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人教新目标八年级英语上册教案Unit 5 Section BWord格式.docx

1、课前准备多媒体课件、录音机。教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1. Show pictures about movies. Teach students the words for different kinds of movies.2. Introduce some description words using different pictures.3. Read these new words and expressions.【设计意图】在前面已学过的“电视节目”的基础上引出“电影”这一话题,学习不同电影类型的英文表达。利用图片和情境学习相关的描述性词语,为下面的任务做好词汇准备。St

2、ep 2 Work on 1a1.Point out the TV shows and movies. Have students read them.2.Ask students what they think of these shows and movies.A: What do you think of cartoons?B: I love them. Why? Because they are funny and enjoyable.3.Ask students to choose words from the box and write them under the picture

3、s.4. Ask students to show their opinions using sentences.For example,I like/cant stand/dont mind. Because【重点突破】观察la方框中的描述性词语,哪些是褒义词?哪些是贬义词?将这些描述性词语与表示偏好的句式进行搭配,填在横线上._ I love._I like._I dont mind._I dont like._I cant stand.Step 3 Work on 1b-1c1.JohnandMaryaretalkingaboutTVshowsandmovies.Letslistenan

4、dfindoutwhattheydecided to watch finally.2.Play the recording. Check the answers.3.Play the recording again. Ask students to circle the description words they hear.4.Play the recording again. Ask students to write down the words John and Mary use to showsand movies. Check the answers.听力对话较长,其中包含的信息较

5、多,可以通过让学生多次听,并且每次针对性地听;通过侧重不同的信息来将难度分解。Step 4 Work on 1d1.Point to the chart in 1c.Ask questions like this: What kind of movies does John like? What kind of TV shows does Marylike? Does John like them?2.Point out the example sentence. Ask students to tell their partners what John and Mary like towat

6、ch and the reasons. Then tell about their own preferences.在活动之前,利用1c的表格进行师生问。引导学生模仿提供的范例,先复述对话中的信息,然后在此基础上发表自己的观点。Homework口头作业:Listen to the recording and follow the intonation and pronunciation.书面作业:Find out the names of some other kinds of movies. What kind of movies do you love?Why?Whatkindofmovi

7、esdoyouneverwatch?Whatsthereason?Interviewthreeofyourclassmates and write a report.教学反思在前面所学知识的基础上,将话题内容进行了拓展和延伸,利用描述性词语目标句型谈论喜好、阐述原因。教学中层层深入,做好词汇和句式的铺垫,学生接受起来并不困难。但本节课的描述性词语较多,活动设计上要确保学生足够的练习量,使其能够恰当准确地使用这些词语。Period 2 2a-2e本节课是该单元第5课时,课型为阅读课,采用读前、读中和读后的设计思路。语篇围绕卡通片这一电影类型展开,主要谈论一个为学生熟知的美国卡通形象米老鼠,让学生

8、通过阅读了解卡通片在美国文化中的地位,特别是米老鼠的诞生和成名过程以及人们喜欢它的原因。1.学生能够掌握本节课的重点词汇:culture, famous, appea,become, rich,successful, might,main, reason, common, film, unlucky, lose, ready, simple2.学生能够了解卡通片在美国文化中的地位,特别是米老鼠的诞生和成名过程以及人们喜欢它的原因。3学生能够掌握一定的阅读技巧,提高阅读能力。4学生能够拓展知识,提高跨文化交际的意识,激起学生对本国文化的关注和重视,树立起民族自豪感。了解卡通片在美国文化中的地位,

9、特别是米老鼠的诞生和成名过程以及人们喜欢它的原因。运用阅读策略获取信息,理解语篇含义。多媒体课件1.ShowthevideoSteamboatWillie.Askstudentstorememberthecharactersappearedinthevideo.Ask questions about Mickey Mouse. Introduce the man behind Mickey and Mickeys friends.通过语篇中提到的Steamboat Winnie导入课堂,引出来老鼠这一卡通形象,继而介绍米老鼠的创造者沃尔特迪斯尼以及米老鼠的朋友们。读前的活动主要是通过视频和问题

10、激活学生的背景知识,扫清部分词汇障碍。Step 2 Read for the main ideaAsk students to read the passage quickly and choose the main idea.A. Some cartoons with Mickey Mouse.B.Mickey Mouse,a famous symbol in American culture(文化).C.What people think of cartoons.整体阅读,寻找文本大意。给出三个选项,降低此任务的难度。Step 3 While-reading1.Ask students t

11、o read the passage and complete the time line in 2b.2.Read and match the main idea with each paragraph.Para. 1Why was Mickey popular?Para. 2People still know and love Mickey Mouse today.Para. 3Who is Mickey Mouse?3.Read Para.1 and answer the questions.What was his first cartoon? Who created (创造)Mick

12、ey? How many cartoons did he make withMickey?4.Read Para. 2 and answer the questions.What did Mickey become popular?What problems did Mickey have in his early films?Why did people want to be like Mickey?5.Read Para. 3 and Write T or FMickey was the first actor to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of

