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新外研版高中英语必修第二册Unit 4 教学设计Word文档格式.docx

1、内容分析本部分学习内容包括六幅海报,分别呈现了蕾舞剧、演唱会、川剧、春晚、话剧和相声这六种不同的艺术形式;一段视频介绍了中国的剧院德和园大戏楼和英国的剧院环球剧场。教学目标1. 识别并用恰当的英语表达不同的艺术形式和电视节目,并谈论自己喜爱的艺术形式和电视节目;2. 比较、描述德和园大戏楼和环球剧场,初步形成跨文化意识。教学重点1. 掌握不同艺术形式和电视节目的英语表述;2. 准确获取视频内容。教学难点1. 描述自己喜欢的艺术形式;2. 比较中外剧场的异同点。教学策略听说法Teaching contentProcedurePurpose Teachers activityStudents ac

2、tivityActivity 1T presents 6 posters which represent 6 different types of entertainment and asks Ss to answer 3 questions: 1. Which of these types of entertainment are you most familiar with?2. What other types of entertainment have you seen?3. Which do you like most? Why? Ss look at 6 posters which

3、 represent 6 different types of entertainment and answer 3 questions:To activate existing knowledge and introduce different types of entertainment.Activity 2T asks Ss to watch a video and answer 3 questions.1. What theatres are mentioned in the video?2. What are the differences between them?3. In wh

4、at ways are they similar?Ss watch the video and answer 3 questions.To figure out both the differences and similarities between the Western and Chinese theatres. Develop cross-culture awareness.Understanding ideas板块教学设计(建议时长4045分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。Reading + Speaking本文是一篇记叙文,文章从西方人的视角描写观看中国版哈姆雷特王子复仇记的感受,

5、介绍中国京剧的艺术特点,展现京剧的艺术魅力。1. 通过略读、精读读懂文章,概括文章主旨大意,获取细节信息;2. 根据时间线索,以第一人称复述王子复仇记的观看感受;3. 思考京剧的艺术魅力,增强对中国传统文化的认同感和民族自豪感,激发传承和弘扬中国传统文化的使命感。完成相关阅读任务,从课文中获取信息并整合,能够以第一人称进行复述;基于文本理解,体会京剧的艺术魅力,增强对中国传统文化的认同感和民族自豪感。根据时间线索进行文本复述;思考京剧的艺术魅力。任务型教学法、PWP阅读模式T asks Ss to look at the pictures of two performances and tal

6、k about their differences and similarities, thinking about the following questions:1. What are the names of the plays?2. Besides language, what are other different aspects between them?Ss look at the pictures of two performances, talking about their differences and similarities, and answer the quest

7、ions:To notice the differences between Western drama and Peking Opera visually, which may help Ss have a better understanding of the reading material.T asks Ss to read the passage quickly and find out what aspects of Peking Opera most impressed the author.Ss read the passage quickly and find out wha

8、t aspects of Peking Opera most impressed the author.To train reading skills of locating certain information.Activity 3T asks Ss to choose the authors purpose in writing the passage.Ss choose the authors purpose in writing the passage.To train reading skills of getting the main idea.Activity 41. T as

9、ks Ss to complete the chart in Activity 4.2. T asks Ss to retell the viewing experience in the first person with the help of the chart. 1. Ss complete the chart in Activity 4.2. Ss retell the viewing experience in the first person with the help of the chart.To train skills of getting specific inform

10、ation and retelling what Ss have learnt.Think & ShareT asks Ss to discuss the two questions in groups. 1. Why does the author say “The Revenge of Prince Zidan ticks all the right boxes”?2. How could you help a friend from overseas understand Peking Opera?Ss discuss the two questions in groups and th

11、en share their answers with the class.To train ability to use language in real life and express the ideas in a logical way. To get a deeper understanding of the theme and arouse cultural awareness as well as national pride.Using language板块教学设计(建议时长6070分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。Reading + Listening + Speaking本

12、板块包括语法部分-ing as adverbial、词汇部分Types of TV programme和听说部分Watching a performance。语法部分在本单元的主题语境下进行学习,掌握现在分词作状语的形式;词汇部分六个小段落用生动的描述介绍了六种电视节目类型;听说部分包含一篇关于“Glastonbury音乐艺术节”的简介以及对话形式的听力材料,听力材料内容涉及观看音乐节的一系列事项安排,如出行方式、食宿等。1.掌握现在分词作状语的基本形式,并能在主题语境下灵活使用;2.掌握描述电视节目类型以及特点的词汇,并能谈论自己喜爱的电视节目;3. 听懂听力内容,获取信息并完成相关练习;4

