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1、语音课课件第9单元 强读式(Strong form)和弱读式(Weak form) 一个单词在强读或弱读时,具有不同(两种或两种以上)发音,这些不同的形式就叫词的强读式(Strong form)或弱读式(Weak form)。英语单词中有强读式和弱读式的单词大约有50多个,而且他们多出现在句子的非重读音节里。从词性上看,它们大多为单音节的限定词、助动词、动词be、介词、关联词和人称代词等。如:the、 a、 an、 and、 but、 her、 his、 us、 them、 for、 from、 of、 some、 there、 can、 shall、 must、 are、 do。当some在

2、句子中作为非重读单词时,其元音就显得短而模糊。如:some /sm/sm/sm/ have /hv/hv/v/ were /w:/w/must /mst/ms/mst, ms/ do/du:/du/d/ and/nd/nd/n/of /v/v/ them/m/m/m/ we/wi:/wi/ 第1节 强读式和弱读式 1. 强读式主要用于: (1) 该单词单独出现时;(2) 在连续的话语中,该词被强调时;They dont believe, do they?/ei dunt bili:v, du: ei/You must choose us or them./ju: msttu:z s : em

3、/(3) 某些情况下该词处于意群末尾或句末等非重读位置时;(-who is on duty today?)-I am. /ai m/What are you looking at?/wt ju: lu:ki t/2. 弱读式一般用于非重读和非强调的情况下。弱读形式与强读形式的区别:(1) 元音的长度不同。弱读形式中一般元音时长较短,且读得比较轻快。(2) 元音不同。很多元音(除/ai/和oi、oy的组合音/外)都可弱化为/或/i/,其中尤以/的使用率最高。(3) 弱读中有省音现象(元音或辅音省略)。元音弱化的一些规律:一些强读式中的长元音/i:/在弱读时会变成元音/i/,如:The /i:/在

4、短语the other end中,常读作/ i end/。其他很多元音在弱读情况下会弱化为/,如: was /wz/,for/f:/, them/em/, to/tu:/等。It was too difficult for them to read通常读作/it wz tu: difiklt f em t ri:d/(黑体字为需重读的词;其他为非重读词,应读得轻、快)第2节 40个常见单词的弱读式读音 单词弱读式读音例句a/A friend in need is a friend apple a day keeps the doctor away.the/The

5、more, the be at sure Im right. /m/Where am I to go?are/The performances are wonderful.was/wz/The seat was occupied.were/w/We were not they get up early?/d/Do you get up early?does/dz/What does she do on Sundays?has/hz/ /z/Tom has come.have/

6、hv/ /v/The students have left.had/hd/ /d/The rooms had been reserved for the guests.can/kn/ We can go now.could/kd/ He could do it by himself.shall/l/I shall be waiting for you.should/d/We should try our best.will/l/Thatll do.would/wd/He thought he would go./d/Id love to.must/mst/That must be done a

7、t once.he/hi/What did he say?him/im/I write him a letter.she/i/It is said that shes going abroad.her/h/Her coat is beautiful./I gave her my valuable advice.we/wi/Well work gave us a warm welcome.them/m/Give my best wishes and regards to oncefrom/frm/Shes just come back

8、from Italy.for/f/for longof/v/a lot of moneyto/t/to go/tu/to askand/n/blue and whiteas/z/as good as goldthan/n/Better late than never.that/t/He said that he was coming to see me.but/bt/Its fine today but rather cold.some/sm/Oliver wanted some more./sm/Ive bought some bread.there/There is a book ther

9、e.第10单元 同化(Assimilation)、省音(Elision)、连读(Joined Sounds) 第2节 省音 非重读元音/e/和/i/的省音较普遍。例如:history /tri/ /tri/family /mili/ /mli/ 语境省音,特别常见的是在两个辅音之间的/t/和/d/的省略。例如:just now /dst-naun/ /ds-naun/used to /ju:st-tu/ /ju:s-tu/常见的省音现象有以下几种:1. 词首连缀wr-,kn-,gn-的第一个字母w,k,g不发音write wrath wrist knee know knight 2. 词末的-

10、gn,-gm中的g不发音sign reign foreign diaphragm3. 词末的-mn,-mb中的n和b不发音autumn damn condemn lamb climb bomb4. /s/-/l/、/s/-/n/和/f/-/n/间的/t/不发音castle wrestle bustle listen fasten hasten soften often5. bt中的b不发音subtle debt doubt6. lf、lk、lm中的l不发音calf half talk walk folk palm7. 一些在词首的h或在前缀ex-后及重读元音和轻读元音之间的h不发音heir h

11、our honor honest exhaust exhibit exhort vehicle8. 前一词以/st/、/t/、/ft/、/nd/、/ld/、/zd/、/d/、/vd/等结尾,后一词以辅音开始,则其中的/t/、/d/不发音next day last chance first light west region just one left turn loved flowers send around left wheel pushed them9. 前一词以/pt/、/kt/、/tt/、/b/、/gd/、/dd/结尾,后一词以辅音开始,则其中的/t/、/d/不发音kept quie

12、t jumped well judged fairly changed colorbegged one grabbed them reached Paris liked jamlooked fine picked one10. 动词否定结尾-nt/nt/中的/t/常常不发音You mustnt lose it.Doesnt she know?He wouldnt overeat.11. 前一词末的/t/在后一词首/t/或/d/之前有时不发音Ive got to go.What do you want?第3节 连读 1. 辅音对辅音的连读叠合即前面单词结尾辅音与紧随其后的单词的起始辅音为同一个音

13、时,只需读一次,而不必将这个音读两次。例如:bad dog /d/d/ some money /m/m/like candy /k/k/ more rain /r/r/grab Bob /b/b/ fall leaves /l/l/ripe pear /p/p/ big girl /g/g/hunt Terence /t/t/失去爆破 顾名思义,指爆破音失去爆破。发生的条件如下:当前面的单词以/p/、/b/、/t/、/d/、/k/、/g/这六个爆破音中的任何一个结尾,而紧随其后的单词是以辅音开头的,这时前面单词中的爆破音失去爆破。读法是在发爆破音时只阻塞气流却不将其释放,即只作口型不发音。例如: lap dog mad John pet lion truck stop bad dog big shoes2. 辅音对元音的连读 这是通常情况下大家所理解的连读。就是当前面的单词以辅音结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时将前面的辅音同后面的元音连在一起,像是构成一个音节一样地读出来。例如: /s/ /r/Its easy. Theyre in class.I have lots of friends. Our exam was long.Lets eat lunch. Your answer is right. /z/ /l

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