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1、The children:Thanks,Dad.(permitted)Mr Ward permitted the children to have an apple and a glass of milk.4.Prof.White:You should study English hard.Tom:Yes,I will.(encouraged)Prof.White encouraged Tom to study English hard.5.The police officer:Put your hands above your head!The thief:Who?Me?I didnt do

2、 anything.(ordered)The police officer ordered the thief to put his hands above his head.6.Sue:Dont forget to call me.Lucy:I wont.(reminded)Sue reminded Lucy not to forget to call her.二、完成下列间接引语1.“Dont forget to give the message to my wife,” he said to Li Ping.He Li Ping forget to give the message to

3、 wife.told;not to;his2.“Mum,please help me find my shirt,” he said.He his mother help find shirt.asked;to;him;3.“Use your knife to cut the boots open,” the officer said to the guard.The officer the guard knife to cut the boots open.ordered;to use his4.“Dont spend too much time on football!” Mother s

4、aid to me.Mother me too much time on football.not to spend5.“Will you sleep and get up early,children?”Father said.Father the children and up sleep;get6.He said to the farmers,“Do things at the right time of the year.”He things at the right time of the year.told the farmers to do7.“Please o

5、pen your books,” he said.He our books.asked us to open8.“Dont turn off the light,” the teacher said.The teacher turn off the light.told me not to9.Mother said,“Get up,Julia.”Mother Julia get up.to10.“Would you like to see my flat?” she asked.She me see her flat.三、翻译句子1.参观者被要求不要碰房间里的任何东西。Visitors are

6、 requested not to touch anything in the room.2.警察让我把车停在那里。The policeman told me to park my car there.3.李先生命令我立刻离开办公室。Mr Li ordered/commanded me to leave the office at once.4.她让我帮她完成这项工作。She asked me to help her finish the work.5.他建议我休息一会儿。He suggested me having a rest./He suggested that I (should) h

7、ave a rest.6.我请求要些水。I made a request for some water.7.我的姐姐让我不要担心她。My sister told/asked me not to worry about her.四、完形填空When I was 16 years old,I made my first visit to the United States.It wasnt the first time I had been 1.Like most English children,I learned French 2 school and I had often been to

8、France.So I3 speaking a foreign language to people who did not understand 4.But when I went to America,I was really looking forward to 5 a nice easy holiday without any 6 problems.7 wrong I was!The misunderstanding began at the airport.I was looking for a 8 telephone to give my friend Tina a 9and te

9、ll her that I had arrived.A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked 10 he could help me.“Yes,”I said,“I want to give my friend a ring.”“Well,thats 11,” he exclaimed(大声说).“Are you getting 12?But arent you a bit 13?”“Who is talking about marriage(婚姻)?”I replied.“I 14 want to give my friend a ri

10、ng to tell her Ive arrived.Can you tell me 15 theres a phone box?“Oh!”he said,“theres a phone downstairs(在楼下).”When at last we 16 meet up,Tina explained the misunderstandings(误会) to me.“Dont worry,”she said to me.“I had so many 17 at first.There are lots of words which the Americans 18 differently i

11、n meaning from us British.Youll soon get used to 19 funny things they say.Most of the 20 British and American people understand each other.”1.A.outB.awayC.outsideD.abroadD解析:从短文首句“I made my first visit to the United States.”得知“我”到国外去,因此选abroad。2.A.from B.during D.afterC上学的时候学过法语。at school表示“上学”

12、。3.A.get used to B.was used toC.used to D.usedB因为上学时学过法语,又加上“我”经常到法国去,因此“我”已习惯与人们说外语了。在此,选项A有一定的干扰性,全文叙述的是过去的事情,因此应该用过去时态。C项的意思是“过去常常”,to后面应跟动词原形。4.A.English B.French C.Russian D.LatinA因为“我”懂法语,因此“我”能够与那些不懂英语的人讲话。5.A.buying B.having D.receivinghave a nice easy holiday表示“有一个愉快、轻松的假期”。6.A.tim