13、. 模仿听力材料,使用相关表达展开关于制订出行计划的对话;5. 正确朗读句中应该重读或弱读的单词。1. 掌握现在分词作状语的形式,并能熟练运用;2. 通过听力材料,掌握安排出行事项的表达。准确熟练地使用现在分词作状语的结构;准确表达出行事宜的各项安排。交际教学法、任务型教学法Purpose1. T asks Ss to read sentences (a) and (b) in Activity 1 and answer questions 1 and 2.2. T asks Ss to read sentences (c) and (d) in Activity 1 and answer q

14、uestions 3 and 4.3. T asks Ss to look for more sentences with this structure in the reading passage.1. Ss observe the four sentences in Activity 1 and answer four relevant questions.2. Ss look for more sentences with this structure in the reading passage.By inquiry-based learning, to find the rules

15、of -ing used as adverbial.T asks Ss to complete the journal entry in Activity 2.Ss complete the journal entry with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.To use language in the real situation.T asks Ss to rewrite the paragraph using the -ing form in Activity 3.Ss rewrite the paragraph using the -

16、ing form in Activity 3.To consolidate what Ss have learnt in the topic-related paragraph.1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions.1. What do you know about these types of TV programme?2. Can you think of some examples of each type?Ss talk about what they know about these types o

17、f TV programme.To activate background knowledge and learn types of TV programme.Activity 5T asks Ss to read the descriptions in Activity 5, match them to the types of TV programme in Activity 4, and underline the words and expressions describing them.Ss finish Activity 5.To learn new expressions des

18、cribing features of each type of TV programme in Activity 4 and lay foundation for Activity 6.Activity 6T asks Ss to talk about their favourite TV programme using the words and expressions they have learnt.Ss work in pairs to talk about their favourite TV programme.To practise oral English according

19、 to the theme of this unit.Did you know? T asks Ss to read the short passage in “Did You Know?” to get some basic information about Glastonbury Festival. Ss read the brief introduction about Glastonbury Festival.To get background information about Glastonbury Festival to have a better understanding

20、of the listening material.Activity 7T plays the recording for the first time and asks Ss to finish Activity 7.Ss listen for the first time to get some key information about the arrangements.To train the skills of getting key information.Activity 81. T plays the recording again for Ss to complete the

21、 flyer in Activity 8.2. T asks Ss to talk about how Josh makes arrangements by referring to the memo and the flyer.3. T asks Ss to summarise basic elements involved when making arrangements.1. Ss listen again and complete the flyer, taking notes if necessary.2. Ss work in pairs to talk about how Jos

22、h makes arrangements by referring to the memo and the flyer.3. Ss summarise basic elements involved when making arrangements.To get detailed information and get to know what aspects might be included when making arrangements.Activity 91. T asks Ss to read “Learning to learn” to know why and when to

23、stress the pronunciation of a word.2. T asks Ss to turn to Page 82 and 86 and read the information.3. T asks Ss to work in pairs to act out the conversation, using the pronunciation strategy in “Learning to learn”.4. T asks some pairs to act out the conservation to the class.1. Ss read “Learning to

24、learn” to know the pronunciation strategy.2.Ss read the information on the corresponding pages.3. Ss work in pairs to act out the conversation, using the pronunciation strategy in “Learning to learn”.4. Act out the conversation to the class.To learn a pronunciation strategy and apply it to the conve

25、rsation.To use useful expressions of making arrangements to act out a conversation.Activity 10T asks Ss to make similar arrangements to attend a concert in another city.Ss make similar arrangements to attend a concert in another city.To further practise exchanging ideas.Developing ideas板块教学设计(建议时长80

26、90分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。Reading + Writing本文是一篇议论文,利用举例论证的方法论证了一部好的文学作品有可能最终沦为荧幕上的败笔之作,并阐述了导致这一结果的原因。读写部分的学习内容是一张公主日记的电影海报以及电影公主日记的一篇影评文章。电影海报里涵盖了电影的基本信息,如电影名称、演员、导演、电影类型,等等。影评涉及电影的简介和评论,包括主要人物、情节以及观影感受等。1. 理解所学语篇的主题意义,并完成相关练习;2. 理解所学议论文语篇的论证方法;3. 准确表达对由文学作品改编的影视作品的观点;4. 辩证地看待改编的影视作品;5. 掌握介绍电影基本信息的相关词汇;6. 理解影评这一语篇类型的主要写作目的和语篇结构特征;7. 掌握影评的写作特点,完成影评写作。1. 读懂文章,完成相关练习;2. 正确理解议论文的写作特点和论述方式;3. 对熟悉的改编影视作品形成自己的思考;4. 梳理影评的篇章结构,掌握影评的写作特点,完成影评写作。1. 正确表达对由文学作品改编的影视作品的观点;2. 进行影评写作。T asks Ss to look at the pictures of 6 books and answer the questions.1. Have you ever read any of the

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