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沪教版牛津英语四年级上册Unit 7 At school 双减分层作业设计案例 样例Word文件下载.docx

1、学生在课堂的单词学习中,了解了构词法和自然拼读法,此题通过补充单词,帮助学生加深对单词的记忆。三、正确抄写下面的句子,注意字母的大小写和标点符号。1. theres a computer room 2. there are many books in it3. this is the teachers office学生在课堂中学习了重点句型There is/are.This is.,此题可加强学生英文句子的规范书写,强化字母大小写与标点符号的使用规则。拓展性(选做)一、读一读,选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. There _ many computers in it. A. is B. are

2、C. isnt ( ) 2. This is the _ office.A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers ( ) 3. There _ a big playground in our school.A. is B. are C. be ( ) 4. We _ a music room. A. has B. have C. are ( ) 5. - Whats in the classroom? - There _ a blackboard. There _ many chairs and desks.A. has; have B. is; are C. ar

3、e; is学生在课堂上学习了如何用There is/are.This is.We have.来介绍自己的学校,此题分别训练了There is和There are的用法、We have.的用法及教师办公室的所有格表达,加深理解。二、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. are, many, there, computers, it, in (.)2. our, is, this, library (.)3. school, welcome, our, to (.)学生在课堂上已口头操练重点句型,此题帮助学生夯实基础,训练语感,同时巩固字母大小写与标点的使用规则。三、看图,读句子,并连线。学生在课

4、堂上跟着Alice学习了如何介绍自己的学校,此题训练学生读图、读句子获取信息、并进行图文匹配的能力,同时培养其篇章意识。Animal School第二课时一、根据括号内的中文意思填空。1. There is an _(动物) school in the _(森林).2. I cant _(爬)trees.3. Go and _(尝试).4. Hes a good _(小学生).学生在课堂上已经学习了Animal School,此题帮助夯实基础,让学生在句子中体会单词的运用及中文意思。二、读一读,选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. There _ an animal school in the fo

5、rest. ( ) 2. There _ no classrooms in the school. ( ) 3. Rabbit cant _ trees. Shes sad.A. climbs B. climbing C. climb ( ) 4. There are many _ in the playground. A. pupils B. pupil C. a pupil ( ) 5. - Whats the matter? - _A. Youre welcome. B. Thats not true. C. Im sad.学生在课堂上已经学习了Animal School,此题可帮助学生

6、掌握更多语言细节。三、补全对话,将正确的句子编号填在相应的横线上。A. Thats not true. B. Whats the matter?C.Im first! D. Go and tryThere is an animal school in the forest. There are no classrooms in the school.Mr Elephant: _Monkey: Im sad. I cant swim and I cant run fast. Im not a good pupil.Animals: Come on, Rabbit! Lets climb tree

7、s. _, Monkey! Wow! Look at Monkey! Hes high! _ I can climb fast and high!学生在课堂上已经学习了Animal School,了解了如何关心和鼓励同学、发现其闪光点,此题帮助学生在新的情境中灵活应用所学。一、读一读,根据上下文和首字母,补全单词,完成短文。There is an a_ school in the f_. Mr Sheep is the teacher. There are 26 p_ in his class - three birds, six rabbits, seven dogs, five monke

8、ys and five ducks. The birds can f_ in the classroom. The rabbits like reading in the l_. The dogs like running in the p_. The monkeys like c_ trees. The ducks like swimming.帮助学生进一步理解重点词汇,掌握单词在情景中的灵活运用。改编自知识与能力训练P37二、将正确的句子编号填在相应的横线上。此题培养学生的综合语用能力。选自活动手册P49三、阅读课本P36,判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。( ) 1. There i

9、s an animal school in the forest.( ) 2. There are many classrooms in the school.( ) 3. Rabbit is sad because she cant swim or climb trees.( ) 4. Mr Owl thinks Rabbit is not a good pupil.( ) 5. Rabbit runs fast and she gets first.学生在课堂上已学习过Animal School,对故事情节和中心思想都比较了解,此题再次考察学生获取信息的能力,训练学生的思维。内容选自课本P

10、36,题目新编My school第三课时一、看一看,写一写。学生在课堂上复习了学校各场所的词汇,此题帮助夯实基础,让学生写出各场所的英文表达。二、读一读,选出正确的单词,并填在横线上。1. Welcome _ ( in / to ) my school.2. There _ ( is / are ) twelve toilets in Owens school.3. There are 15 teachers _ ( office / offices ) in my school.4. There _ ( is / are ) a library in Tinas school. There

11、_ ( is / are ) many books. Tina likes reading in it.5. There are 50 _ ( pupil / pupils ) in my class.学生在课堂上已口头操练如何介绍自己的学校,此题帮助学生再次复习There be句型,区分单复数,为后面造句做铺垫。三、读一读,选出正确的答句。( )1. How many classrooms are there in your school?A. There are twenty.B. Theyre classrooms.C. Yes, there are.( )2. Whats the ma

12、tter, Mia?A. Go and try. B. Its a bird. C. Im tired.( )3. Is there a reading room in your school?A. No. There is a reading room.B. Its big and clean.C. Yes, theres a big reading room.( )4. There are so many computers! Is this a computer room?A. I can read in it.B. Yes, it is.C. Yes, its a science ro

13、om.( )5. Can we play basketball in the toilet?A. Lets go and play.B. No, we cant.C. Yes. This is our toilet.( )6. What can we do in the playground?A. Its big and clean.B. We like playing football.C. We can play football and run.学生在课堂上已学习用there be句型等介绍学校,此题利用问答形式,帮助学习巩固各场所的数量和功能。改编自活动手册P46一、读句子,选图片。(

