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119The One Where the Monkey Gets AwayWord格式文档下载.docx

1、因为在哪儿还有免费的咖啡? Oh. Right. .Oh great.哦,是啊。哦,太好了。 What is it?那是什么? Country club newsletter. My mother sends me the engagement notices for inspiration.Oh my God! Oh my God, its Barry and Mindy!Country club newsletter:乡村俱乐部的每日公报 country: 乡村,农村 club: 俱乐部 newsletter: 时事通讯 send: 送给,传,寄 engagement:订婚 notice:

2、通知 inspiration: 鼓舞;激励乡村俱乐部的每日公报。为了鼓励我,我妈寄来通知有人要订婚了.噢,我的天! 我的天哪。是Barry and Mindy. Barry who you almost.?Barry,你几乎. Barry who I almost.Barry,我几乎. And Mindy, your maid of.?Mindy,你的伴娘? Mindy, my maid of. Oh!Mindy,我的伴娘. (Takes it) let me see. Thats Mindy? Wow, she is pretty. pretty: 漂亮的我看看.那是Mindy? 她真漂亮.

3、(Sees -Rachels look)Lucky. To have had a friend like you. Now its quiet time.她真幸运有你这样的朋友.现在是静默时间。 -Monica and -Rachels, -Rachel and -Ross are eating Chinese Food.-Ross: Marcel. Bring me the rice, cmon. Bring me the rice, cmon. Good boy. Good boy. Cmere, gimme the rice. (Marcel brings the rice) Thank

4、 you, good boy.bring: 带来 rice: 米饭 cmon: =come on gimme: = give me 或 give it to me Marcel,拿饭给我,快 拿饭给我,快 好小子,好小子,把饭给我。谢谢,真乖.Well, I see hes finally mastered the difference between bring me the and pee in the. (-Rachel ignores him) Bring me the and- Rach?finally: 最后,最终 master: 精通;掌握 pee: 小便他终于能分辨”拿来”和”

5、尿在”的差别了。”拿来”和 Rach,怎么啦? What?什么? Hi.嗨。 Oh, Im sorry. Oh, this is so stupid! I mean, I gave Barry up, right? I should be happy for them! I am, Im happy for them.stupid: 愚蠢的,笨的 mean: 意思是 give up: 放弃抱歉,我真是太笨了. 我是说,是我不要Barry的,对吧?我应该为他们高兴,我真为他们高兴. Really.真的? No. Oh, oh, I guess it would be different if I

6、 were- with somebody.guess: 猜测不.我想如果我和别人在一起就不同了. Whoah, uh, what happened to, uh, Forget relationships! Im done with men! The whole, uh, penis embargo?happened to: 发生 relationship: 关系 be done with:不再同打交道 penis: 阴茎 embargo: 封港令,禁运你不是说要忘了那段感情, 不再和男人在一起, 厌恶男人吗? Oh, I dont know. I guess its not about no

7、 guys, its about the right guy, you know?right: 适当的;合适的我不知道.我想这不是没有男人的问题,而是合适男人的问题.I mean, with Barry, it was safe and it was easy, but there was no heat. heat: 强烈的感情,激情我的意思是和Barry在一起安全自在,没有激情.With Paolo, thats all there was, was heat! And it was just this raw, animal, sexual.raw: 原始的 animal: 动物的,野兽

8、的 sexual: 性的和Paolo在一起就充满激情,如野兽般原始的性爱. Wait-wait. I, I got it. I was there.好了,我懂了,我看过你们两个在一起的样子. Well, I mean, do you think you can ever have both? You know? Someone whos like, whos like your best friend, but then also can make your toes curl?curl your toes: 使你充满激情 curl: 卷曲你认为我能两者同时拥有吗?找到一个能当知己,又能让我感

9、受到激情的人? Yes. Yes. Yes! Yes, I do.I really do! In fact, its funny, very often, someone who you wouldnt think could-could curl your toes, might just be the one who.funny:滑稽的,有趣的 might: 可能,也许是呀,我也这么认为.我真的这么认为。其实说来好笑,时常你认为无法让你感受到激情的人却是(Enter the other four) .Gets interrupted. Hi!interrupte:打断(阻止)被打断了。 H

