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1、5、 过去完成时 had done(1)before/ by the end of /by the time of /of the end of /at the time of + 过去的时间 I had picked up English by the end of 5 years old.(2) no sooner had.than did Hardly .when 一.就No sooner had he entered the classroom than he began to red. 他一回家就把包放在地板上。 No sooner had he gone home that he

2、put the bag on the floor.我一看到你翻译的句子就来气。Hardly had I seen you translated sentence when I become angry.6、 将来完成时 will have done (1) before + 将来动作I will have passed the fifth gate before the class is over.(2) By time of / at the end of /at the time of +将来时间到月底这个桥将会完工。 By the end of this month the bridge

3、 will have been finished.7、 完成进行时 have been doing Whole /all the . He has been talking all the whole class.8、 将来时(1) will do / be going to do It is going to rain.(2) Be to do Mr.Rush is to visit china next Friday. Professor wang is to have us a lecture on American military exercise next Tuesday。(3)

4、go, come ,arrive ,take off ,leave ,He is leaving for shanghai tomorrow.(4) 过去将来时 would doHe said he would commit suicide if he could not enter THGollege.(5) 将来进行时 will be doing I will be having night snacks at this time of tomorrow.【】虚拟语气假的、不可能实现的愿望、推荐、命令I will that I were a millionaire.考点 条件句:if =p

5、rovided =providing=suppose=supposing 现在:if 主+did 主语 would /could /might/ do (不可用should)If I had a helicopter(直升机)I would go back in a minute. 过去:if 主语had done 主 would have done 表对过去愿望假设If you had told me the news in advance I would not have been shocked. 将来:if 主语 were to should do 主语 would do If you

6、 were free tomorrow,you would sleep in 睡懒觉。【】1、 省略条件If.were/had/should 若条件句中出现were/had/should可以省略if ,将were/had/should置于句首If I had 5 wives ,I would be happy.-Had I 5 wives, I would be happy.If I were not to be free , I would not go with you.-Were I not be free , I would not go with you.Had he gone wi

7、th me ,he would have been (be) happy.Should you go ,I would solve the problem.2、 隐含条件If there were no water ,there would not be modern industry. -Without water ,there would not be modern industry.引导词:without, or, other wise ,but for ,thanks to +词和词组,不加句子Thanks to you timely advice ,or I would not ha

8、ve succeeded.要不是听了你的建议,我就不会实施这个计划了。But for following you advice ,I would not carried out the plan.3、 错综条件句:if 主语 had done ,主语 would do 现在:now ,at the moment ,at present If I had killed you, you would not be smiling now.二 宾语从句中的虚拟1、主 wish/would rather/ would sooner/ would just as soon(that)主 did .现在I

9、 wish (that) I were the mayor of wuxi.I would rather that you were not in the classroom.主 wish /would rather/would sooner/ would just as soon that had .过去I wish that I had followed you advice last week.2、主 advice /suggest/propose/order/recommend/urge/ require /demand /insist maintain /prefer thatI s

10、uggested that he not give up the plan.I insists that the plan (should) not be given up.三、主语从句虚拟1、it is/was 形容词(important, vital ,necessary, essential, critical, crucial)that 主语 (should) doIt is vital that he (should ) get a diploma. (文凭)2、it is done that 主语 (should)do It is suggested that he (should

11、) not stay in the 5-star hotel.4、 it is 名词 that 主语 should do It is his requirement that he should give up the plan.His suggestion that she should carry out the plan is accepted.四 1、if only 主语 did .现在 If only 主语 had done .过去If only I had had KFC yesterday. 2、as if /as though 好像 He is a little man as

12、if he were a baby. He is familiar to her as if he had seen her in the past.Lest/ for fear that 主 should do 以防万一 用lest, should 可省 I will read slowly lest he (should) not understand.3、It is highly time that 主 did It is highly time that we had our dinner。【】倒装句1、 全部倒装:动词 + 主语2、 部分倒装:助动词(do ,dose, can, d

13、id)主语 + 动词(一 )、部分倒装考点 A虚拟语气倒装If 主语 +be /were/ should 主语 would +.Should be tell me the news , I would not fell surprised.Had he told me the news , I would not have self (feel)surprised. B so. 肯定也 Neither/ nor 否定也不They like soybean milk , so does he.He didnt fear exam ,neither /nor did he fear failure

14、.3、 否定词、半否定词放在句首、主语部分倒装Not until last week did I know that he succeeded.(1) not ,no , nowhere ,not untilNowhere can you find such a beautiful place as THC.(2) 表示否定词词组At no time , by no time ,in no way ,on account , in /under no circumstancesBy no means will we resort to(借助于) violence(暴力).他绝不会是第一个使用核

