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译林英语五上5A Unit2Word格式文档下载.docx

1、教学目标(一)知识目标1. 能够听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:showaround, floor, student, classroom, computer, first, second, third2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型How manyare there?并理解句型的意思。3. 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Can you show her around? Lets go and have a look.(一)能力目标1. 学生能够阅读并理解故事;2. 学生能够在理解的基础上表演出故事;3. 学生能够改编故事并试着表演出来。(三) 情感目标让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的

2、兴趣。教学重点1. 能够从整体上阅读故事并理解故事;2. 能够语音语调正确地朗读故事、复述故事。教学难点:能够根据课文内容创编剧本并表演。教学准备1. 教具:光盘,PPT2. 板书:教学过程Step1 Pre-reading1. Warm-up 齐唱4AUnit5的歌曲 I love my bedroom. 然后用There be句型改编歌词内容,复习房间类单词bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen等。如:S1: Theres a sofa in the living room.S2: Theres a chair and a desk in the b

3、edroom.S3: Theres a bed in the bedroom 2. 复习科目类单词:Art, Chinese, English, Maths, PE, Science等。T: We learn to sing and dance in this lesson. What lesson is it?Ss: Its Music We learn to speak, read and write in this lesson. What lesson is it? Its Chinese.3. Look and say 出示一组学校平面图,要求学生观察图中事物,用There be结构

4、表述,如:T:There are some pictures of our school. What can you see in our school?S1:There are some students and teachers in our school.S2:There are some trees and flowers.S3:Theres a playground in our schoolStep 2 While-reading1. Ask and answer 教授学校设施类词汇:classroom, office, toilet, hall, library, music r

5、oom, art room, computer room, gym(体育场馆), canteen(餐厅), 同时描述这些教室和设施的功能,里面有什么物品,学生可以在其中从事什么活动等。2. 教授新句型结合现有的教室,和学生进行问答,教授there be结构的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,以及一般疑问句的肯否定回答。 Look at our classroom. What can you see?There are some desks and chairs in our classroom. How many desks? Lets count. Forty-two desks. How many

6、chairs are there in our classroom? Is there a sofa in our classroom? Are there any balls/books/pictures/computersin our classroom? How manyare there in our classroom?3. 呈现一副三层楼的教学楼图片,教授词汇floor, first, second和third,结合one, two, three,用对比的方式帮助学生理解序数词。 4. 播放录音,看图理解课文 Whos Nancy? Who shows her around the

7、 school? How many classrooms are there in their school? Wheres their classroom?5.独立阅读,完成信息表格How many1F2F3FClassroom24Nancys classroomComputer room2Library1Music roomTable tennis room6.四人小组根据表格总结表述,运用There be结构一般疑问句和特殊疑问句进行问答。7. 学生扮演Nancy,复述课文 Hello, everyone. Im Nancy. Im a new student. This is my n

8、ew school. There are 24 classrooms in my school. My classroom is on the second floor. There are two computer rooms and a library in my school. Theyre on the third floor. Theres a music room and a table tennis room on the first floor. I love my new school.Step3 Post-reading 1. 跟读课文,纠正语音语调2. 介绍学校设施,如:

9、This is our music room. Its on thefloor. We have our music lessons here. We learn to sing and dance in this room.Step4 Homework1. Read and recite the story, try to tell it to your parents.2. Read more books, watch the cartoons, then think and write.七、板书设计The first floorThe second floorThe third floo

10、r教学反思:Period 2 1. 复习上节课所学的词汇。2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型How manyare there?3. 能看图相互问答,描述物品的数量。4. 通过练习加强巩固There be句型的一般疑问句及其肯否定回答。5. 巩固词汇:art room, music room, playground1. 进一步巩固复习上节课的词汇,掌握故事内容。2. 使学生能正确运用There be 句型的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。教学难点使学生能正确运用There be 句型的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句Step1 Warm up1. Greeting2. Free talkWhats in our s

11、chool? Whats in our classroom?Is there a? Are there any?3. Read and actA: 模仿朗读Story timeB:情境表演,扮演Nancy向大家介绍自己的学校。Step2 Presentation1. 巩固词汇art room 美术室 computer room电脑房 library图书馆music room 音乐教室 playground操场2. 介绍学校设施再次呈现若干有关学校教室和设施的一些照片,让学生识别并进行简单介绍,以巩固目标词汇。鼓励学生进行简单的语言拓展,如: Whats this?S: This is our

12、music room. Its on the floor. We have our music lessons here. We learn to sing and dance in this room.3. Write and say学生独立完成学生用书P18 Write and say活动。学生完成第一步写的步骤之后,安排学生同桌对话。Theres a library in the school. Its on the third floor. Theres a table tennis room and a music room. Theyre on the first floor. N

13、ancys classroom is on the second floor.Step3 Consolidation1. Use “Is/Are there? How manyare there?” to talk about your study or bedroom.(用所学句型同桌问答,了解对方的书房或卧室。)2. 看图问答出示一个多层楼的百货公司,然后准备若干商品的图片,如水果、玩具、书、衣服、果汁和实物等,代表不同的店铺。教师将某一商品的图片贴在任意楼层,要求学生快速表述店铺的所在楼层,操练序数词。 Wheres the fruit shop/ book shop/ snack ba