10、i, how was the movie?电影如何? Wonderful!wonderful: 极好的,精彩的很不错!-Phoebe: So good!妙极了!-Joey: Suck-fest.suck: 恶心 fest:节日,集会 suck-fest:suck。逊毙了。-Chandler: Total chick-flick.chick-flick:所谓的文艺片,以女性为主题 根本是小妞们看的嘛 I-Im sorry it wasnt one of those movies with, like, you know, guns and bombs and, like, buses going

11、 really fast.gun: 枪,炮 bomb: 炸弹真遗撼不是枪林弹雨,公车速度奇快的那种电影. Hey, I dont need violence to enjoy a movie. Just so long as theres a little nudity.violence: 暴力 so long as: 只要 nudity:裸体暴力并不能吸引我,只要有裸体镜头我就满足了. There was nudity!那电影也有裸体镜头 I meant femalenudity. Alright? I dont need to see Lou Grant frolicking.female

12、: 女(性)的 alright: (=all right)好吧 【Lou Grant是The Mary Tyler Moore Show的续集,于1977年9月份在CBS上首次播出。这个系列剧对前一集来了个彻底的颠覆,因为它事实上属于戏剧体裁。】 frolicking: 嬉闹我是指女生的裸体镜头.我不爱看Lou Grant的春宫.-Monica and Phoebe: Hugh! Hugh Grant!【Hugh Grant休格兰特,英国著名影星。】休葛兰特。 Alright, Ive got go. Cmon, Marcel! Cmon! Were gonna go take a bath.

13、 Yes we are, arent we? Yes, we are. gonna=going to 好吧,我得走了。走吧,Marcel,快,我们去洗澡. 我们是去洗澡,对不对? 对. Theyre still just friends, right?他们只是朋友吗? (To Marcel) And I will see you tomorrow!明天见。 Thats right, youre gonna spend tomorrow at Aunt -Rachels, arent you.对,你明天要到-Rachel阿姨家. Oh, hang on, hang on. Does Aunt -

14、Monica get a say in this?say: 说话的机会哦,等等,等等。-Monica阿姨能说句话吗?Please, Aunt -Monica, please? Oh, unclench. Youre not even gonna be there.unclench: 松开,弄开 clench:紧握Monica阿姨请说. 别紧张了,你不会在这儿的. Joe-Gs Pizza, the guys are there. I cant believe we are even having this discussion.believe: 相信 discussion: 讨论我无法相信我们

15、竟在讨论此事 I agree. Im, like, in disbelief.agree: 同意 disbelief: 不相信我同意,我也无法相信 I mean, dont you think if things were gonna happen with Rachel, they wouldve happened already?happen with: 发生,这里指与-Rachel相爱 already:已经你不认为,如果你和-Rachel会爱情产生的话, 还会一直拖到现在吗?m telling you, she said shes looking for a relationship w

16、ith someone exactly like me.look for: 寻找 relationship: 关系 exactly: 精确地,正是告诉你,她说她在寻找像我这样的人. She really said that?她真的这样说? Well, I added the exactly like me part. But she said shes looking for someone, and someone is gonna be there tonight.add: 增加 tonight: 今晚“像我这样”是我自己加的. 她说她在寻找某人,而此人今晚就会出现.Tonight ton

17、ight?今天晚上? Well, I think its perfect. Yknow, its just gonna be the two of us, she spent all day taking care of my monkey.perfect: 完美的,理想的 spent: spend的过去式和过去分词, 花费(时间、精力等) take careof: 照顾这样最好不过了.因为只有我们两个,她整天都在照顾我的猴子.t remember the last time I got a girl to take care of my monkey.remember: 记得 我早已忘记哪个