15、武器的。In no way will he be the first to us nuclear weapon.(3) Seldom(很少),little,few ,hardly ,scarcely, rarely ,barely, when Hardly had we began our class when he entered.(4) As引导让步状语从句,尽管,虽然强调一个词 +as +句子Student as he is ,he drives car to go to school .(5) So +ADJ/ADV 开头,倒装 that +句子So much does he expe

16、nd every week that his family cannot support him.(6) Only +状语开头+主句倒转只有你得到充足的证据,你才能得到正确的结论。Only when you have obtained sufficient data can you arrive at sound conclusion.Only after a year did he begin to see the result of his work. 直到你回来,我才去上海。 Only when you come back will I leave for shanghai. 只有我们上

17、英语课,才意识到我的英语很差。 Only when we began to have the English class did I realize that my English was very fool.二 、全部倒装1、表语放在句首:is 2、地点放在句首 Our THCollege is located in the west of wuxi. In the west of wuxi is located THCollege.3、 直接宾语放在句首“Lets go back” said he boy.4、 方位词放在句首 there ,here ,then ,now 主语是名词Up

18、is going the price. The price is going up.Away flied the dances.【】语法4 状语从句1、 时间状语从句:when , as ,while doing , until , since ,ever since ,every time ,each time ; As soon as ,the moment ,by the time ,end of ,no sooner than ,hardly when(1) when , as , whileAs you grow up ,you will be experienced.He is w

19、riting while she is watching TV.(2) Until ,not until Not until he told me news did I feel at ease.Once.一旦.Once you have got a good opportunity , you should avail it .(3) Since ,ever since It has been 8 years since we began to know.(4) As soon as He set about his work the moment he entered the office

20、. Set up 建立 establish=build up set out/off 出发,动身去. Set about开始,着手于(5) Before ,by the time /end of +过去,用had done +将来,将来完成 He had been in the classroom before I come here.(6) No sooner.than ,hardly when 我一到教室就看书。No sooner had I entered the classroom ,than I began to read the book.2、 地点状语从句 where,where

21、verMake a mark where you go.Where you go ,you will always find you friends.3、 原因状语Because,for , since =now that ,seeing that ,considering that ,in that ,on the ground that (1) Now that you have worked out a plan ,it should be practical.(2) Seeing that , considering that 考虑到,鉴于Seeing that you are poo

22、r ,the back will not make a loan to you.(3) In that on the ground that 因为,就在于(放于句中)He failed again in his business in that he was too snobbish.(4) 目的状语 so that ,in order that ,least ,for fear that;caseYou make your efforts to study ,so that your parents are moved.He buys breakfast for her every morn

23、ing lest she leave him.(5) So + ADJ/ADV that ,such + nthat 结果 so many/much +名词He is so generous that many girls go after him .(6) 条件状语从句If ,provide, unless , as long as =on condition that 只要 They baby never cries unless he is hungry. The baby will cry if he in hungry. As long as you keep it secret ,

24、I will inform you of the news. I will promise you to implement the plan on condition that you provide adequate fund.(7) 方式状语 As if , as though ,the way as , 做得方式 She is talkative as if she were an old lady. He didnt do the way I did.(8) 比较状语Asas 原级 more.than 比较级 lessthan 原级A、 倍数 times as /moreHis we

25、ight is twice as heavy as hers. The room is 4 times bigger than the kitchen.B、 The more .the more.越越.The more you absorb knowledge ,the more you will be stupid.C、 Less.than 不如.I run less fast than you.(9) 让步状语Although +句子 despite =in spite of +词/词组Although he is prominent ,he holds a minor position.

26、 Even if /though 既使.(10) 程度状语To such an extent /to such a degree 达到.程度 The temperature lowered to such a degree that the water froze.【】主谓一致It was at the university that the friendship between then arrived its highest point. I who am your teacher will try my best. The football team are exercising on

27、the playground.就近:or, eitheror, neither.nor ,not only.but also, not .but非就近:as well as ,no less than , rather than ,more than ,in addition with ,do with ,together with ,except ,live ,that 连接主语:and1、 同一个人,物单数The president and (the) office manager are going for business.The water and black cat is biti

28、ng bones.2、 Many a ,no ,every ,each +并列单数名词50 kilometers is very far for a man to walk.3、 Of 词组(1) 分数,百分数,of -后用单数 is35 percent of the students are to fail in the exam. A lot of water is wasted.(2) A lot of , a pile of ,a series of ,a portion of ,a committed of ,a panel of 不管单复数,后谓用单A series of campaigns has been going on .Portion 部分 proportion 比例 be in proportion 成比例4、 A nu

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