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牛津英语8B Unit5 Check out学案及教案Word下载.docx

1、 The dtrs ill _ _ _ _ her fr her illness 4人们通过向希望工程捐助帮助贫困地区的学校和学生。 Peple help shls and students in_ _ b_ _ t _ _ 教练告诉他们继续训练。 The ah tld the t_ _ _ the _ 6 我们把英语老师当作我们的好朋友。 e_ ur English teaher_ ur gd friend 7 你还有其它什么要说的吗? D u have_ _ _ _? 8 这所学校什么时候创办的? hen _ the shl_ _? 9 你通常如何花费你的零用钱? H d u usuall

2、 _ ur _ _? 10 她只想着自己,从不关心他人。 She nl_ _ herself and desnt_ _ thers 【教案】 题8B Unit heut型复习教学目标1 评价学生对used t/,be used t,sthat以及suhthat等句型的掌握情况 2 复习本单元的话题及重要的单词和短语 3 培养学生为慈善事业出力的意识重难点分析教会学生如何理解运用used t/,be used t,sthat以及suhthat等句型。学情分析学生在平时的练习中已遇到过这些句型,但何时使用及怎样正确使用却有一些茫然,所以要通过情景训练教会他们的具体用法。教学方法情景教学法,归纳法教

3、具准备、多媒体、教学图片教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充STEP 1 Revisin1D internatinal harities pla an iprtant rle in the rld?hih f the harities d u thin is the st iprtant ne?2(1)hih harities helps ith pr peple h are blind/?(2)H d RBIS dtrs treat their patients?(3) D RBIS dtrs als pla an iprtant part in the develping f the lal

4、 hspital?(4) hih harit helps ith the hildren arund the rld?3Let the students finish the exerises n Page 91 PartB,he the ansers ith the students4AtivitiesSTEP 2 Revisin 1Present different phts,as the students t use used t/,be used t,sthatand suhthatt ae sentenes t revise graar 2 Let the students fini

5、sh the exerises n Page 91 PartA ,he the ansers ith the studentsSTEP 3 Pratie1 As students t plete the exerise n their n Students have t rearrange the rds t ae sentenes2Finish the exerises n the slidesSTEP 4 Her教师提问,激活学生的固有的知识,引人语言情境引导学生复习本单元出现的慈善组织的有关内容及相关的词汇教师呈现十个需要变脸的词,要求学生按要求变换考查学生的运用能力he the ans

6、ers引起学生的兴趣,激活学生的思维分组竞赛Students d exerises作业设计1 Revise the ntents in this unit 2 riting five sentenes ith eah struture板书设计used t ,be used t, sthat suhthat教学反思 【当堂巩固】 一、A 根据句意和所给中写出句中所缺的单词。 1 heres r Green?He has gne t attend an_(国际) eeting 2 I rite t ther ever ee, _(主要) n Sundas 3 The heav r _(影响) hi

7、s health, s he led uh lder 4 D u n the saing, “A friend in need is a friend _(真正地) Its iprtant t_(教育) the ung students B 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。 1 D u n the _(intervie) n TV?f urse Hes Shui uni fr TV 2 The dtrs didnt n hat aused the ld ans _(blind) 3 an I have a_(ediine) exainatin tda? I dnt feel ell 4 H i

8、s iss ing?She is still under_(treat) in hspital Dr Brn felt tired beause he had t_(perate) in the da IV句型转换。(10分) A 按要求变换句型。 1 He used t al t shl(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ t al t shl 2 Dann ased Sand if she uld si(改为直接引语) Dann ased, “_ _ si, Sand?” 3 Sin said, “I a ver bus”(改为间接引语) Sin said that_ _ ver bus 4

9、The teaher said t hi, “Dnt sleep in lass”(改为间接引语) The teaher tld hi_ _ _ in lass His unle is a dtr(对划线部分提问) _ _ his unle_? B同义句转换 1 I used nt t lie Peing pera I_ _ t lie Peing pera 2 The si b needs an peratin The si b needs t be_ _ 3 Theres enugh tie, s u neednt hurr Theres enugh tie, s u_ _ _hurr 4 Father tells Daniel nt t pla puter gaes Father _ Daniel _ _ puter gaes

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