18、女人照顾过我的猴子. Anyway, I figured after work I would go pick up a bottle of wine, go over there and, uh, try to woo her.figure: 认为,打算 wine: 酒,葡萄酒 woo: 求爱, 追求总之下班后我要去买瓶酒,去向她”示爱”. Hey, you know what you should do? You should take her back to the 1890s, when that phrase was last used.phrase: 短语 【woo这个词是古语】

19、last:最后的,末尾的知道你该怎么做吗? 你应该带她回到用”示爱”的十九世纪去.s, -Rachel is taking care of Marcel and they are watching a soap opera.soap opera:肥皂剧-Dr. Francis:If you keep this up,youll be finished by the weekend.如果你继续这样,我发誓这星期内你就可以和这个混蛋结束。 Now, now the one in the feather boa, thats Dr. Francis. Now, she used to be a ma

20、n. Okay, now look, see, theres Raven. We hate her. Were glad shes dying. Okay- feather boa: 女用长围巾 used to be: 过去是 hate : 恨,厌恶 dying: 垂死的围羽毛围巾的是法博土,她曾是个男人. 出现了蕾文,我们讨厌她,真高兴她就快死了.(Marcel pushes down a cushion to reveal a shoe) Wh- wh- Marcel, are you playing with Monicas shoes? You know youre not suppo

21、sed to pl- whoah. Marcel, did you poo in the shoe?cushion: 垫子 reveal: 显示, 使露出 play with: 玩弄 be supposed to: 应该 poo: 拉屎什么? Marcel,想玩-Monica的鞋吗? 你不能玩 Marcel,你在鞋里大便?(Takes the shoe into the kitchen) Marcel, bad monkey! Oh! Oh,God! (She notices the newsletter and taps the contents of the shoes onto it,

22、then folds it shut) Sorry, Barry. A little engagement gift. Im sure you didnt register for that. kitchen: 厨房 notice: 注意 tap: 轻打 the contents of the shoes: 鞋子的内部 fold: 折叠 shut:关闭的 gift: 礼物 engagement: 订婚 register:登记Marcel,坏猴子. 哦,天啊!抱歉,Barry,一份小小的订婚礼物,我相信你没登记.(She leaves the apartment holding the news

23、letter at arms length. However, she leaves the door open. Marcel runs out in the opposite direction. There is a shot from the TV and -Rachel runs back in) hold the newsletter at arms length:拿着请贴离自己一臂之远 length: 长度 leave open:让开着 opposite: 相反的 direction: 方向 shot: 射击声Who died? Who died? Roll him over!

24、Oh, come on, roll him over! Oh.! Well, we know it wasnt Dexter, right Marcel? Because- (Looks down and notices he is missing) Marcel? Marc- (Notices the open door)died: die的过去式,死亡 roll him over 将他翻过身来 missing:失踪的谁死了? 谁死了? 翻过去, 翻过去。哦,好吧,我们知道不是Dexter,对吧,Marcel?因为Marcel? Marc-Time lapse. Now everyone b

25、ut -Ross and Phoebe is back at -Monica and -Rachels.lapse: (时间的)流逝 How could you lose him?lose: 丢失你怎会把它弄丢了呢?t know. We were watching TV, and then he pooped in Monicas shoe.天晓得.我们正在看电视,它在-Monica的鞋内大便. Wait. He pooped in my shoe? Which one?等一下。它在我的鞋里大便? 哪一双?t know. The left one.我不知道,左脚 Which ones?是哪一双

26、? Oh. Oh, those little clunky Amish things you think go with everything.lunky :笨拙的 go with:搭配你觉得搭配什么都好看的阿米许鞋。 (Entering) Hey. 嘿。-All: Whoah, ooh, why is the air in here so negative?negative: 消极的哦,为何一片愁云惨雾? -Rachel lost Marcel.Rachel把Marcel弄丢了. Oh no, how?不会吧,怎么丢的? He- he pooped in my shoe.它在我鞋里大便。哪个? Those cute little black ones I wear all the time.我常穿的那只可爱黑鞋。-Ph

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