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1、 red cat , green hat . Red cat , gren hat .三 课后作业 1、自制生词卡片,看谁的卡片做的最好2、把自己做的卡片展示给爸爸妈妈看并且要一一读给爸爸妈妈听并解释.Unite 3 look at your red nose一、本单元教学目标:语言目标类别语言项目要求词汇Biue,leg,mouth,nose,yellow,orange,pig听得懂,会说,会读句型Look at 歌谣Red and yellow ,green and blue .会读功能引导别人看某样东西 应用目标1、在图片或事物的帮助下指认身体的各部位2、能听音猜物、看部分猜整体二、课堂

2、练习 读一读Hello ! hello !Hello to you!Hi! Hi! hi to you !画一幅人的画部画并用英文标出各个器官的名称Unit 4 Thank you, Mum!Boy,sun,table,umbrella,king,queen.1、Thank you !2、Happy birthday !1、king queen king 2、sun table umbrella表达祝福以及表示感激1、在现实生活中指认物品2、在所创设的情境中表达祝愿及对别人的帮助表示感激3、在老师的教导下做一个懂礼貌的好孩子二 课堂练习1play the game : 把班级分成两个小组进行单

3、词比赛2请代表朗读歌谣1king queen king boy and girl king queen king boy and girl2sun table sun table sun table umbrella.三 课后作业1、读生词2、用本单元学过的句型与搭档对话Unite 5 Look ! The zoo !Monkey,panda,zebra,zoo,violin,window,Xylophone./ABC歌会唱能表达各种动物的名称及乐器在日常生活中能用英语向他人介绍各种动物以及乐器3、学唱ABC歌4、填空Pan_a mon_ey w_ndow ze_ra vi_lin z_o x

4、_lophone复习课堂上学过的知识Unite 6 This is my family.Family,mum,dad,sister,brother,friendWhats=what is my names=my name is1、This is 2、Whats your name ?/my name is Whats your name ?能简单的向别人介绍你的家人询问别人的名字以及告诉别人自己的名字1、能在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关家庭成员的词汇2、 能对家庭有正确认识,培养孩子对家庭的热爱1、我爱写句子Family mum dad sister brother friend例句:fa

5、mily this is my family .3、对话表演情景 你和你的家人在路上碰到了你的同学,然后你向你的同学介绍你的家人情景 开学第一天,你有了很多的新同学,你们相互询问名字及回答Unit 7 Happy birthday!Bike,car,doll,robot,train,vanIts=it is it isnt=it is notIs it .Yes ,it is /no , it isnt.询问并回答某东西是什么三 课堂练习1、仿照例子写句子Bike car doll robot train vanbike its a bike .2、把下列句子中的缩写改写成完整的版本its a

6、 trian it isnt a doll 3its an insect4 it isnt an orange 4、课后作业编歌谣Unite 8 Thats my book一、本单元教学目标Book,pen,pencil,pencil case,rubber,ruler,school bag-is this ./is that-yes,it is/no,it isntThats my school bag 向他人询问远处的东西是什么1、能在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关学习用品的词汇2、 培养孩子对学习的热爱1、写句子A Book this is this is a book.a pen t

7、hat is a pencil this isnt a pencil case that isnt 2、根据单词写问句并回答Rubber is that a rubber? Yes ,it is .Rulerschool bag朗诵歌谣:thats my school bagIts red and blue.Sorry! Here you areThank you Unite 9 Whats this ,Mum ?Bone,hamburger,salad,sausage,tomato,pizza-what is it ?-it is 询问并回答某物是什么1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关食

8、品的单词2、能在所创设的情境中谈论有关饮食的话题1、把下列句子中的缩写部分写完整(1)whats that?(2) its a sausage.(3)it isnt a sausage.(4)thats a tomato.2、根据问题及所给的单词写回答insect, whats this ? it is an insect .(1)Sausage, whats that ?(2)Tomato what is it ?(3)Pizza what is this?(4) Bone whats this ?1、大声的朗读生词2、用本单元的句型编对话Unite 10 Im ten !One,two,t

