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2、甲板部队的人员而言,轮机长的英语相对稍弱一些,希望在业余时间下苦功练习英语听力和写作。面试时主要是看你的听力理解,而在国外船上干时主要是做一些英文的确PAPER WORK, 另一方面,随着ISM的生效和强制实施,PSC检查和EXTRA AUDIT方面的审核都要求一定的听力和书写方面的能力。下面的一些问题不但有技术方面的,也有很多是管理方面的,请轮机长在阅读时能举一反三,联想到其他船东可能考到的问题。1. Can you tell something about your last ship? What types (brands) of main engine have you ever ex

3、perienced?My last ship (type of engine, horse power, trading area, GRT/DWT, etc.)I have experience with several different types of main engines, such as Sulzer, B&W, MAN, PC etc.2.What abilities should a Chief Engineer possess?First, I think it is very important for a Chief Engineer to be skillful a

4、nd proficient at work. Second, he should maintain good management in the engine department. Third, he should be able to try to motivate every person under his management by assigning jobs fairly among them. Fourth, he needs to be good in English and language communication. Last, it is very important

5、 for a Chief Engineer to maintain good relationship with the Master, the technical superintendent and other personnel from company, First Engineer and the Chief Officer. Above all, he should listen to orders from the Master in most cases.轮机长不是船上的轮机总工程师,也是仅次于船长的重要的管理人员。因此,在做好自己技术工作的同时,更应该考虑如何做好管理工作。轮

6、机长和船长的配合也是非常关键的。上面的答案仅供参考。3.What were the consumption rates of cylinder lube oil and fuel oil in your previous ship?For your reference: for a 10000HP main engine, the consumption rate of fuel oil could be roughly 2025 tons per day, cylinder oil about 280310 liters per day (depending on the engine ty

7、pe).The duty engineer should check to see if the consumption is normal. The Second Engineer usually is responsible for checking the fuel oil and recording the figures in the Engine Log Book. Lube oil should be checked on every duty watch. The Chief Engineer is responsible for application of the supp

8、lies of lube oil and fuel oil.4.Can you please describe in detail the bunkering procedures?I should make a bunkering plan firstly according to the ship owners instructions and then report the plan to the Master for approval.Secondly, a bunkering meeting should be held to specify the responsibilities

9、 of crew during the procedure.Thirdly, preparations of the following like plugs, extinguishers, drums, alarms, communication means, and fuel oil system graphics (drawing) should be made.Fourthly, I should order the Third Engineer to measure the oil volume in the suppliers tanks and record the flow m

10、eter figures.Bunkering starts after all is ready. I should order the duty engineer to take sounding all the time, especially at the beginning and at the end of bunkering each tank. My duty engineers should pay attention to the oil pressure, the temperature and the oil sample to be taken and used as

11、evidence in the future.Lastly, I should not sign the receipts, regardless of any delay, until quantities of the bunkered oil are confirmed. I should also note down any dispute over the quantity or adverse specifications of bunkers taken on the receipt and advise the company.I should bear the followi

12、ng precautions in my mind during bunkering.Before bunkering, I need to make sure that all scuppers are plugged and cemented. I should stop ballasting, de-ballasting and taking fresh water on board whist bunkering, if possible. If I have to do all the jobs together, I should take all care to prevent

13、an overflow of water and fuel oil. If the decks become awash due to such water overflow or rain, then bunkering should be stopped whilst the scuppers are being drained.5.Please tell me the minimum safe oxygen percentage for the safety of the workers in an enclosed space. Please describe the procedur

14、es of entry into and work in enclosed spaces.More than 18% and no more than 23% of oxygen in an enclosed space will be OK for the safety of the workers.The procedures are as followFirst, I should prepare an entry permit to be signed by the Master.Second, before entry is allowed, all the relevant man

15、holes should be opened for ventilation.Third, the air and surrounding of the enclosed space should be tested to see whether it is safe.Fourth, necessary equipment like the fire extinguisher, lights, communication equipments should be carried by the crew when entering.Fifth, before entry into an encl

16、osed space, a meeting regarding the work procedure should be held.Lastly, when someone is working in a enclosed space, good communication between the crew inside and the crew outside should be maintained and the emergency rescue team should stand by for any rescue work.When entering, at least one of

