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1、2 把视为同一withThe mayor identified the interests of the citizens with his own prosperity.3 oneself共同行动,同心同德; 支持,参与,与起共鸣with oneself with a movementbecome identified with a policy5.pack package package holiday, package tour一切由旅行社代办而费用固定的假日旅游.6. cease cease to do sth/doing sthcease from doing sthVi The n

2、oise d at last.He has d from his wickedness.Vt.cease fire/workHe has d writing.n.without cease7.rebel可数名词:叛徒,反抗者against, to形容词:叛逆的the army不及物动词(re.bel; re.belled; rebel.ling)1 a. 对政府等 反叛,谋反,背叛,造反againstThe masses led against the government.2 对表示反感,极度厌恶 against,atThey rebelled at staying in on Sunday

3、.rebellion n (against sb/sth)反抗;抗拒; 反叛; 造反; 叛逆:rebellious adj8.defydefiance1 (公然) 反抗 挑战 的态度show toward2 (对命令等的公然) 反抗,忽视,轻视in defiance ofin of the lawdefiant adj. 反抗 挑战 性的,挑衅的; 傲慢的a stare9.skip 1 a. 轻快地跳跃,蹦蹦跳跳The kids were ping (about) in the park.跳过 over,acrossHe skipped over the fence.说话者 由跳到fromto

4、The speaker skipped from one subject to another.跳过,略过 某部分 over; 跳著读 书等 through over certain chapters through a book及物动词(口语)省去 不吃 breakfast(口语)跷,旷,不出席Students shouldnt lectures.可数名词1 轻跳,跳跃,蹦蹦跳跳2 遗漏,省略; 漏读 (的部分)10.forbid vt forbids forbidding forbade forbiddenforbid sb to do/sb from doing sthforbidden

5、 fruit 禁果(因受禁止而更想得到的东西). forbidden ground禁区.forbidding adj 样子冷淡的; 严峻的; 令人生畏的:Unit 6 1.concede1.承认 defeat in an electionEveryone s that lying is wrong.I was forced to concede that she might be right.2 让与sth to sba. 给予 to the independence of a nationHe d us the right to walk through his garden.Many pr

6、ivileges have been d to foreign residents.3 a.让 ,让步 a goal point in a gameHe d the point in the debate.We d two points to our opponents.He d us the point.=He d the point to us.1 让步2 (美)承认失败concession n.让步,妥协;特许(权);承认,认可2.presume假定; 认定; 假设; 推测:presume thatI presume well be there by six oclock.presume

7、 sb/sth to beFrom the way he talked, I presumed him to be your presumed to do sthThe temple is presumed to date from the first century BC.presume on/upon sth不正当地利用某事物; 占某事物的便宜: presume on sbs good naturepresumption n. (of sth) 1.假定;presumption of her innocence by the court 2.假定的事物; 被认定的事物; 极

8、为可能的事物:Were having the party in the garden on the presumption that its not going to rain.assume 假定; 设想; 以为: We cannot assume anything in this case.assume sb/sth to be assume that假装,装作 The look of innocence she assumed had us all fooled.开始从事; 承担; 担任; 呈: assume office 就职He assumes his new responsibili

9、ties next month.consume vt.用尽, 消耗, 花费(某事物): consume resources, time, stores, etc The car consumes a lot of fuel. He soon consumed his fortune,( ie spent the money wastefully). 毁掉(某人某物): The fire quickly consumed the wooden hut. be consumed (ie filled) with envy, hatred, greed, etc吃或喝(某物).consuming a

10、dj attrib 作定语使人着迷的; 支配某人的:Building model trains is his consuming passion. consumerresume 重新开始; (停顿後)继续进行:Hostilities resumed after the cease-fire. resume a flight, voyage, trip, etc resume (ones) work, efforts, labours, etc Resume reading where you left off. 2.重新得到或占有: She resumed her maiden name af

11、ter the divorce. resume ones seat, ie sit down again resume possession of a title resume摘要; 概要: give a resume of the evidence, plot, meeting 3.label 1 贴纸; 签条; 标签; 附笺2符号,标语 在上贴 加 的贴纸 附笺,标签He ed the bottle poisonous.The bottle was ed Poison.2把分类; 称,说是They ed him (as)a liar4.reward 名词1 a. 报酬,奖赏forI gav