9、hree,four,five,Six,seven,eight,nine,ten-how old are you ?-Im 1、给下列句子加上标点符号。(1) I m ten _ (2) you arent five_(3)are you ten _ (4)whats your name _(5)its a bone_ (6)are you nine _ yes,I am _2、连线Four six nine eight one six two seven three five ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10仿照例句改写句子:例子:Im six . I am six .Your

10、e seven .Im not ten .You arent eight. Im five.Unite 11 Flora is tall . Tall ,short, big littlefat ,thin-is he/she ?-yes, he/she is或no,he/she isnt.描绘人物的外貌特点1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关人外貌特点的词汇2、能描述所见的人的外形方面的特点1、仿照例句重写句子flora is tall Flora is tall. he is very little . he isnt fat . is he short ? is max tall ?2

11、、用缩写形式重写句子。如:He is tall. Hes tall . she is not little .max is not fat .he is very short .peg is not tall .把下列词组合成句子。例:flora tall? Is Is flora tall ?short ? is robert fat ?is mum big ?is Dan fat is kim ?Unite 12 Im a doctor Dancer,doctor,nurse,policeman Policewoman,postman,teacher-are you ?-yes, I am

12、或no,I am not.Are you a doctor?询问或谈论他人的职业1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关职业的词汇2、能对相关职业有正确的认识,初步形成职业理想。3、能在所创设的情境或联想猜物、猜职业竞赛等游戏环节中与同伴谈论人物职业话题。1、填空(1) p_s_m_n (2) p_l_c_m_n(3) d_c_o_ (4)n_r_e(5)t_a_h_r (6)d_n_e_2、仿照例句重写句子he is a teacher. He is a is a dog .pop is a panda.she isnt a nurse.are you a policem

13、an?(5)is max a monkey ?诵读歌谣:Are you a doctor ? Yes I am .yes,I am .Are you a teacher ? No ,Im not . Are you a doctor ? Yes I am .Unit 13 This is his rabbit Frog,mouse,parrot,rabbit,tortoise -What is it?-Its 询问物品及其名称1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握动物的词汇2、能在所创设的情境运用所学对话。(1) fr_g (2) m_u_e(3) p_r_o_ (4)r_b_it(5)t_r_o

14、_se This is a mouse. Thiss a is a rabbit .Tim is a tortoise.its mouth is little. its name is Fred.what its name ?Unit 14 what colour is your T-shirt? Anorak,cap,T-shirt, shirt, sweater-What colour is your?-Its 或者My is询问物品颜色1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握衣服及回顾颜色的词汇2、能在所创设的情境中灵活运用所学对话。(1) c_p (2) s_i_t(3)

15、a_o_a_ (4)T-_h_rt(5)s_e_t_r 2 根据问题及所给的单词写回答yellow, what colour is your cap ? My cap is, what colour is your shirt ?green what colour is your sweater?blue what colour is your anorak ? white what colour is your T-shirt?My cap is red.Your cap is yellow.His shirt is green.Her T-shirt isnt yel

16、low.What colour is your T-shirt.My T-shirt is yellow.Unite 15 Where is my bone ? Behand,in,in front ofon,under-where is ?询问某物在哪里描述某物的位置1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握表示位置的介词2、能对方位有正确的认识。3、能在具体的情境中正确的表达物体的位置(1)s_s_t_r (2)p_n_i_(3)b_k_ (4)s_l_d(5)b_h_n_d (6)u_d_r(1)Im a kangaroo in a zoo. (2) Im a panda. I am in a zoo ,too!(3) Im a goose on a stool in a school.its cool !仿照例句写句子behind its the car . its behind the car .the bone ?where is its the school bag in front of it? Where is under its the table .

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