17、 the crew inside is to do the lookout job. During the crews stay in the space, ventilation should be continuously on to provide enough oxygen.6.What is a “Bunkering Plan”?A bunkering plan is made according to the owners and / or charterers order, the passage (voyage) plan, and capacity of the tanks,

18、 oil ROB, and so on. A bunkering plan is made by the Chief Engineer and approved by the Master and the company.Generally, the volume of the bunkered oil shouldnt exceed 85% of tank capacity.7.What will you do if the oil supplied by the oil company is less than the agreed amount after bunkering?Recei

19、pts should not be signed, regardless of any delay, until quantities are confirmed by all parties concerned. Any dispute over the quantity or adverse specifications of bunker taken shall be noted on the fuel receipt and the company should be advised accordingly.8.Did you ever encounter any mechanic p

20、roblems on board your previous vessels? How did you handle them?It is suggested to answer this question frankly and honestly.不必编造故事,除非故事是完整的,没有任何疏漏的。9.The ISM Code requires preventive maintenance schedules. How do you make your maintenance schedules?According to the ISM Code, the preventive maintena

21、nce plan is made based on the ships “Planned Maintenance System” and the machinery running hour records. This plan should be made on an annual basis (or a five-year basis). Usually, the monthly maintenance schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance schedules are made based on the

22、annual preventive maintenance plan and the basic occasional maintenance work.10.Have you ever been to the US ports? Are you familiar with the USCG inspections?美国是是世界上港口国检查最为严厉的国家之一。对轮机长来说,去过美国,经历过美国的港口国检查对船东来说是很重要的资历。但是,若没有去过,千万不要生搬硬套,编造故事。另外,如果您做大管轮时去过,也是很好的经历。Some of the useful words you may use w

23、hen you answer the question:US ports: New York, New Orleans, San Francisco, Tampa, Houston, Mississippi River, etc.USCG refers to the US coast guards.The most important thing in US is the sanitation (hygiene). Besides, fire fighting equipments (FFE) and life saving apparatus (LSA) and training drill

24、s must be well prepared for check.我也来说两句 查看全部回复 最新回复 上海船人 (2009-5-14 10:12:39)11.What do you know about the “SOPEP”?SOPEP means Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan. The SOPEP should contain (but not limited to) the following contents.(1)Procedures to be followed by the Master or other crew in cas

25、e of oil pollution.(2)Pollution reporting system and the authority or persons to be contacted in the event of pollution including the telephone numbers etc.(3)Detailed description of actions to be taken immediately by persons on board to reduce or control the discharge of oil after the incident.(4)L

26、ist of oil spill response equipment to be maintained and prepared on board. (Remover, sprayer, oil absorbent, saw dust, sand, waste rags, scoop, shovels, buckets, bamboo brooms, portable pump, protective clothing, portable containers). The essence of the Plan is to avoid any possible oil leakage and

27、 oil pollution.Simply speaking, SOPEP should include such things as the emergency contacts (telephone and other communication means, address etc.), the equipment used in dealing with oil pollution, the muster list for oil pollution, the report procedure when the accident happen etc.SOPEP is compulso

28、ry on board most of the ships according to the ISM code. IOPP is the certificate for the vessel that is qualified for the requirements issued by the Class on oil pollution prevention.12.What are the possible causes of crankshaft failure?Too big or too small clearance between bush and shaft is one of

29、 the most possible reasons (曲轴间隙过大/过小). Other reasons include material problem, dirtiness of the lube oil, uneven loading (负荷不均) in each cylinder, bad lubricating (润滑不良),and deformation of frame and bedplate.13.What actions should be taken when there is oil overflow on deck during bunkering?Stop pum

30、ping and other operations firstRing the alarm immediatelyCrew should come to their respective position and take actions immediately according to the SOPEPIf there is a possibility of fire, the Muster List for fire should be followed(5)After finishing all the actions, records should be made on what h

31、as happened(6)Draw lessons from the incident to avoid future reoccurrence of the same kind of incident14.Explain the important things when you take over from the previous Chief Engineer.I shall familiarize myself with the followingThe engine department personnelThe SMS manuals and other documents on boardConditions of the vessel, the engine and the equipment to see whether there are any problems leftAny outstanding claims and incident reports in the service period of the previous Chief Engineer should be clearedEngine logbookThe ROB volume of the fuel oil, the diesel oil

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