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1、四级冲刺12012年大学四级冲刺成功法则Part 1分析难句子以及正确答案的命题规律1.选项规律的研究(1)正确答案的特征-同义改写的手段1 同义词替换2 词性的转化3 正话反说,反话正说4 具体与抽象转化5 从句与简单句的转化6 主动与被动的转化7 虚拟和真实的转化8 名词性短语和名词性从句的转化9 比较级之间转化10 动作和状态的转化错误答案的命题特点:1 张冠李戴2 断章取义3 字面意思,肤浅直白4 因果颠倒,逻辑混乱5 偷换概念,小动作6 过于绝对7 扩大范围8 推理过度9 无据比较10 语态时态错误1.Experts suggest that speech stages are re

2、ached at a constant age and promoted gradually according to the talents of humans, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ and has great talents in solving mathematical and physical problems. What can be inferred from experts suggestions

3、?A. Speech abilities are entirely correspondent to human talentsB. Humans talents are likely to be contrary to their speech capacitiesC. Children speaking late will certainly be gifted in solving mathematical problemsD. Gradual promotion of the speech ability can be changed by childrens talents.2. B

4、ehavorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which can develop his or her capacity for active responses and which can encourage the curiosity of the children will have greater intellectual development.What can be inferred from this sentence?A. stmuli

5、 are essential to the childpositive responses.B. Many stimuli can help children improve their IQ.C. a childs active reponses promote the curiosity of himD. greater intellectual development is based on the environment.3. Unwillingly,he finds that students who were easy to teach because they succeeded

6、 in putting everything they had learned into practice,hesitate when confronted with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which fall outside the scope of basic textbooks.We can infer that the studentsA. hesitate when they put everything they had been learned into practiceB. deal wi

7、th the unfamiliar English vocabulary badly because of being so dependent on teachersC. should learn more about extracurricular knowledge rather than focusing on texbooks aloneD. can easily put the vocabulary and usage of English into practice4.Studies of the Weddell seal in the laboratory have descr

8、ibed the physiological mechanisms that allow the seals to cope with the extreme oxygen deprivation that occurs during its longest dives, which can extend 500 meters below the oceans surface and last for over 70 minutes.We can learn from the sentence that the Weddell seal . A. can possess unique psyc

9、hological organismsB. can deal with low-density oxygen in and out of the seaC. can dive between the surface and 500 meter below freelyD. can be adapted to deep water with special capability5. The increase in the number of married women employed outside the home had less to do with the mechanization

10、and convenience of the housework and an increase in spare time for these women than it did with their own unavoidable economic requirements and with high marriage rates that decrease the available number of single women workers.Which of the following account for more married female workers?A. the me

11、chanization and convenience of housework and high marriage ratesB. Financial burden and fewer single women workersC. Womens desire for leisure lives and keeping a high salaryD. Unavoidable economic demands and the importance of single women6. “Your abilities and wisdom count”, Explained psychologist

12、 Michael Scheler of Carnege-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, but “the belief that you can succeed affects whether or not you will succeed and whether you can make a triumph persistently after achieving your goals.”Which of the following could best describe Schelers opinion?A. Self-confidence will de

13、cisively matter on ones way to successB. Ones success can be attribute to persistence and confidenceC. One should believe in himself whether he can succeed or not.D. Your capacity and confidence will determine the likelihood of success.7.The American economic system is organized around a basically p

14、rivate-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spendingtheir money in the marketplace for those goods that they want most and when and where the products should be sold to get their uttermost attention.What can be inferred from the sentence?

15、A. Consumers can buy their needed goods whenever and wherever.B. Producing and selling the goods are correspondents to consumers demands.C. Selling and producing have an interactive influence with each other.D. The time and place of exhibiting products are the key to selling products.8. Human beings

16、 have long distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so ensured their survival, by the ability to observe and understand their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs.If man is to survive, A. he should be as different as possible from other

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