13、e B.human C.language D.money由前文可知,“我”是说英语的,因此说“我”想不会有语言问题。7.A.Too B.What a C.What D.Howhow引导感叹句,修饰形容词wrong,表示程度。 B.popular C.public D.good因为那时“我”在机场,所以“我”想找一部公用电话。9.A.letter B.ring D.word从下文“I want to give my friend a ring.”得知答案。10.A.that B.if C.where D.when他问“我”他是否能帮助“我”。if引导宾语从句,意思

14、是“是否”。11.A.well B.over C.nice D.ring从后文可知老人以为“我”要结婚,因此他说“很好”以表示祝贺。 marry be marriedC.marrying D.married从下文“Who is talking about marriage?”可以得出答案。get married“结婚”。13.A.small B.little C.old D.young由短文首句“When I was 16 years old.”可知,老人觉得“我”的年龄还不适合结婚,因此他说“但是,你不是还小吗?”14.A.very B.justC.just now

15、D.so在此处just相当于only“只是,仅仅”。15.A.where whichC.over there D.that很明显,“我”想让他告诉“我”电话亭的位置。16.A.did C.could D.haddid用在肯定句中起强调作用。17.A.trouble B.difficulties C.things D.fun联系上下文,蒂娜在这里说她也遇到过一些麻烦。由many可知不选A、D两项,再由语境排除C项。18.A.write B.speak C.use D.read上文出现的情况是语言使用习惯的问题,因此蒂娜说美国人在使用单词的意思上与英国人不同。19.A.ever

16、y B.this C.any D.all the上文说到美国人在很多单词的使用上与英国人不同,但“你”很快会习惯他们所说的所有有趣的事情。20.A.chance B.situation C.condition D.time由上文可知,尽管英国英语和美国英语有很多不同,但他们大部分时间都能相互理解。B、C两项意义相同,B项如果为答案,应为复数。五、语篇填空阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。导学号92730021Some people learn a second language 1.(easy).Other people have trouble 2.(

17、learn) a new language.How can you help 3.(you) learn a new language,such 4. English?There are several 5.(way) to make English learning a little easier and more interesting.The 6.(one) step is to feel sure about learning English.If you believe that you can learn,you will learn.The second step is to p

18、ractise your English.7. example,write a diary 8. English.After several weeks,you will see your 9.(write) is improving.The third step is to keep 10. record of your language learning.1.easily2.learning3.yourself4.as5.ways6.first7.For8.in9.writing10.a六、七选五导学号92730022Richards father died when he was fiv

19、e.Later on he lost his mother.An old woman felt sorry for the poor boy and often helped him.Of course he had no money to go to school.He had to work for a rich farmer.The man paid him nothing except food and clothes.1 He found some old books near the school and taught himself to read and write.2 It

20、connected the village and the town.One morning people found there was a big stone on it.It stopped them from going to town.They had to move it away,or they had to cross the mountain if they had something to do in the town.But the stone weighed thirty tons at least and the strongest young men couldnt

21、 do that.3Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said,“I have a way to move it away.” But few men believed him.4 Night fell and people went home.Only the boy stayed there.To their surprise,the villagers found the stone was gone the next morning.They didnt know which spirit had moved it away.

22、5“How could he?” the rich farmer called out.“Hes only fifteen!He couldnt move it at all!“He dug a big hole beside the stone”,said the old woman,“and then he could easily push it into the hole!Looking at each other,the farmers couldnt say a word.A.There seemed to be nothing strange in the village.B.T

23、he old woman said Richard had done it all.C.There was a narrow path between two mountains.D.But the boy didnt lose heart.E.Some farmers even laughed at the boy.F.The boy hoped he could do something for the villagers some day.G.They discussed for a long time,but nobody knew what to do.15 DCGEB七、选词创境运

24、用下列写作词汇,自己创设一个语境,形成一个小语段。(35句)play a part (in),such as,because of,actually,make use of参考范文:The Internet is playing an important part in our life.We can do many things online,such as making friends with others,reading the books that we like,and buying what we need.It is because of the Internet that our life is becoming better and better.But when we are on the Internet,we should be careful.Actually there are some bad people online.So we should make good use of the Internet and protect ourselves.

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