13、 Fame.Mickey Mouse is simpler than many cartoons today.Mickey is still famous today.先整体阅读再分段阅读,让学生带着任务完成每一段的阅读,提取文段的信息,了解段落间的联系,训练阅读技能。Step 4 Mind Map1.Draw the mind map about the whole passage.2.Ask students to retell the passage with the help of the mind map.Step 5 Post-reading1.Ask students the q

14、uestion:What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of? (A symbol of American culture.)2. Next question:What cartoon character can be a symbol of Chinese culture?Ask students to thinkof as many characters as possible.4.AskstudentstowriteapassageabouttheirfavoriteChineseCartoon.Usethefollowingquestions for help: W

15、hats your favorite cartoon character? What does he/she look like? When didyou first see? Character? Is he/she popular? Why do you like him/her?米老鼠是美国文化的标志之一,引导学生思考能够代表中国文化的卡通形象有哪些,可以给一部分中国卡通形象的图片以激发学生思考。让学生仿照本篇文章的写作模式,写一下自己喜欢的中国卡通形象,唤起学生对本国文化的关注和重视,增强对本民族文化的认同感和荣誉感。布置写作任务时,通过几个问题对学生的写作加以引导。According

16、 to the mind map in class or your own minor your own mind map, retell thepassage using your own words.FindmoreinformationaboutyourfavoritecartooncharactersontheInternet.Addmore details in your Writing.本节课是一节阅读课,语篇中涉及一些美国文化,还涉及一些长句以及语义的深层表达,需要学生具备一定的文化背景知识,并在文章上下文语境中体会语言表达的真实含义。本节课借助图片、视频帮助学理解一定的背景知识

17、,通过思维导图的方式,帮助学生理顺文章的框架,了解文章的写作模式。Period 3 3a- self-check使用所给词写段影评,该语篇也为学生后面的写作提供了示范;再通过小标题的方式提示学生分析3a范例中的信息,同时对帮助学生整理自己的写作信息,为后面介绍电影打开思路。Self Check部分主要检测学生对谈论计划,和安排的句型以及谈论喜好的句型的掌握情况。1学生学会运用本单元重点单词、短语以及目标语言。2学生学会影评的写作方式。3综合运用语言谈论自己的喜好和观点。学习写影评影评的写作方式了解学生喜欢的电影,搜集电影海报等相关信息。准备好录音机、制作多媒体课件及学案。1. Talk abo

18、ut cartoons with students. Do you like cartoon movies? What cartoon movies have youwatched? What is it about?2.Show a video about Mulan. Ask students to tell something about this movie.由谈论卡通电影导入课堂,播放花木兰电影片段,让学生谈论关于该电影的相关内容,激活背景知识,为下面的阅读和写作做好铺垫。Step 2 Work on 3a1.Point to the words in the box. Ask st

19、udents to read them.2.Ask students to read the movie review and fill in the blanks.3.Check the answers by asking them to work in groups of four. Then check the answers in thewhole class.4.Ask students the following questions:(l) What is the name of the movie?(2) What kind of movie is it?(3) What is

20、the movie about?(4) What does the writer think of the movie?先让学生独立完成3a的任务,引导他们先通读短文掌握其大意,再根据上下文及所缺部分在句中所作的成分判断选填哪个词。读后提问学生上述问题,帮助学生理解文本和为下面的写作铺垫。重点思考:观察上面提出的四个观察上面提出的四个问题,请思考:写一篇影评应该包括哪些方面。Step 3 Work on 3b-3c1.Point to the four parts about movie reviews.2.Ask students to write notes for each part.3

21、.Ask students to use the notes in 3b to write theirwrite their own movie review.4.Have some students read their movie reviews.Step 4 Work on 41. Point to the chart. Ask students to write down description words in the chart.2. Have students work in pairs to tell each other their opinions.3.Have some

22、students make reports about their partners and their own ideas.提醒学生使用本单元目标句型和学过的描述性词语来谈论,并鼓励学生说出自己的理由,让学生归纳自己和同伴相同的观点和不同的观点,并据此写一个报告。Step 5 Work on Self Check1.Ask students to write questions and answerand answers using the words in brackets.2.Ask several pairs to read their conversations to check t

23、he answers.3.Have students read the statements in 2 and decide if they agree or disagree. Ask them to give atleast one reason.4. Have some students present their opinions and reasons.5. Choose the second statement as a topic,Divide students into two groups (for and against). Havea discussion.Memorize the words and structures in this Unit.Complete the exercises in the workbook.本节课学习了如何写影评,学生在使用本单元目标语言的基础上,还需要一些语言储备。在介绍电影情节、演员等信息时,需要教师给予更多的语言帮助。Self Check最后一部分进行了拓展活动,引导学生就各类影片的喜好这一话题进行辩论,锻炼了学生综合运用语言的能力,课堂效果很好。

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