12、e her a for saving the children from the fire.b.报答,报酬,报应,惩罚of, forthe of virtue2 酬谢金,悬赏金 for,of酬谢,给报酬for; 酬报 withThe teacher ed Tom for his diligence.The mother ed her child with money.5. compensate 赔偿,补偿for a lossEmployers should their workmen for injuries.2 付给报酬 工资弥补,补偿,赔偿,抵偿forIndustry sometimes

13、s for lack of ability.6.contrast 1 vt. A and/with B对比 It is interesting to contrast the two writers. contrast his work and/with hers vi (with sb/sth)显出差异; 形成对照:Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises. Her actions and her promises contrasted sharply,contrast 2 n (to/with sb/sth); (between A

14、and B) 1 U 对比; 相比:Careful contrast of the two plans shows up some key differences. His white hair was in sharp contrast to (ie was very noticeably different from) his dark skin. She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well. In contrast with their system, ours seems

15、 very old-fashioned. C, U明显的差异; 对照: The white walls make a contrast with the black carpet. There is a remarkable contrast between the two brothers. The work you did today is quite a contrast to (eg noticeably better/worse than) what you did last week. 7.conflict 1 a.作战,争斗,斗争,战斗an armed b. (主义、主张上的)

16、争执,争议; 争论,口角a wordy a between father and sonavoid with ones friends2 (思想、利害等的) 冲突; 对立,矛盾,抵触a of opinion(s)a between law and compassion3心理冲突,矛盾undergo suffer a mental come into conflict (with)in conflict (with)(1) (与) 战斗的(2) (与) 冲突的His statements are in with his actions.不相容,矛盾withThe two versions of

17、this poem .Your interests with mine.2 争执,作战with8.confuse 1 使混乱; 使难懂,混淆 the issue their namesI often you and your brother.b. 分不清 , 混淆withDont liberty with license.3 使心思混乱,使慌乱by an enemy by a rear attack9.assign 委派, 选派某人,派给 assign sb a task/roleIve been assigned the task of looking after the new stude

18、nts.assign sb to sthJans been assigned to the Asian Affairs Bureau.assign sb to do sthMadison was assigned to investigate an accident.assign sb sthAssign each student a partner.指定(时间 地点); 确定(原因)How much time have you assigned for the meeting?assign sth to sthA code was assigned to each batch of work

19、.分配,分派assign sth to sbA personal bodyguard had been assigned to her.They assigned me a small room.10. converse 就事交谈withon, about with a person on about a matter形容词相反的,颠倒的,反对的to ideasHis opinions are to mine.1 反对,逆; 相反的说法of2逻辑倒转命题,逆命题3数学逆,反Unit 7priority:1 (U) (时间、顺序上的) 前,先; 上位,上席tohis of birth to hi

20、s cousinaccording to 2 a. (U)较优先; 优先权,先取权 over,togive to把优先权给与take of获得的优先权,比优先Your claim has over his.b. (C) (应该) 优先的事物a first top c. (U) (汽车行进的) 优先权prior adj. to 2.react a. 对刺激等 反应tob. 对某作用 起反作用,表示反应on, uponYour applause would on upon the speaker.c. 反对,反抗againstThe people soon ed against the tyran

21、nical system.3.counter1 a. 相反的,反对的the directionthe sideb.正相反的toHis opinion is to mine.动词: with sth; sb/sth (with sth)反对, 反击(某人某事物)They countered our proposal with one of their own.I pointed out the shortcomings of the scheme, but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.moan n.呻吟声,抱怨 vi.vt.

22、about/at/thatHe was moaning (away) all night longHe ed (out) that his work was too tough.accompany 伴随或跟随(某人); 陪伴:I must ask you to accompany me to the police station sth (by/with sth) 与某事物同时存在或发生strong winds accompanied by heavy rain兼带; 附有: Each application should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope.给某人伴奏 sb (at/on sth)The singer was accompanied at/on the piano by her sister.; 商行2.陪伴.3. 一群人; 一伙; 客人; 来宾in company with sbkeep sb companycompanion(相伴的)人或动物; 同伴; 伙伴: 受雇的陪伴人

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