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1、 Good morning, Miss Ogden. To MISS DIETRICH Good morning, Miss Dietrich. MISS OGDEN : Sit down, my child. Weve something to tell you. But I must ask you to promise me not to tell anyone yet.MANCY: I wont, Miss Ogden. Miss Dietrich, will you explain why we wanted to see Nancy Lee?MISS DIETRICH : Yes,

2、 Miss Ogden. Nancy Lee, your picture has won the Artist Club award. Unable to believe her ears, because the news seems too good to be true. The award? Oh, Miss Dietrich! its a great honor, Nancy Lee. They shake hands. Im sure this will be great news to my mother she has been saving every cent to sen

3、d me to an art school. Youll have famous painters for teachers and become a real artist yourself. Accept my congratulations, Nancy. Were so proud of you. Listen , Nancy Lee, the Committee will be here tomorrow morning. You will have to make a speech of thanks, Nancy, when the award is given you. Do

4、I have to make a speech before all those important people? Oh, I couldnt! Dont get over-excited. Think of what you are going to say. May I ask Mother to come with me? Your mother? Oh, I dont know. It might be Im sure Nancy can invite her mother. After all All right, Ill think it over. You may go now

5、, Nancy Lee, and remember to get your speech ready. I will, Miss Ogden. To MISS DIETRICH Miss Dietrich, you taught me how to draw, and I really feel most grateful to you. Goes out. A very sweet girl, isnt she? I hope the Committee wont change its mind. I hop nothing will happen before Nancy gets the

6、 scholarship. I hope not. Taking Nancys picture its just a simple scene in the city park. The grass fresh and green, a flag on a tall pole in the center, children playing, and a Negro Woman looking at it with so much hope! It seems Nancy is very proud of her people. Proud of being an American, Miss

7、Dietrich. I hope shell always feel like a daughter of American, and not like a stepchild. I hope so too! ( End of scene 1)2) 全文译文: 艺术奖学金 第一场 费城,萨默西特中学校长办公室。 幕启。校长奥格登小姐坐在办公桌旁。年青教师迪特里希坐在壁炉旁的扶手椅上。奥格登小姐兴致勃勃地在看一幅水彩画。奥格登小姐: 这是一幅相当好的画,不是吗?迪特里希小姐,我真应该向你祝贺。你有一个聪明的学生。她叫什么名字?迪特里希小姐: 南茜李约翰逊。这个姑娘的确有绘画才能。其他学科也不错。

8、(看表)现在她该来了。 我晓得,姑娘们对这个女孩非常友 好。 为什么她们不能跟她友好呢? 真的,为什么不呢?当然,我就不允许在我的学校里有种族歧视存在。不过,你知道,那些愚蠢的偏见一直存在。 奥格登小姐,我真不知道这种情况要持续多久?太不像话了。(敲门声) 嘘!她来了!进来!(南茜李上场,她看上去约摸十四、五岁。大眼睛,有点羞答答的,柔和的声音,浅褐色的皮肤)南茜: 奥格登小姐,早上好。(向迪特里希小姐), 迪特里希小姐,早上好。 坐吧,我的孩子。我们有件事要告诉你。但是你要向我保证,暂时不要告诉任何人。 奥格登小姐,我不会告诉别人的。 迪特里希小姐,请你说说我们为什么要见南茜李,好吗? 好的

9、,奥格登小姐。南茜李,你的画获得了艺术家俱乐部奖学金。 (这个消息太好了,南茜李不敢相信她自己的耳朵)奖学金?啊,迪特里希小姐!李,这是很高的荣誉。(她们握手。) 我相信,对我妈妈来说,这是一个重大的消息她一直在一分钱一分钱地攒着,要把我送到艺术学校上学。 你会有著名的画家当你的老师,你将成为一个真正的画家。南茜,接受我的祝贺吧。我们真为你感到骄傲。李,听我说。委员会明天上午要在这里开会。在给你发奖时,你得发言表示感谢。 要我在这些重要人物面前发言吗?唉呀,不行! 不要太激动了。想一想你打算怎样发言吧。 我可以请我妈妈一同来吗? 你妈妈?啊,我不知道。也许 我想南茜可以请她妈妈来,不管怎么说

