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1、预习81页1a,大声朗读至熟练,试试看,在课堂上你能与原声PK吗?4.感悟新知:读对话,找出下列短语或句子被允许做某事 去太空 某天 被用来做某事 实现 二.合作探究1、看图片对话,试着用被动语态。2、读一读2的两个对话,找出对话中的被动语态的句子。 思考:be made of 与be made from 的区别是什么? be made up of / be made in / be made by/ be made into 这些短语的意义你知道吗?3、Its used for locking the door. 写下下列短语的意思be used for _be used to do _be

2、 used as _used to do sth. _be used to doing sth. _4、仿照例子,根据图片编对话。三展示交流1.展示合作探究。2.质疑:独立朗读1a,你还有哪些疑惑和发现呢?说出来我们一起来分享吧!3.你知道laptop, cellphone, digital camera 这三项发明的材质、用途吗?我们来做听力练习了解他们吧!4完成听力后,请仿照3b根据表格的信息编对话。四点评小结今天我们学到了重点词汇 重点句型 五.达标检测 1. Trees _ (water) in our school every three days. 2. The zoo _ (vi

3、sit) by lots of children on weekends. 3. A Journey to West _ (show) on CCTV every summer.4.On Christmas Day, children wake up early and cant wait _ (open) the boxes of presents.5. Well have a chance _ (see) the flower show this weekend. 第二课时(2-3b)九 年级 英语 学科 第_65_ 课时 主备:一.自主学习口语交际:用下列三个问题与同桌对话。 Whats

4、 it made of ?1.听力训练(1)听前预测:看图片,Jane与Kangkang在谈论什么呢?(2)听1a完成1b,小组读一读。2.两人一组,分角色读1a。3.读完对话后,请小组合作完成下列任务,注意展示时小组的每个成员都要有任务哦!(1)Because I was not allowed to play computer games last night. allow 有下列短语,你能用他们造句吗? allow sb. to do sth. allow doing sth. be allowed to do sth. 你能写出一般过去时的被动语态结构吗?试试吧!An e-mail w

5、as sent to her friend by Jane yesterday. 肯定句式:_ An e-mail wasnt sent to her friend by Jane yesterday. 否定句式:_ Was an e-mail sent to her friend by Jane yesterday? 一般疑问句式_ Who was the e-mail sent to by Jane yesterday? 特殊疑问句式:(2)I wish I could go into space some day. some day 与 one day 用法区别你知道吗?1.展示合作探究

6、.3.Read 1a and answer the questions in 1c. 这节课你学到了什么?五达标检测完成句子。1.My mother allows me to use her cellphone.(改为被动语态)I _ _ _ use my mothers cellphone.2.A rocket is used for launching satellites and spaceships.(就画线部分提问) _ _ a rocket _ _?3.The digital camera was invented in 1975. (就划线部分提问)_ _ the digital

7、 camera _ ?4. Maybe he is an inventor. (改为同义句)He _ _ an inventor.Fill in the blanks with the right preposition.1.The desk is made _ wood.2.The red wine is made _ grapes.3.This delicious cake was made _my mother.4.Glasses are made _ glass.5.Our group is made up _ four students.6.That kind of machine

8、is made _Japan.Unit 4 Amazing ScienceSection B(两课时)九年级 英语 学科 第_66_ 课时 主备: 审核:1单词和短语:bulb,airplane,hard-wearing,Korea2句型:Its said that he invented more than two thousand things during his life.3重难点:学习一般过去时的被动语态的构成与用法.第一课时(1a-1d)一自主学习Talk about some inventions that you know.(师生对话、生生对话或自述形式)预习83页1a,大声朗

9、读至熟练,试试看,在课堂上你能与原声PK吗?在某人的一生中 据说 谁发明的? 二合作探究看图片,Jane与Michael在谈论什么呢?(2)听1a完成1b,小组核对答案。3.读1a,完成1c。4.根据1c 的表格两人一组对话:When was it invented? Who was it invented?5.读完对话后,请小组合作完成下列任务,注意展示时小组的每个成员都要有任务哦!(1).It is widely used by people everywhere. 你能翻译这个句子吗?(2)who invented it ? 请你用被动语态写出同义句_1Act the dialogue

10、out in roles. 2write another passage based on 1c.四点评小结 1.The light bulb is w_ used by people everywhere. 2.Thomas Edison i_ the light bulb in 1879. 3.Its s_ that he invented more than two thousand things during his life. 4.The airplane was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1903. Its d_ from t

11、odays. 第二课时(2-4b)九 年级 英语 学科 第_67_ 课时 主备: 学生姓名_2.预习2,完成下列词组:耐磨的 为了,以便于 1. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.2. When were the first jeans produced?3. Understand 2, and ask your classmates for help if you have problems.4. Listen to 3, match the pictures with the following info