14、r/ juice shop/ clothes shop? Its on the first/ second/ third floor.3. 找茬游戏出示两张类似的图片,用there be句型和学生进行问答活动,要求学生说出两张图不同之处,以操练there be句型的一般疑问句及其肯否定回答。Is there in picture A? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.Are there any in picture A? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.1. Copy the new words and recite them

15、. 2. Recite the Story time. the third floor There is/arethe second floorthe first floor Its/Theyre on thefloor.Period 3 Unit2 A new student (Grammar time,Fun time &Culture time) 教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读句型:How many? Is there? Are there?2、能掌握语音:字母C的发音。3、能了解国外的文化特点: In the UK, this is the ground floor. In the

16、US, this is the first floor.教学重难点能介绍自己的校园或者教室布置,激发学生热爱校园热爱班级的情感。多媒体课件,卡片教学过程 Step1.Free talk Is there a TV in the classroom? Is there a computer at school?Are there 30 classrooms at school? How many ?Can you show me around our classroom?There is a/ There are someStep2. Presentation and practice1.同学分

17、组讨论 教室的布置 并运用所学句型进行介绍。2.同学看图介绍课本上的教室布置This is Nancys classroom in her new school.How many desks and chairs are there in the classroom?Is there a computer?Are there any pictures?3、同学创设自己喜爱的教室并向老师和学生介绍自己的构思。4、Sound time 字母C的发音Cinema, dance, ice cream, juice, niceAlice and I sing and dance. And drink s

18、ome nice juice.Then we go to the cinema.And have a nice ice cream.5. 学生跟磁带有节奏的朗读,教师让学生想一想还有单词有类似的发音吗? city 城市; rice 米饭; face 脸; pencil 铅笔6.通过图片展示让学生了解In the UK, this is the ground floor. In the US, this is the first floor. 让学生自己来说一说我们中国的楼房和国外的有什么区别?Step3. Consolidation1.Play a game (巩固所学单词)Whats mis

19、sing? 把八张单词卡片贴在黑板上,静听老师说出其中七个单词,然后老师问:Whats missing? 学生立即说出没报的单词。同样的方法复习每个单词。2. Guess:猜一猜老师手里的是什么roomIs there a ? Are there any?教师告知: Yes, there is ./ No, there isnt. Yes, there are./ No, there arent.3归纳新单词和句型。1. 朗读拼读单词,准备默写单词、句型。2. 预习未学板块。板书设计: Unit 2 A new student Is there a ?How many are there?c

20、/s/ city 城市;rice 米饭;face 脸;pencil 铅笔教学反思Period 4Unit2 A new student (Cartoon time) 1.欣赏Cartoon time 复习巩固所学句型。2.能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,在熟读的基础上分角色朗读。3. 能够模仿表演cartoon time4. 了解字母C在单词中的发音。1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:Swing, push, heavy, high, great fun2. 能够模仿表演cartoon time3. 了解字母C在单词中的发音。能够模仿表演cartoon time光盘Step1.Free talk1.

21、How are you this morning?2. Nice to meet you.3. Is there a TV in the classroom?4. Is there a computer at school?5. Are there 30 classrooms at school?6. How many ?7. Are you a new student?1.Play a game 用准备好的4幅图片让学生自己进行问答来猜一猜:学生告知:Yes, there is ./ No, there isnt.2. Cartoon time带着问题来观看动画:Who are they?

22、What are they doing? Hows Bobby?Hows Sam?3. 看图对话,图见教材,内容略。让学生先同桌准备,然后同桌看图回答问题。3. 教师领读词组和句型:in the playground , on the swing , too high, Its time for dinner.Lets play again.5. 听录音,跟读对话。6. 自读对话。7. 分角色读课文。Step3.Consolidation1.听写单词:art room, classroom, computer room, library, music room, playgroundhow m

23、any classrooms, on the second floor, have a look,a new student, Nancys classroom3. 听写句型:Yes, there is. No, there isnt. Yes, there are. No, there arent. Lets go and Step4.Homework1.课后分角色继续表演对话。2 .预习checkout time.3. 熟读卡通故事并尝试背诵 Unit 2 A new student Yes, there are. No, there arent. on the swing push me

24、 great funso heavy too high stopPeriod 5Unit2 Anew student (Checkout time & Ticking time)1.能听说读写句型:Yes. There is. No. there isnt.Yes, there are. No, there arent. 2.能正确表达 Its on the _ floor. They are on the _ floor.3.能熟练的介绍自己的学校。教学重难点 1.四会掌握句型:Yes, there are. No, there arent.2.用正确的语音语调朗读对话,表演对话。多媒体课件教学过程:Step1. Free talk:1. How are you today?3. Welcome to my home.4. Is there a in the classroom?5. Is there aat school?6. Are there any classrooms at school

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