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1、 摘要文化缺省作为一种交际策略,在日常生活中,同一文化环境的人们在交流时比较普遍地使用。这一策略省略了同一文化成员之间一些共有的文化背景知识,从而提高交流的效率和修辞效果。但由于文化的差异,原作者与原文读者之间的这种默契不可能天然的存在于原作者与目的语读者之间,这就使得文化省略在翻译中变得非常棘手。为了使目的语读者也能充分的欣赏到原文作品的优美,译者作为文化交流的使者,就有必要对其作出适当的重构,填补那些莫名的意义真空;然而过度的重构又会使得原文的含蓄性和简洁美遭受损坏。中国俗语,来自民间,广泛流传,其语言形式非常灵活,涉及到文化缺省的情况非常多。由于俗语讲究修辞手法,讲究趣味性与哲理性的统一


3、化缺省时,应该考虑到俗语的含蓄性和简洁美,尽量重构俗语的这些特征。但这是在文化信息得到充分翻译的前提下提出来的,如果译者无法做到两者兼顾,只能优先考虑重构俗语的文化信息,因为文化的交流是翻译的一个重要目的,是当今世界有着不同文化的国家间合作的前期。关键词:文化缺省,认知机制,文化图式理论,文化重构,译者的跨文化意识,俗语翻译 CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTABSTRACT摘要CONTENTSCHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 Research Motivation and Rationale1.2 Research Questions1.3 Researc

4、h Methodologies1.4 Arrangement of The Thesis CHAPTER TWO Literature Reviews2.1 Cultural Default 2.1.1 Concept of Cultural Default 2.1.2 Cause of Cultural Default 2.1.3 Value of Cultural Default 2.1.4 Cultural Default in Chinese popular sayings/popular phrases2.2 Translating Reconstruction 2.2.1 Defi

5、nition of Reconstruction 2.2.2 Relevant Study on Translating Reconstruction 2.2.3 Reconstruction Categories2.3 Intercultural Communication Translation 2.3.1 Definition of Intercultural Communication Translation 2.3.2 Value of Intercultural Communication Translation 2.3.3 Relevant Study on Intercultu

6、ral Communication Translation 2.4 SummaryCHAPTER THREE Theoretical Framework 3.1 Schemata Theory 3.1.1 Definition of Schema 3.1.2 Working Mechanism of Schema 3.1.3 Categories of Schemata 3.2 Cultural Schema Theory 3.2.1 Definition of Cultural Schema 3.2.2 Two Processing Models of Cultural SchemaCHAP

7、TER FOUR Applying of Cultural Schema to Reconstruction in Chinese popular sayings/popular phrases 4.1 Requirements for the Translators Cultural Reconstruction Competence 4.1.1 Intercultural Awareness of the Translator4.1.2 Contents of the Translators Intercultural Awareness and Connection4.1.3 Requi

8、rements for the Translators Cultural Reconstruction Competence 4.2 Reconstruction of Cultural Default Based on Cultural Schema Theory 4.3 Reconstruction from Different Aspects (例子分析,12个例子左右) 4.3.1 Reconstruction of Cultural Information 4.3.2 Reconstruction of implicit and concise beauty Effect 4.4 S

9、ummaryCHAPTER FIVE Conclusion 5.1 Major Findings of the Thesis 5.2. Limitations of the Research 5.3 Suggestions for Further StudyBibliography 1Bassnett, Susan & Leferver, Andre. 2001. Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary TranslationM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2 Davis

10、, Linell. 2001. Doing Culture: Cross-Cultural Communication in ActionM. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 3Gentzlor, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation StudiesM. London: Routledge. 4 Hall, Edward. 1959. The Silent Language. New York: Doubleday& Company.5 Hall, Edward. 1999.Th

11、e Hidden Dimension. New York.: Company. 6Hatim, B. Mason. 2001. Discourse and the TranslatorM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign LanguageEducation Press.7 Jones, R. 1998. Conference Interpreting ExplainedM . UK: St, Jerome Publishing. 8 Marshall, R, Singer. 1987. Intercultural Communication: A Perceptual A

12、pproach Englewood CliffsJ. NJ: PrenticeHall.9 Nida, E. A. 1993. Language, Culture, and TranslatingM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.10 Nida, E. A. 2001. Language and Culture-Context in TranslationM. Shanghai: Shanghai foreign language edueation Press. 11 Nida, E. A &William D.Re

13、ybum. 1981. Meaning Across CulturesM. NewYork:Orbis Books. 12Roger, E. M & Steinfatt, T. M. 1999. Intercultural Communication Illinois: Wavel and Press Inc .13Sa movers, L. A. and Porter, R.E. 2004. Communication Between CulturesM. Beijing: Beijing University Press14 杜学增. 1999. 中英文化习俗比较M. 北京: 外语教学与研

14、究出版社15 高圣兵, 刘莺. 2007. 欠额翻译与超额翻译的辩证 J 外语教学16 郭建中. 2000. 当代美国翻译理论M.武汉:湖北教育出版社17 胡文仲. 1994. 文化与交际. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社18 胡文仲. 2000. 英语习语与英美文化M . 北京: 外语教育与研究出版社19 金惠康. 2003. 跨文化交际翻译续编 M . 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司20 金惠康. 2003. 跨文化交际翻译 M . 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司21 贾玉新. 1997. 跨文化交际学M . 上海:上海外语教育出版社22 谭载喜. 1999. 新编奈达论翻译M . 北京:23 王东

15、风. 1997. 文化缺省与翻译中的连贯重构 J.外国语24 王大来. 2010. 翻译中文化缺省现象的补偿策略与方法 J. 温州大学学报25 王大来. 2004. 从翻译的文化功能看翻译中文化缺省补偿的原则 J. 外语研究26 谢天振. 2003. 译介学M . 上海:27 夏廷德. 2006. 翻译补偿研究M . 武汉: 湖北教育出版社28 张蓓,郑文园.2003. 跨文化意识英语教程M. 北京: 清华大学出版社29 张美芳. 2001. 中国英汉翻译教材研究M . 上海:30 赵军峰. 2000. 论口译者的跨文化意识、文化与翻译. M. 北京:CHAPTER ONEIntroducti

16、onAs one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, China has a splendid history for over 5000 years. In this process, our ancestors created their own distinctive language, custom, as well as culture. As time goes by, they have been passed down from one generation to another; meanwhile, at the

17、other end of the ocean, other civilizations have been growing. Great Britian, as one of the most powerful countries in the Western world, its language, custom, and culture has a profound and lasting influence on the rest of the world. With the development of economic globalization, the globe has tur

18、ned into a global village, and the importance of cross-cultural communication and language translation has become much more obvious than anytime in human history. People tend to believe that one language can be accurately translated into another. However, during the course of translation, its very d

19、ifficult to achieve “equivalence”.Chinese and English belong to two different language families; therefore, their cultures are far from the same. Nida proposed that culture plays an important role on a language and influences the meanings of words and idioms, careful consideration must be paid to it

20、s cultural background, otherwise hardly any text can be understood adequately(Nida, 1993:i). When people from the same cultural community communicate with each other, they tend to use a tactic, namely Cultural Default, to omit the shared culture background knowledge. This communication manner can improve communication efficiency and rhetorical effect. However, because of culture difference, the tacit understanding between the source text author and source text readers does not exist between the source text author and the target text readers. Cultural def

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