12、rmation.5. According to 3, make conversations with your partner.1.展示合作探究1与2。2.小组展示4a与4b。(1)字母o在重读闭音节中读/ /,如:rocket, cotton, hospital, model(2)字母a在重读闭音节中读/ /,如:satellite, camera, laptop, plastic(3)升调常用于一般疑问句、选择疑问句的前一部分、并列列举时除最后一项的其他项。这节课你学到了什么?五.达标检测( )1.He _play computer games unless he finished his

13、 homework. A. was allowed to B. was not allowed to C. allow to( )2.We all know that paper _wood. A. is made of B. is made into C. is made from( )3.This kind of machine _in 2006. A. is invented B. is made C. was invented( )4.A(An)_is used for taking photos. A .Camera B. Lift C. MP3 player( )5 .We sho

14、uld spend more time _because its too important. A .to learn English B. learning English C. in English5. 完成练习册Section B Section C(两课时)九 年级 英语 学科 第_68_ 课时 主备: 学生姓名_ invention, list, crayon, thought, silly, brainstorm, evaluate, detail, redesign.2.理解长难句。Discuss the questions in 1a.(师生对话、生生对话或自述形式)预习85页

15、1a,大声朗读至熟练,试试看,在课堂上你能与原声PK吗?come about wild and crazy thoughts careful planning make a detailed drawing 1.小组讨论1a中的问题,全班分享不同的观点。2.大声独立的朗读课文,遇到困难请向老师和同学求助。3.再读1a,结合上下文猜测这些单词的意思。invention crayon thought silly brainstorm evaluateredesign detailed4.Read 1a and put the sentences in the correct places,then

16、 check the answers in groups.5.Read 1a again and fill in the blanks. 1.展合作探究。注意展示时小组的每个成员都要有任务哦!2.大声朗读课文。大胆的读吧,你一定行的!五达标检测Complete the following words according to their first letters and meanings.1.i_ n. the creation of something in the mind; the act of inventing 2.c_ n. a rod(棒) of colored wax(蜡)

17、used for drawing 3.t_ n. an idea that you have in your mind 4.s_ adj.foolish5.b_n. small thin inflatable(可充气的) rubber bag with narrow neck6.g_ n. a weapon(武器) from which bullets(子弹) or other things are fired7.r_ n. a machine that can move automatically(自动地)8.k_ n. the set of keys that you press in o

18、rder to operate it 第二课时(2a-2b)九 年级 英语 学科 第_69_ 课时 主备:1.口语交际:与你的同桌聊聊,说说你们知道的21世纪的发明。1.认真读1a,从课文中找出下列句子,分析语态。(1) There were made in factories and invented by someone.(2) But they werent discouraged by what people said.2. 质疑:3.根据下列单词复述课文。(1). An invention come about solve a problem the result of crayon

19、snone of be made in interesting, exciting inventor a few simple steps (2).Use your imagination thought silly laugh at be discouraged (3).Plan and design your invention be important to brainstorm evaluate (4).Draw your inventionmake a detailed drawing(5). Make a model (6).Test your invention -do more

20、 research(7). Name your invention (8). Sharewith 三展示交流:1.展示合作探究部分。2.小组讨论2,并仿照例子在全班展示。3.思考:你想发明什么呢?根据3的提示,说说你的发明。本节课你学到了什么呢?1.People used the light bulbs widely in the past. (改为被动语态) The light bulbs _ _ _ by people in the past.2. We can launch spaceships to explore other planets. (改为被动语态) Spaceships

21、_ _ _to explore other planets. 3. Gore Verbiniski directed the movie Pirates of the Caribean in America . (对划线部分)_ _ Gore Verbiniski _ the movie Pirates of the Caribbean? 4. The MP3 player was developed around 1998. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the MP3 player _? Section D(一课时)九 年级 英语 学科 第_70_ 课时 主备:1. 单词: explorer,

22、 mark, system, man-made2. 学会运用扫读来完成阅读任务。谈论现代的一些新发明(比如,电脑、手机、机器人、汽车)对人们生活的帮助。(师生对话、生生对话或自述形式)2. 自学单词:预习87页1,大声朗读至熟练,试试看,在课堂上你能与原声PK吗?1.根据老师展示的实物,两人一组对话。 Whats it used for? Whats it made of? Where was it invented? When was it invented?2.读一读,你们小组能带读课文吗?3.快速阅读课文,回答课后问题。3.根据首字母提示,完成短文。 Thanks to GPS, we

23、can exactly know w _we are now. GPS is like a man-made “star”. It can be u_ in any place and any weather condition to find out our p_. In the past, the early explorers had to use stars in the s_ to tell them where they were, however, this method didnt work well when the weather was bad. So GPS is a

24、great invention that can help humans to better e_ our planets.1.完成Grammar and Functions。2.小组讨论,总结本话题的重难点。( ) 1.Hurry up, you _ on the phone. A. Wanted B. was wanted C. are wanted( ) 2. Some stories _the children by the teacher everyday. A. is told for B. are told for C. are told to( ) 3._that he has studied abroad for five years. A. It is said B. It says C. That is said ( ) 4.The window _ five minutes ago. A. is cleaned B. was cleaned C. can be cleaned( ) 5.The children _by the teachers at school. A. take c

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