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1、高考英语重点单词词性转换和语境活用162021高考英语重点单词词性转换和语境活用16原题版基础盘点自测自评31重点词汇拓展词汇1._ adj.自信的_ n.自信心;信任_ adv.自信地2._ adj.预先的;在前的v.前进n.预先;提前_ adj.先进的;高级的3._ adj.礼貌的_ adj.不礼貌的_ adv.不礼貌地4._ n.缺席;缺乏;不存在_ adj.缺席的;不在场的;缺少的;缺乏的5._ n.道歉;致歉_ v.道歉6._ n.成功_ vi.成功vt.继承,接替_ adj.成功的7. _ v.想象_ adj.想象中的;幻想的;虚构的_ adj.富有想象力的 _ n.想象力;创造力

2、语境活用1.We did wrong to him. I have _ to him and you should make an _ too.(apology)2.He _ his father as manager of the company. Soon their business became very _. Lots of people wanted to know the secret of his _(success)3.Tom used to be _ about his future. He once said _ that he would go to a key col

3、lege. But his _ was almost shaken by the failure in the final examination.(confident)4.I have never seen my grandmother but I always _ her as a kind, old lady. My mother told me that she was a writer with great _ and wrote several _ novels.(imagine)深谙构词法高考英语前缀im形容词大团圆balancedimbalanced 不平衡matureimma

4、ture 不成熟的;未成熟的measurableimmeasurable不可估量的modestimmodest不谦虚的;不庄重的moralimmoral不道德的;邪恶的movableimmovable不动的;固定的passableimpassable不能通行的patientimpatient 焦躁的;不耐心的perfectimperfect 有缺点的personalimpersonal 非个人的politeimpolite无礼的;粗鲁的possibleimpossible 不可能的practicalimpractical 不切实际的,不现实的probableimprobable不大可能的pro

5、perimproper不正确的,错误的pureimpure 不纯的;肮脏的对接高考重点单词词性转换高效演练31I.单句语法填空1.I recommend making seat _(reserve)in advance, because this is a popular film and there will be a lot of audience.2.It is because of a long _ (absent) from school that I am a bit behind the other classmates.3.The problem of global warmi

6、ng is serious. As a _ (consequent), the sea levels have risen a little.4.Small children like to perform in front of guests to show off some talents, which makes them _ (pride).5.Im not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a vivid _ (imagine)6.I have an _ (apologise) to make to y

7、ouIm afraid I opened your letter by mistake.7.The police are _ (appeal) to the public for information about the crime.8.The young violinist is very excited because the concert given by him has never been more _ (success)9.My mother is being _(reasonable);she doesnt allow me to go out until I have th

8、e room tidied up.10.When the examination was coming, she felt nervous, _(increasing)lacking in confidence about herself.单句改错1.No matter what boring the class is, you must focus on it carefully.2.Our teacher often tells us we should take the study serious.3.In addition to read for knowledge, we read

9、for fun and inspiration.4.Usually it takes a disaster to make people aware the danger of air pollution.5.I cant imagine you working with such a bored man for as long as five years.III.短文语法填空China, which is proud of its great inventions in ancient times, has once again shown its ability to change the

10、 world with its “four new great inventions”:highspeed rail, mobile payments, bikesharing and ecommerce. The four innovative(创新的) ways of life were most appealing to youths from 20 countries 1._(participate) in the Belt and Road Initiative, according to a survey by the Belt and Road Research Institut

11、e of Beijing Foreign Studies University.“The four new great inventions”are all 2._(relate) to Chinas hightech innovation, 3._ improved the quality of peoples lives,” said Wu Hao, executive director of the BRRI. As a huge fan of bicycles, Bernard Schwartlander, World Health Organization Representativ

12、e in China, 4._(express) his love for Chinas shared bicycles, saying that “Shared bikes are bringing cycling back 5._ peoples lives and they are making public transport more attractive and convenient.”Rebecca Fannin, founder and editor of Silicon Dragon, noted that China is beginning to lead in inno

13、vation in some ways. “This is partly because China skipped over the PC era and went directly to the mobile. China has the 6._(large) mobile use in the world.”With regard to the “four new great inventions”,Charlie Dai, principal analyst of American market research company Forrester, said these 7._(pr

14、oduct)and services have definitely improved customer experience, developing national and 8._(globe) economy at the same time.9._growing number of foreigners hope 10._(promote) economic development in their home countries by stressing the need for technological achievements like that of China.IV.短文改错Last Saturday I had a trip to a new opened park called Guangfulin Relics Park. When I got there I found the environment was perfect and that there was various birds flying around. That attracted me most was the strange building. It looked like a flooding house, the roof of which was abo

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