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管理学第9版 练习题 附答案 2Word格式.docx

1、17. Geert Hofstede is associated with the scientific management approach.18. 19. Frank Gilbreths best-known contribution to scientific management concerned selecting the best worker for a particular job.20. 21. Gilbreth is best known for “the one best way.”22. 23. Frederick Taylor is most associated

2、 with the principles of scientific management.24. 25. Henri Fayol was among the first researchers to use motion pictures to study hand-and-body motions.26. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY27. General administrative theory focuses only on managers and administrators.28. 29. Henri Fayol identified five f

3、unctions of managers: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling.30. 31. The 14 principles of management are associated with Fayol.32. 33. An organization that has a division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules, and impersonal relationships would be described a

4、s a bureaucracy.34. 35. Webers bureaucracy is a lot like scientific management.36. QUANTITATIVE APPROACH 37. The quantitative approach to management has also been labeled process research. 38. 39. Linear programming is a technique that managers use to improve resource allocation decisions.40. TOWARD

5、 UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR41. Concern for employee productivity is most closely associated with the organizational behavior approach.42. 43. Barnard, Follett, Munsterberg, and Owen are all theorists associated with the early organizational behavior approach.44. 45. Hugo Munsterberg creat

6、ed the field of social psychology.46. 47. Mary Parker Follett was the first advocate of the human resources approach to management.48. 49. Chester Bernard was the first to argue that organizations are open systems.50. 51. The most important contribution to the field of organizational behavior came f

7、rom studies conducted by the University of Michigan.52. 53. The Hawthorne Studies were performed at the General Motors plant beginning in 1924.54. 55. Follett is the scientist who is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies.56. CURRENT TRENDS AND ISSUES 57. An organization whose whole exis

8、tence is made possible by and revolves around the Internet is categorized as e-business enhanced.58. 59. According to the textbook, total quality management is a philosophy of management driven by continual improvement and responding to customer needs and expectations.60. Multiple-Choice QuestionsFo

9、r each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.61. Which of the following is not a reason why the division of labor enhances productivity?62. a. It increases worker skill and dexterity.b. c. It saves time lost in changing tasks.d. e. It encourages labor-saving in

10、ventions.f. g. It requires strict management control over worker time and motion.h. 63. An example of early uses of the functions of management is the _.64. a. development of gunpowderc. arsenal of Venice where ships were builte. Artists Revolution in 1803g. War of 181265. In Wealth of Nations, Adam

11、 Smith described the breakdown of jobs into narrow and repetitive tasks and called this _.66. a. assembly linesc. work denominatione. division of laborg. greatest common factor of work67. Which of the following was a major result of the Industrial Revolution?68. a. cottage industryc. water powere. f

12、actory manufacturingg. critical thinking69. Frederick Taylor performed most of his work in _.70. a. grape vineyards in Californiac. steel companies in Pennsylvaniae. auto assembly plants near Detroitg. cotton gins in Alabama71. Before Taylor, which of the following approaches was used to establish g

13、uidelines for an individuals work?72. a. scientific analysisc. rule-of-thumb methode. process distillationg. mathematical modeling73. Frederick Taylor advocated which of the following management principles?74. a. Work and responsibility should be divided almost equally between managers and workers.c

14、. Workers should perform all work, while management should maintain responsibility for the work performed.e. Managers should perform more work that workers, because managers are generally more skilled.g. Workers can be highly productive even if they are randomly selected for a job. 75. Frank and Lil

15、lian Gilbreths work began in the area of _.76. a. laying bricksc. cutting lumbere. installing rudimentary electrical wiringg. assembly lines77. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were the first researchers to utilize motion pictures to the study of _.78. a. reactions of workers in group settingsc. hand-and-

16、body motionse. workers reactions to pay increasesg. groups of workers in tense situations where they are assigning each other tasks79. Which of the following phrases is most associated with scientific management?80. a. management relationsc. one best way e. supply and demandg. quality control81. The

17、 primary issue that motivated Taylor to create a more scientific approach to management was _.82. a. worker efficiency c. worker effectivenesse. worker absenteeism and turnoverg. workplace safety83. Probably the best-known example of Taylors scientific management was the _ experiment.84. a. horsesho

18、ec. pig irone. blue collarg. fish tank85. Based on his scientific management principles, Taylor suggested which of the following pay principles?86. a. monthly salaryc. monthly salary with bonuse. seniority payg. incentive pay 87. A “therblig” concerns what scientific management workplace issue?88. a

19、. optimum temperature for workplace efficiencyc. basic hand motionse. optimum speed for basic motionsg. weight/movement ratios89. General administrative theory focuses on _.90. a. the entire organizationc. managers and administratorse. the measurement of organizational design relationshipsg. primari

20、ly the accounting function91. General administrative theorists devoted their efforts to _.92. a. developing mathematical models to improve managementc. improving the productivity and efficiency of workerse. making the overall organization more effectiveg. emphasizing the study of human behavior in o

21、rganizations93. Fayol was interested in studying _, whereas Taylor was interested in studying _.94. a. senior managers; effective managersc. all managers; first-line managerse. bureaucratic structures; chains of commandg. administrative theory; macroeconomics95. Which of the following is not one of

22、Fayols principles of management?96. a. division of workc. unity of commande. disciplineg. equality97. According to Webers ideal bureaucracy, _ occurs when employees are placed in jobs based on technical qualifications.98. a. career orientationc. authority hierarchye. impersonalityg. formal selection

23、99. Bureaucracy is defined as a form of organization characterized by _.100. a. division of laborc. clearly defined hierarchye. detailed rules and regulationsg. all of the above101. The quantitative approach to management has also been referred to by which of the following names?102. a. sales optimi

24、zationc. operations researche. managerial theoryg. statistical reformulation103. The quantitative approach evolved from the development of mathematical and statistical solutions to _. 104. a. waiting line problems at fast-food restaurants in the 1960sc. military problems in World War IIe. clogged te

25、lephone circuits during the 1930sg. production management problems in the 1950s105. The quantitative approach involves applications of _. 106. a. statistics, information models, and computer simulations c. psychology testing, focus groups, and mathematicse. optimization models, interviews, and questionnairesg. surveys, strategic planning, and group problem solving107. Quantitative techniques have become less intimidating with the advent of _.108. a. training of these techniques in collegec. digital image processinge. sophisticated comp

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