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牛津译林版九年级上册 Unit8Reading 学案文档格式.docx

1、The vital clue to the killers identity was his nickname, Peanuts. 关于杀手身份的重大线索是他的绰号花生。not have a clue 一无所知 Where does the train leave? I havent a clue.Give me a clue. What does it begin with? 给我点提示。是什么开头?例题训练:他们正在检查现场,查找更多有助于侦破此案的线索。(16-17竹西期末)_答:They are now checking the scene for more clues which w

2、ill help solve the case.4.missing/ms/缺少的;丢失的My food has gone missing.miss v. 错过 go missing=be lost 不见了,丢了 例:You may miss the chance to go abroad for further study.My bike has gone missing. =My bike has been lost.我的自行车丢了。 n. 过失,失误 A miss is as good as a mile. adj. 缺少的,丢失的 missing 近义词:lost The boy fin

3、ally found his missing /lost dog.They are looking for the missing/lost boy. 他们正在寻找那个丢失的男孩儿。 用法拓展: lost 是动词lose(丢失) 的过去分词形式,相当于形容词,表示“丢失的” 例:I found my lost watch on my way home. gone是动词go的过去分词,相当于形容词,表示“失去的” 例:His computer has gone.Im sure that beef will go _in _hot weather. (九上第三次月考-梅岭18-19)A.bad;

4、so B. badly; so C. bad; such D. badly; suchC5.murderm:d(r)/*谋杀,陷害A young man was murdered.murder n.谋杀案 v.谋杀(注意常考被动) murder n. 谋杀案 murder n谋杀 be charged with murder 被指控谋杀 murder v. 谋杀 One day a young man was murdered in the forest.murderer n. 杀人犯The police found out the murderer at last. 警方最终查明了凶手。mu

5、rderess n. 女凶手There happened three _ last month. (谋杀)(网摘)murders6.suspect/sspekt/*犯罪嫌疑人课本例句:We have four suspects.We have made notes on all of them.suspect n.嫌疑犯 v. 怀疑;猜想suspect n. 嫌疑犯 He is a prime suspect in the murder case. 他是这次谋杀案的只要怀疑对象。 v. 有某种想法;怀疑 suspect sb(of sth./ doing sth.)怀疑某人有某罪Who do

6、the police suspect (of the crime)? 警方怀疑谁(作的案)? What made you suspect her of having taken the money? adj. 不可信的 His statements are suspect. 他的说法靠不住。 The car has a suspect tyre. 这辆车的轮胎有问题。例句拓展:make notes on sb. 对某人做笔录 We have made notes on the four suspects.我们已经对四个嫌疑犯做了笔录。take notes in class 课堂上记笔记 例题训

7、练:I _ what she said to be a lie. (怀疑)(网摘) likely towho do you think is most likely to be the murderer. 你认为谁最有可能是凶手likely adj. 可能的 be likely to do sth./thatIt is likely to rain. 有可能要下雨。 She is very likely to ring me tonight. 她今晚可能给我打电话。The young man with long yellow hair is most _ the mu

8、rderer.(辅导书) A. like to be B. to be like C.likely to be D. to be likely8.untidy/ntad/不整洁的.of medium height and untidy.untidy adj. 不整洁的 tidy adj.干净的 tidily adv.整齐地 tidiness n.整齐make our classroom clean and tidy 使教室干净整洁put his cloths away tidily 把衣服整齐地放好 offersafety,clearness,tidiness给予安全、清洁、整齐The cla

9、ssroom looks_(整洁)and the teacher is very angry.(16-17树人期末)untidy9.guiltylt/*有罪的They all say that theyre not guilty.guilty adj. 有罪的,内疚的be guilty of sth. 犯有(的罪)plead guilty 服罪 They were found guilty of murder. 他们犯有谋杀罪。 I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely. 我因极少去看她而感到羞愧。 She looked up guiltily as

10、 I came in. Do you know the young man was charged _shoplifting?:(16-17扬大附东期末) But I dont think he is guilty_ that crime. A. for; of B. with; of C. of; with D. with; forB10.truth/tru:/事实,真相Who do you think is not telling the truth.true adj.真的,忠实的 truth n. 真相 truly adj.真正地 tell the truth Without hard

11、work, your dream will hardly come true.To tell the truth, he is getting on really well with his classmates.He knew he had behaved badly and he seemed truly sorry.too good to be true 好得难以置信Yours truly 此致;你忠实的(私人但礼貌的)疑问词+ do you think +陈述句语序Howlong do you think he has been asleep?-Two and a half hours

12、 Whodo you think will get the nice present?To tell the _ (true) I dont like the drinks in that cafe(17-18竹西期末)truth11.guess/es/猜,猜测I guess Jimmy White is lying.guess vt. 猜,猜测你怎么也猜不出它值多少钱。_Youll never guess how much it cost. 12.lie/la/说谎 lie v. 说谎 过去式lied, 过去分词lied 现在分词lyingWe all think he is an hone

13、st boy, because he never lies to us. The father was very angry because his son lied to him this morning. She lied about her age in order to get the job. v. 躺 过去式lay, 过去分词lain 现在分词lying The little boy caught a bad cold, he lied in bed and slept for almost ten hours.People were sitting in chairs or ly