14、 ) 1. Our school has a reading room.( ) 2. There is an art room in my school. I can paint in it.( ) 3. There is a gym in our school. I can play basketball in it.( ) 4. Our school has a science room. I can study plants andinsects in it.( ) 5. There are two music rooms in my new school. I can sing wit

15、h my classmates. I love it.课堂上已拓展学习了更多关于学校场所的词汇,如reading room, art room, music room, gym, science room等,此题帮助学生加深记忆,通过读取句中关键词,与图片匹配。二、看表格,判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写T, 错误的写F。( ) 1. There are twenty-six classrooms in Tommys school.( ) 2. Theres a playground in Tommys school.( ) 3. There are four computer rooms i

16、n Jimmys school.( ) 4. There are twelve toilets in Tommys school.( ) 5. There are ten teachers offices in Jimmys school.( ) 6. There are two science rooms in Tommys school.学生在课堂上已经学习了介绍学校各场所的数量,此题增加Science room和Dancing room,培养学生读图获取信息的能力。改编自知识与能力训练P38三、请模仿上面Theres / There are.的句型,在横线上写出两个不同的句子(一句用Th

17、eres,一句用There are.),来介绍你自己的学校。1. _2. _在阅读文章的基础上,学生已再次巩固了There be句型的用法,以读促写,此题锻炼学生模仿造句的能力。We love our school.第四课时一、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. there, in, playground, my, is, a, school (.) 2. it, can, play, I, run, and in (.)4. are, rooms, computer, there, many (.)学生在课堂上已学习用there be句型介绍学校的场所,以及在该场所可做的事情。此题帮助学生

18、夯实基础、训练语感、巩固字母大小写与标点的使用规则,为后续写作练习做铺垫。二、根据图片和提示,完成对话。1. Alice: Whats in your _?Eddie: There _ a playground, a _ and a _. There are _ in my school.2. Lucas: Whats in your _?Amy: Theres a _in my classroom. There are_ _ _ in classroom.3. Doris:Kitty: Theres a _in my schoolbag. There are_, _ and _ in my

19、schoolbag.学生在课堂上已经学习了Aak and answer部分,学习了如何询问和回答学校的场所、教室和书包的物品等。此题帮助巩固课堂所学,夯实基础。三、读一读,判断句子正误,正确的圈T, 错误的圈F。This is Bettys school. It is big.There are many beautiful flowers in the school garden(花园). They are red, yellow and white. There are butterflies(蝴蝶) and birds too.Look at the playground. It is

20、dirty(脏的). The pupils are sad.The pupils clean the playground. They are tired, but they are happy.Now they can play ball games in the playground. They have a good time(玩得开心).学生已经深入学习了本课的基本知识,在此通过阅读篇章,了解校园生活中的文明行为,懂得爱护校园环境。选自活动手册P50一、想一想你们在学校做些什么,然后写一写。学生在课堂上学习了在学校体育馆、美术室、音乐室、科学实验室等场所做的活动,此题通过图片和短语提示

21、,尝试完成句子,锻炼了学生造句的能力。选自活动手册P51二、读一读,想一想,选择你最喜欢的学校场所,写一写。培养学生的综合能力,养成良好的阅读习惯,从而提升在文章中提取关键信息的能力。三、 完成表格,然后描述学校生活。经过课堂习作学习和前面2道题的练习,学生对笔头输出介绍学校有了一定的基础,在此通过自主完成表格,介绍学校生活。Revision第五课时一、选出划线字母发音相同的单词,并将序号写在括号里。1. ( ) old A. rose B. not2. ( ) office A. go B. forest3. ( ) school A. room B. book4 . ( ) library

22、 A. animal B. climb学生在本单元已学习了字母o在不同单词中的发音,以及核心词汇office, school, library, forest, climb的读音,此题再次帮助学生了解字母o, oo, i在不同单词中的发音,并对不同发音进行判断和归类。二、读一读,填单词。My name is Mia. Let me show you my new school. My _ is big and beautiful. There are thirty-four classrooms. Our _are clean and bright. We always study hard.

23、 There is a big _. We can play basketball and run there. Its beautiful with many trees and flowers. There is a _ in my school. There are many books in it. We all like reading in it. Its quiet. The best place I like is the _. I love playing the piano, so I often go there. I love my new school.学生在本单元已

24、学习学校场所的词汇、能做的活动以及如何介绍学校。此题要求学生在语篇的基础上,根据上下文选择词汇填空,考察学生的语篇意识和阅读能力。三、读一读,判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F。此题考察学生获取信息,并进行判断的能力。选自知识与能力训练P39一、读一读,判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F。学生在课堂上已经学习了如何介绍自己的学校,此题引入space boy和space girl,一起去了解外星学校。选自活动手册P98This is my school. Its big and beautiful.There is one playground. We can do ex

25、ercise there. Boys like playing football, and girls like running and skipping rope there. There are forty classrooms. They are big and bright. The desks and chairs are all new. There are fifteen teachers offices, two computer rooms, one library, one music room, and two art rooms. We can draw and pai

26、nt in the art rooms. My favourite place is the library, because I can read a lot of books there! I love my school. 1. ( ) My school is big and _.A. beautiful B. new C. small D. ugly2. ( ) Students can _ in the playground.A. play football B. runC. do exercise D. All of above3. ( ) There are _ classrooms.A. 14 B. 40 C. 15 D. 504. ( ) I like _ best, because I can read

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