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三年级下册英语试题Unit 2 In the library 练习译林版 有答案.docx

1、三年级下册英语试题 Unit 2 In the library 练习 译林版 有答案In the library【学习目标】 单词CDplayer, several, shelf, already, on, knowledge, yard, schoolyard, step, librarian, probably, pay, pay for (sth. ), sadly, mark, bookmark, encourage, once, abroad, copy 短语 used to, walk away with, pay for, come up with, pick up, find

2、out, put (sth. ) down, think of, getback, at the moment, borrowfrom, the next day, lost books, borrowed books, return to, sooner or later 句型 1encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 2finish doing sth. 做完某事 3make + n. (pron. )+adj. 使某人某物 4get sth. back 找回、要回 5get sth. from sb. 从某人那里得到某物 日常交际用语 I have got a

3、book. Excuse me. Have you got? Yes, I have. /Sorry. /No, I havent. You are welcome. Have you ever done? Yes, I have nce. /No, never. Ive just done 语法 The Present Perfect Tense (1) 现在完成时态(一) 现在完成时由“助动词have (has) + 过去分词” 构成。 陈述句形式、疑问句形式和简略答语。 动词的过去式和过去分词(规则形式和不规则形式) 【主体知识归纳】A. 词汇1several 可作形容词或代词。作形容词

4、的意思是“three or more, some but not many”。例如: There are several students in the classroom. 教室里有几个学生。 Ive been there several times. 我到过那里好几次了。 在本课中several是代词。“Yes, weve got several. ”“是的,我们有几本(书)。” several在本句中相当于a few(books), some(books)。例如: Have you got any apples? Yes, I have already got several. 你有苹果

5、吗?是的,我有好几个。 Several of them answered this question. 他们之中有好几个人回答了这个问题。 注意:several作代词是被视为复数形式的。 2already副词。表示“已经;业已;先前”。例如: My grandmother is already eighty years old. 我祖母已经八十岁了。 It is already past five oclock. 已经过了5点了。 但already作为现在完成时的标志词,主要用在完成时的肯定句中,在否定句和疑问句中用yet代替。例如: I have already read this book

6、. 我已读过这本书。 He hasnt come yet. 他还没有来。 Has he gone out yet? 他出门了没有? 3once副词,有时可作名词,表示一次、回。例如: I have travelled on the plane once. 我坐过一次飞机。 Ill help you once but then you must do it by yourself. 我会帮你一次但以后你必须自己做。 注意:二次是twice, 三次以上用three(four)times。 once作“曾经、以前”使用时,一般放在动词之前或句首(be动词除外)。例如: We once lived i

7、n Shanghai. 我们曾在上海住过。 I once went to Beijing. 我曾去过北京。 B短语 1used to表示“过去经常做某事(而现在不做了)”的意思。它的结构是“used to + 动词原形”。 例如: I used to go fishing on Sundays. 我以前常常在星期天去钓鱼。 My father used to live in the countryside. 我父亲过去常住在农村。 其疑问形式和否定形式各有两种: Used you to play basketball after school? (不常用) Did you use to pla

8、y basketball after school? He usednt to smoke. (不常用) He didnt use to smoke. 另一种结构“be used to + 名词(或动名词)”是表示“习惯于某事”,可用于各种时态。例如 : He is used to this kind of job. 他习惯于这种工作。 I am not used to getting up early. 我不习惯于早起。 有时也用get used to表达同样的意思。例如: Now I have got used to the weather here. 我已经习惯了这里的气候。 注意use

9、d to的读音,读作/ju:s tu/; usednt 读作/ju:snt/。 2walk away with顺手拿走;偷走;拐走。例如: Someone has walked away with Toms book. 有人把汤姆的书顺手拿走了。 Who has walked away with my pen? 谁把我的钢笔顺手拿走了(偷走了)? 有时候off可以代替away, 意思不变。例如: How can he walk off with the CD player in the daytime? 他怎么能在白天把激光唱机偷走呢? 3pay for 为而付钱。例如: How much d

10、id you pay for the new bike? 这辆自行车花了你多少钱? Did you pay for the book? 那本书的书款你付过了吗? 4come up with 想到、提出、提供(= offer)。例如: The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Jim came up with a good answer. 老师问了一个难题,但是最后吉姆却给出了一个很好的答案。 She has come up with an exciting plan for her holiday. 她提出了一个令人兴奋的假期计划。

11、 5make the/ones bed 铺床 You should make your bed by yourself. 你应当自己铺床。 C句型 1Have you got? 你有吗? 这是一个询问对方拥有什么东西的常用句型,是英国用法。而美国人常用Do you have或Have you? 上述几种说法意思相同。肯定回答是:Yes, I do /have. 否定回答是:No, I dont /havent. 例如: Have you got any money with you? 你身上带着钱吗? Sorry, I havent got any at the moment. 对不起,我现在

12、正好没有。 2encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事。例如: Mother encouraged me to do everything by myself when I was young. 我小时候妈妈就鼓励我独立做一切事情。 Our teacher often encourages us to study harder. 我们的老师经常鼓励我们更加努力学习。 3so was the librarian表示(主语)“也” 。例如: He has visited the museum. 他参观了博物馆。 So have I. 我也参观了。 They can play

13、 chess. 他们会下棋。 So can we. 我们也会。 He likes English. 他喜欢英语。 So do I. 我也喜欢。 Mary bought a new bike. 玛丽买了一辆新自行车。 So did I. 我也买了。 要注意和表示另一类强调的句型“ so +主语 +动词”区分开。如: You are listening to the news. 你在听新闻。 So I am. 是的,我在听。 Its warmer today. 今天暖和一些了。 So it is. 是的。 4get sth. from sb. 从某人那里得到某物。例如: There you can

14、 get a nice present from the librarian. 在那里你能得到管理员送的精美纪念品。 I have got a letter from him. 我收到了他的信。 D交际 借东西用语 Excuse me. Have you got any books about maths? Yes, I have. /No, I havent. Excuse me. Do you have an eraser? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. Can /May I borrow your bike? Certainly. /Sure. /Sorry, Im u

15、sing it now. /Sorry, I dont have one. Ask Lily, I think she has one. E. 语法 现在完成时(一) 1用法:现在完成时表示过去发生或已完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响和结果。例如: He has cleaned the room already. (现在房间是干净的) Have you done your homework yet? Yes, Ive just done it. (结果是该做的家庭作业都做完了) 现在完成时还表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,要和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用。例如: We have lived here for ten years. He has been busy these days. 2结构:现在完成时由“助动词have /has +过去分词” 构成。例如: He has gone to England. 其否定式在have /has后加not。例如: We havent hea

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