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1、first,second,third, last; get hurt, lose ones life, keep safe, obey the traffic rules, the green walk “sign”, look both ways, its good to do sth., be careful3.语法:能够正确使用祈使句的肯定和否定形式,如:(1) Be careful!(2) Turn right.(3) Dont play on the street.4.功能与话题:能够就“谈论交通标志、交通安全、交通规则”等话题功能进行交流与对话操练,如: (1) First, we

2、 must obey the traffic rules. (2) Second, before we cross the street, we must stop and look both ways (3) Third, we must never play on the street. (4) Last, its good to help children and old people cross the street. (5) Stop when the light is red. (6) We must obey the traffic rules.二、语言技能:1.能听懂与本节课话

3、题有关的语段,能听懂老师的课堂指令并做出适当的反应;2.能用英文简单地提出忠告和建议;并能够从“谈论遵守交通规则”延伸到谈论遵守校规、城市规则等,如:(1)Listen careful in class.(2)Keep quiet in class.(3)Dont talk in class.(4)Dont speak loudly in public. .3.能读懂简单的表达交通标志和交通规则的词句并能正确地朗读课文。4.能根据常识写出简单的英文交通规则、班规、城市规则等。三、学习策略:1.通过本节课的学习能够掌握一些阅读技巧:(1)根据标题猜测文章大意;(2)根据语境猜测词义;(3)通过相

4、同意义或关键词还原句子;(4)通过寻读、细读获得细节内容。2.培养学生的交际策略和资源策略。四、情感态度: 1.设计不同活动让学生体会到英语学习的乐趣; 2.鼓励学生大胆开口,表达中不怕出错并积极参与各种课堂学习活动; 3.在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和和合作 4.乐于接受外国文化,增强祖国意识。五、文化意识:使学生对中外文化的异同有粗略的了解: 结合本课内容使学生明白有些国家靠右行驶,如:China, America, France, Germany, Canada, Cuba, Russia等;有些地区或国家靠左行驶,如:Hongkong, Macao, Japan, Australi

5、a, India, Thailand等。III. The key points and difficult points 1.能够在课堂活动中,学会用英语表达身边的交通标志,谈论交通安全;2.能用祈使句表达一些交通规则进而谈论校规、城市规则等。IV. Teaching aids: 黑板、多媒体、思维导图、彩色卡纸等VI. Teaching procedures:Step1. Leading-in Watch two flashes to present some news words(hurt, lose, accident, before, cross, stop, sign) and le

6、ad in 1a.Step2. Presentation(教授过程中对学生进行阅读策略的渗透)1.Prediction Reading-1(预测阅读-1) Look at the title and guess what the passage is about_A_.A. How can we keep safe when we are walking on the street?B. We must obey the traffic rules. C. Every year many people get hurt or lose their lives.D. D. All of us s

7、hould be very careful .阅读策略:通过标题预测文章大意。2.Prediction Reading-2(预测阅读-2) Read 1a quickly and try to guess the underlined word “both” means_B_ in Chinese.A. 所有 B.两个 C.每一个 D.路边通过上下文猜测词义。3.Scanning (寻读)(D)How many ways to keep safe are there in the passage? B. two C.three D. fourfirst, second, third,

8、 last 使文章脉络清晰帮我们更好地理解文章。4.Reading for details-1(细读-1)根据段落内容把句子复原:How can we keep safe when we are walking on the street? First, we must obey the traffic rules. 1._A_.Second, before we cross the street, we must stop and look both ways-look left, look right and look left again. Third, we must never pl

9、ay on the street. 2._B_. A. We can cross the street only when we see the green walk“ sign.B. Last, its good to help children and old people cross the street.找对应意义或关键词还原句子。5. Reading for details-(细读-2)Read 1a again and finish the mind map.Step3. Consolidation1.Talk about how to keep safe in groups ac

10、cording to1a.A: We must obey B: We can cross C: D: E: We must . F: We must never .3. Learn more traffic rules with imperatives. (1)Match the sentences with the pictures.A. Dont drive too fast. B. Stop when the light is red.B. C. Turn right. D. Dont park here.C. E. Be careful! F. Dont play on the str

11、eet. D. G. Dont make a wrong turn. H. Dont drive after drinking.(2)Summarize how to use imperatives:肯定祈使句以动词原形开头,变否定时在动词原形前加Dont, 祈使句可以用来发出命令、请求或提建议。4. Practice imperatives &Cultural difference. Keep right in China./ Keep left in the UK.In some countries, people keep right, such as:China, America, F

12、rance, Germany, Canada, Cuba, Russia etc;In some cities or countries, people keep left, such as:5.Talk about school rules with imperatives.Listen carefully in class.Dont .Step4. Project(Write some city rules)平顶山正在努力进行四城联创,假如你是一名志愿者,请你写一份倡议书,倡导人们文明出行,为四城联创尽一份力吧!(两人合作)Step5.Emotional education: Wherev

13、er we are, we must obey the rules, because there is no order without rules and laws(无规矩不成方圆).Step6. Summary1.New words:hurt, lose, accident,safe, both, obey,cross, sign, stop, third, last, careful2.The ways to keep safe:First ,obey the traffic rules Second, stop and lookThird,never play Last, its go

14、od to help 3.Imperatives:Dont drive too fast. Stop when the light is red.Step7. Exercise( A )1. -Where are Joe and Ted from? -They _come from America. A. both B. all C. every D. each( C ) 2.-_ in the classroom. -Im sorry. I wont do it again. A. Do eat B. Not eat C. Dont eat D. No eat ( B )3. -Its go

15、od _ children and old people cross the road. - I think so. A. help B. to help C. helps D. helpingStep8. Homework收集平顶山市区近一年发生交通事故的数据,并运用本节课所学表达法写一篇小短文(50词左右)描述其原因,并提出避免措施。Blackboard designUnit6 Topic 3 How can I get to the library?Section C get hurt lose ones life accident before cross stop sign教学反思:优点:本节课能根据课标要求设置不同的活动在教授学生语言知识的同时,培养学生的语言技能和阅读策略、同时又对学生进行情感态度和文化意识方面的渗透。缺点:总结本节课重点知识时应引导学生自己总结,做练习题时也应提问学生并说出选择的理由,这样能帮助学生消化所学知识。总之,最后结束的有点仓促,以后上课要合理安排时间避免这样的情况再出现!

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