and a plane passing through the center of the sphereAgreat circle Bsmall circle Clarge circle Dgeneral

8、 circle4、A check line校对线is _C_AA safety line attached to a man working over the side BUsed to measure water depthCUsed to slow the headway of a barge DUsed to measure the overhead height of a bridge5、A Danforth lightweight anchor does NOT hold well in which type of bottom丹福思一个轻量级的锚不好好把握在哪种类型的底部 _B_A

9、Mud BGrass CSand DClay6、A mooring line is described as being 6x24,1-3/4 inch wire rope一个系泊浮线被描述为6 x24,1-3/4英寸钢丝绳What do the above numbers refer to _B_AStrands,yarns,circumference BStrands,wires,diameter CWires,yarns,diameter DStrands,circumference,wires7、A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will

10、 show sidelights and a sternlight _C_AWhen at anchor BOnly when making wayCAt any time when underway DOnly when the identifying lights are not being shown8、A pilot vessel on pilotage duty shall show identity lights _D_AAt any time while underway BWhile at anchor CWhile alongside a vessel DAll of the

11、 above9、A ship will always want to settle into a position where _B_Athe pivot point and point of influence of wind in are not in alignmentBthe pivot point and point of influence of wind in are in alignmentCthe point of influence of wind moves depending on the profile of the ship presented to the win

12、dDthe ship steams slowly in rough seas10、A sufficient amount of chain must be veered when anchoring a vessel to ensure _B_AThe vessel has enough room to swing while at anchor BThe anchor flukes bite into the ocean bottomCThere is a sufficient scope of chain to keep the anchor on the bottom DThere is

13、 more chain out than there is in the chain locker11、A tug is to assist in docking an oceangoing vessel on a hawserThe greatest danger to the tug is _D_AFrom the ships propeller when making up aft BFrom being overrun if making up forwardCHull damage while alongside passing a hawser DGetting in a trip

14、ping绊跌position12、A vessel brought alongside should be fended off the towing挡住了拖曳vessel by _C_Acrew members using their arms Bcrew members using the strong muscles of their legsCfenders挡泥板(fender的复数);防撞垫 Dno fending is necessary due to the rugged construction of most towing vessels13、A vessel moored

15、with two anchors,sometimes,at an exposed roadstead开淌的港外锚地to _D_AAid turning the ship BObtain a fine bearingCIncrease ship swings to wind or tide DLighten the stress of anchor chains减轻压力的锚链14、After casting off解缆moorings at a mooring buoy in calm weather,you should _AGo full ahead on the engine(s) BBa

16、ck away a few lengths to clear the buoy and then go ahead on the enginesCGo half ahead on the engines and put the rudder hard right DGo half ahead on the engines and pass upstream of the buoy15、All the following is true except that _B_Ain many places a counter current flows in opposition to the main

17、 current close to the bankBcurrent can vary with depth of water and large deep draught ships can experience different current effects at differing parts of the hull tend to turn to the wind电流可以随深度变化的水和大型深吃水船可以体验不同的电流效应在不同部位的船体往往会用风 Cas speed is reduced,the increased proportion of the ships vector wh

18、ich is attributable to current will set the ship close to obstructionsDwhen close to the berth in a head current,there is a danger that flow inshore of the ship becomes restricted and the ship is subject to interactive forces16、Before letting the anchor go,you should check that the _D_AChain is clea

19、r BAnchor is clear of obstructions CWildcat is disengaged DAll of the above117、Consideration should be given in planning for the mooring orientation in a new location so that in adverse weather a crane is available to off-load the supply vessel on what side of the unit _B_AWeather side BLeeward side

20、背风面 CUpwind side逆风侧 DCrosswind side18、Conventional anchors are least likely to hold in a bottom consisting of _C_Asoft clay Bhard mud Cvery soft mud Dsand19、Galvanizing would not be suitable for protecting wire rope镀锌不适合用于保护钢丝绳which is used for _A_ACargo runners BMooring wires CShrouds DStays20、If a

21、 ship has sternway,with accommodation block aft,she may settle with the wind _D_Aon her beam Bon her stern Con her bow Dbroad on the quarter沿海与大洋航行1、_D_ is not a type of IALA maritime buoyage systemAspecial marks Bisolated danger marks Ccardinal marks Dfore and aft marks2_B_ is prohibited in this ar

22、eaAAnchor BAnchoring CAnchored DBeing anchored3、A head on situation shall be deemed to exist at night when a power-driven vessel sees another power-driven vessel ahead and _D_ AOne sidelight and the masthead light are visible BThe vessels will pass closer than half a mileCBoth vessels sound one prol

23、onged blast DBoth sidelights and masthead light(s)are visible4、A sailing vessel shall not impede the safe passage of a _D_ Apower-driven vessel following a traffic lane Bpilot vessel enroute to a pilot station Claw enforcement vessel DAll of the above5、A traffic separation zone is that part of a tra

24、ffic separation scheme which _D_Ais between the scheme and the nearest land Bcontains all the traffic moving in one directionCis designated as an anchorage area Dseparates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding in the opposite direction6、A vessel may enter a traffic separation z

25、one _D_Ain an emergency Bto engage in fishing within the zoneCto cross the traffic separation scheme DAny of the above7、A essel navigate in areas near the termination of traffic separation schemes shall do _D_ with particular caution Ait Bthat Cthis Dso8、A vessel shall not _D_ Aenter the traffic sep

26、aration zone in an emergency Bcross a traffic laneCengage in fishing in the separation zone Dproceed in an inappropriate traffic lane9、A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid _C_ in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near its terminations Asailing Bproceeding Canchoring Dmaneuvering10、A vess

27、el using a traffic separation scheme shall normally join or leave a traffic lane at the _C_ of the lane Aended Bterminative Ctermination结束,终止 Dside11、A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable _C_ a traffic separation line or separation zoneAkeep well clear Bkeep very far

28、 Ckeep clear of Dkeep clear from12、A wedge of water building up between the bow and nearer bank which forces the bow out and away describes _A_ABank cushion BBank suction CCombined effect DBend effect13、If obliged to cross traffic lanes,a vessel shall do so on a heading as nearly as practicable _C_

29、to the general direction of traffic flowAat small angle Bat large angle Cat right angle成直角 Din same direction as14、In regions where ice conditions prevail in the winter,_B_Athe lantern panes of unattended lights may not become covered with ice or snowBthe lantern panes of unattended lights may becom

30、e covered with ice or snow灯笼的窗格的无人值守灯光可能成为覆盖着冰雪Cice or snow is likely caused colored Dthe white lights are likely caused to appear colored15、In the absence of a route leading from seaward,the conventional direction of buoyage generally follows _B_ Aan anti-clockwise direction around land masses Ba clockwise

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