14、ing on the floor. 人们或坐或躺。 v. 位于 例:Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。In the middle of the city lie the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. n. 谎话,谎言 tell lies lay,v,下蛋;放置 过去式laid 过去分词laid 现在分词laying Reading1.confirm/knf:m/*证实,确认The police have confirmed that the victim was a computer engine

15、er. confirm v. 证实;证明 confirm sth. 证实某事 be confirmed 被证实Thiscould notbeconfirmed,butwhat wascertainwas thathiseffortswere too little, toolateforsomeofsons. 这则消息还没有被证实,但是可以确定的是他的努力对他的几个儿子来说已经太迟太微小了。confirm that+从句 You canconfirmthatfor yourself at home. The experiment _mytheory.(证实)(网摘) confirmed2.cri

16、me/kram/*犯罪活动;罪行They are still working at the scene of the crime to find out.crime, n. 罪;罪行 commit a serious crime 犯重罪 n犯罪活动(不可数) 例:The police prevent and detect crime. 警察防止和侦破犯罪活动。a crime 罪过例:Its a crime to waste money like that. 那样浪费金钱是一种罪过。用法拓展:criminal adj. 犯罪的;不道德的 n. 犯人,罪犯 criminallaw 邢法 Inter

17、nationalCriminalCourt 国际刑事法院 criminal case 犯罪案件 criminal record 犯罪记录 A group of gunmen attacked a prison and set free nine criminals. 一伙持枪歹徒袭击了一所监狱并放走了9名罪犯。Theytreatmeas ifI wereacriminal. 他们竟然把我当作罪犯看待!He was put into prison because he was one of the main_ (罪犯) in this case. (邗实)criminals3.somewhere

18、smwe(r)/在某处.whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to West Town, or killed at the place where he was found.somewhere adv. 在某处; 到某处 常用于肯定句中。如果期望对方给予肯定回答时, 它也可以用于疑问句中。Jack must be playing somewhere on the playground. Where is my English book, Dad? (18-19竹西期末)It must be _ in your

19、 studyLook for it carefullyAeverywhere Bnowhere Csomewhere DanywhereC 4.wound/wand/使受伤The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. wound n. 创伤;伤口 v.使.受伤 be wounded 被弄伤了wound vt. 使受伤 be wounded (利器或者子弹造成的伤害,多在战争中,事故中则用 be injured, hurt 可指和 injure一样的伤或者是轻的疼痛)A bomb exploded in a

20、hotel, killing six people and wounding another five. 一颗炸弹在一家旅馆爆炸,致6人死亡、另5人受伤。wound n. 创伤; 伤害; 伤口 receive two bullet wounds 中了两颗子弹 a wound to his pride 对他自尊心的伤害 The wound is healing nicely and the patient is healthy. Peeling backtrouser leg, heshowedthedoctor thewound.他把裤腿翻起来,给医生看伤口。Dont rub salt int

21、o her wounds, shes already so miserable.别在往她伤口上撒盐了,她已经够惨了。 wounded n. 伤员 the wounded (pl) The hospital is full of the sick and wounded. 医院里挤满了伤病员。 wounded adj. 受伤的 Luckilyhewasnot veryseriouslywounded.The thief _ her in the arm with his knife. (使.受伤)(网摘)wounded5.bleed/bli:d/*流血,出血 bleed v. 流血 (bled,

22、 bled) - blood n.血 bleed to death流血至死 (to是介词) be burnt to death 被烧死nosebleed/nosebleeds 流鼻血fighttogether, andbleedtogetherundersame proudflag 在同一面骄傲的旗帜下一起战斗、一起流血 NoahknockedintonoseandIthought itwouldbleed. 诺亚撞到了我的鼻子,我还以为会流血。那位衬衫上有血迹的售货员因谋杀案而被捕。(16-17树人期末)The man with blood on his shirt was under ar

23、rest/ arrested/ caught for the murder.6.enemy/enmi/仇人,敌人,反对者The police are also wondering if the victim had any enemies.enemy n. 敌人;仇人 复数形式是:enemiesmake an enemy of sb 表示“与某人为敌”He has a lot of enemies in his company. 他在公司里有很多对头。After just one day, she had already made an enemy of her manager. 刚过一天,她

24、就开始和她的经理为敌了。Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests. 鸟类是许多害虫的天敌。He has made a lot of because of his way of working. (enemy)(16-17扬州市直期末) 答:7.singlesl/单身的,单个的He was single. single,n, 单个,单身 plural,n,复数Shedecidedtoremain (单身).(17-18梅岭期末)single8.charge/t:d/*指控,控告He was charged with breaking i

25、nto several computer systems over the last yearcharge v. 1).指控 charge sb. with . 控告某人犯有(某种罪行) 例:The police charged him with theft/murder.警方指控他犯盗窃罪/谋杀罪。So far,hasnotbeenchargedwithanycrime.目前为止,他还没有因任何不法行为受到起诉。2).要价 charge me 2 dollars for a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡要了我2美元How much do you charge for mending shoes? 修鞋多少

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