10、行啦,我要考虑考虑。李,你 现在可以走了。记住准备好你的发言。 奥格登小姐,我一定。(向迪特里希小姐)迪特里希小姐,你教了我绘画,我的确非常感谢你。李下场) 一个非常可爱的姑娘,不是吗?我希望委员会不会改变主意;我希望南茜获得奖学金以前不要发生什么事。 我也这样希望。 (拿起南茜的画)这是城市公园内一处朴素的景色,绿茵茵的草地,中间高高的旗杆上挂着一面旗子,孩子们在玩耍,一个黑人妇女望着旗子满怀希望!似乎南茜为她的民族感到非常自豪。 迪特里希小姐,她对自己作为一个美 国人而感到自豪。 我希望她始终感觉自己是美国的亲 生女儿,而不是养女。 我也希望如此!(第一场完)3) NOTES TO THE

11、 TEXT:(课文讲解)1. 这个短剧的题意取自美国进步黑人作家 Langston Hughes 的短篇小说“One Friday Morning”。2. Principals office, Sommerset High School, Philadelphia.High school是美国的中学,英国的中学有几种称呼, 如:secondary school, comprehensive school, 或middle school. Philadelphia 在美国东北部Pennsylvania洲, 1776年美国独立宣言签字于此。3. When the curtain rises, MI

12、SS OGDEN, Principal, is sitting at her desk, and MISS DIETRICH, a young teacher, in an armchair near the fireplace. 注意“校长”一词的拼写和“原则”(principle)一词相近,另外,principal 还可用作形容词,意为“主要的”。4. Nancy Lee Johnson. 英美人的姓名一般由三部分组成,名在前,姓在后。这三部份分别称为:first name, middle name和last name. first name 又称为Christian name(教名),l

13、ast name 又称为surname (姓)。因此,Nancy Lee Johnson姓 Johnson,名 Nancy Lee。 Middle name 往往用一个缩写字母表示,如:John F. Kennedy。使用Mr. , Mrs. , Miss等表示称谓的词,要和last name 一起用, 如:Mr. Johnson, Miss Johnson, Miss Ogden, Mr. Kennedy等。5. Miss Dietrich:Miss Ogden: 这一对话很能说明两人的性格。上面谈起白种女孩跟 Nancy 这个黑种女孩都很友好。 Miss Dietrich 是个热心人,就说

14、:“为什么她们不能跟她友好呢?” Miss Ogden 无话可答,只好冷冷地敷衍一句:“真的,为什么不?”本剧中还有其它地方显示两人的不同态度,读者可以注意6. Miss Ogden:Hush 在此的意思是“不要作声!”7. Miss Dietrich, will you explain why we wanted to see Nancy Lee?注意 wanted 一词的过去时用法。校长和迪特里希小姐想要见南茜这一事实在见面时已成为过去。8. Unable to believe her ears, because the news seems too good to be true.Una

15、ble to believe ones ears=听了还不敢相信(以为听错)Unable to believe ones eyes= 看了还不敢相信(以为看错)Too good to be true =太好了,使人没法相信的(是真的)9. Youll have famous painters for teachers and become a real artist yourself. To have for 是一个句型, 表示“有。作为。”,如:We shall have children for actors in the play. I had three chairs for bed

16、last night.We had bread and cheese for breakfast. 10. Do I have to make a speech before all those important people? 这里couldnt 不是指过去而说,这是一种习惯用法,表示:“我怕做不到”, “这我怎么成呢?”。11. Miss Dietrich, you taught me how to draw, and I really feel most grateful to you. To feel / be grateful to somebody 意为对某人表示感 谢或怀有感激

17、之情。若要表示感谢的原因,则用介词for,如:I was most grateful to John for bringing the books. 约翰带来了书,我对他很感激。She felt grateful to the teacher for his help.她对老师的帮助情有感激之情。12. I hope the Committee wont change its mind.Committee 特指 the Artist Club Committee,所以大写。To change ones mind 意为改变主意、变卦。如:I have made up my mind and no

18、thing will change it now.我决心已下同,什也改变不了我的决心。He is a man who easily changes his mind.他是个朝三暮四的人。13. The grass fresh and green, a flag on a tall pole in the center, children playing, and a Negro woman looking at it with so much hope!这句话使用了一连串的短语,这在口头描述一个画面时是常用的。(注意,Negro带有种族歧视色彩,现在绝不能用此称呼黑种人,最好称为 Africa

19、n American,称为black people 也可。 )14. I hope shell always feel like a daughter of American, and not like a stepchild. 作者使用 daughter 和 stepchild 两个词,形象地比喻了白人和黑人社会地位的不平等。黑人在美国也有时被蔑称为“二等公民”(second-class citizen)。4) 课堂问答:1. Where did the story take place?The story took place in Philadelphia, a city in the

20、Northeastern pair of the United States. 2. Who was Miss Ogden? Who was Miss Dietrich?Miss Ogden was the principal of Sommerset High School in Philadelphia. Miss Dietrich was a young teacher of the school. 3. Whom were they waiting for at the beginning of the scene?They were expecting Nancy Lee Johns

21、on, a black girl student of about 14 or 15 of the Sommerset High School.4. Why should Nancy think it too good to be true when she was told that her picture had won the Artist Club award?Because Nancy was colored and had never expected any award. 5. Whats meant by “feeling like a stepchild”?This mean

22、s feeling unhappy because she is ill-treated in the family. She isnt given the same love or care enjoyed by other children. 5) 课堂讲解:1. THE ART SCHOLARSHIPScholarship 是“奖学金”的意思,它的用法如下:The government established a scholarship for young teachers. 政府设立了青年教师奖学金。 注意,在“奖学金”前面有一个不定冠词 a ,表示“一种为青年教师设的奖学金”。He

23、was awarded a scholarship of $5,000. 他被授予5000美元的奖学金。这个“奖学金”前面也有一个不定冠词 a,表示“一份5000美元的奖学金。I won a scholarship to Oxford University. 我获得去牛津大学学习的奖学金。注意scholarship后的to,它表示一种“归属”或者“附加”, a scholarship to Oxford University 那就是说“去牛津大学学习的奖学金”。(试比较: from Oxford University).I am now studying law in Oxford Unive

24、rsity on a scholarship. 注意on a scholarship 这个介词的用法, 它表示:“凭借”或者“靠”,on a scholarship 或者说 study law on a scholarship 就是“凭奖学金学习法律”。总结:1) scholarship 前面可以加上不定冠词a, a scholarship 表示“一份奖学金”或者“一种奖学金”,在中文里我们常常把这个量词不说。2) 一定要注意后两句例句中两个介词的用法: to和on.A scholarship to Oxford University 这里面的to表示“归属”或者“属于”,相当于of但不能用o

25、f,比如:the key to the door 房门的钥匙;the door to the office办公室 的门。这里都不能用of.On 意思是“凭借”或者“凭靠”。比如说:buy things on credit 靠赊账买东西,或者说 live on wages 靠工资生活,等等。2. I must really congratulate you, Miss Dietrich.Congratulate 是“祝贺”的意思。 “祝贺你”英文可以说:congratulate you. “祝贺你的生日”:congratulate you on your birthday. ( 不能说congr

26、atulate your birthday.)例如:I congratulate you on your marriage. 我祝贺你结婚。Congratulate you on your marriage 意思是“祝贺你结婚”。We congratulate him on his attainment to so great an age. 我们祝贺他高寿Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.恭喜你生了个女儿。I congratulate you very heartily on what you have achieved. 我衷心祝贺你所取得的成就。为了某事而祝贺某人:congratulate sb. On sth. 3. Here she comes! 这是以副词开头的一个句子,在中文中很少见,但在英文中像herethere等一类地点副 词常放在句首,比如: There he go

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