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1、 earlier. 从句中的earlier可以看出它是比较级,我们应该会想到修饰形容词比较级有哪些词,前面有a,那肯定就是little.(3) 依据常识的积累进行填词:【如】But it was too late. His friend was very angry. Mr. White said nothing but only one word “S_.” Mr. White迟到了,他的朋友很生气,他什么都没说,只说了一个字“S_.”我们根据常识肯定是向他的朋友道歉,所以肯定填sorry.(4)依据逻辑推理与句意理解进行填词:【如】One Sunday afternoon, Mr. Whi

2、te drove his new car to his friends house happily. He wanted to p_his friend up at five and then went to see a new movie together. 根据句意,Mr. White高兴地开着车去他的朋友家,然后一起去看电影,我们可以进行逻辑推理,他肯定是去接他的朋友,所以填pick.上面所说的四个方面,我们在填词时一定要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整体意义大有用处。另外,要学会跳读,即对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理解全文之后再找解决的方法。我们在有困难的填空中,可以

3、尝试口头翻译句子的意思,把它前后的句子的意思联系一起,而且翻译的时候尽量是有声的,我们尽量通过不同的途径来刺激大脑的运转。3.细心检查,避免疏漏完成填空以后最关键的一点是要细心检查每一个填空处是否有笔误或是疏漏的地方。有些考生为自己全部填出了答案而沾沾自喜,根本没想到不是缺了一个“ ”少了“s”,就是忘了加“-ed”,这是很可惜的。因为他理解了意思、看懂了题目,但因粗心而“大意失荆州”。细心检查,反复回读,就能减少疏漏,提高做题的正确率。首字母填空三步走:一、通读全文(对全文大意有了解,而不是盲目地读,学会跳读,对不理解的地方可以暂时跳过去,不要管它)二、认真分析,填写单词(在了解大意的情况下

4、,开始一边阅读一边做题。在阅读的过程中要注意根据上下文的意思,进行猜测,找出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给单词的首字母进行填空,并注意单词的正确形式)三、通读全文,进行检查做这类题目要注意:1、单词量2、一定要根据上下文的关系进行判断。可以采用以下方法进行做题:(1) 根据习惯用法和固定搭配来进行填空(2) 根据语法知识来做题(3) 根据常识积累来做题3、利用词性帮助判断4、注意检查2Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. But he couldnt find his way home when h

5、e went for a w 1 . He often forgot things. He had other things to think about. Science was m 2 important to him than any other thing in life. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a child, he learned things very s 3 . Albert didnt speak u 4 he was three years old. His parents were

6、 w 5 about him. When he was 12, Albert began r 6 math and science books. He was excited about the t 7 he learned in those books. He became more and more interested in math and physics(物理). He wanted to find the a 8 to the questions about the universe(宇宙). When he told people about his ideas, other s

7、cientists l 9 at him at first. But his ideas changed the world, scientists looked at the universe in a n 10 way. Because of him, we have such things as computers, televisions, and space travel today.1.walk 2. more 3. slowly 4. until 5. worried 6.reading 7. things 8. answers 9. laughed 10. new3There

8、is a p_ near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. Some flowers are red, and some are y_. We can see a hill behind the park, too. At the foot of the hill we can see a r_. There are some boats on it. Children like to go there. It is Monday today. There are many young Pioneers(少先队员)in t

9、he park. Some are walking and singing. S_ are dancing or p_ games. Ann and h_ sister Kate are flying a k_. Tom and his brother Sam are t_ a Frisbee(飞盘). Their father and mother are sitting u_ the tree. All the family are h_ a good time.1.park 2.yellow 3.river 4.some 5.playing 6.her 7.kite 8.throwing

10、 9.under 10.having4Everyone has his own way of relaxing(放松). Perhaps the most p_1_ way is to take part in sports. There are t_2_ kinds of sports: team(团队)sports and individual(个人)sports.B_3_ and football are team sports. J_4_ and swimming are individual sports.It is important for everyone to relax s

11、_5_ and enjoy some entertainments. So all of us should take part in sports and entertainments. (A) 1.popular 2.two 3. Basketball 4. Jogging 5.sometimes5 When Alan was young, he played a lot of football, and he was very good at it, but then he went to work in a town, and there was no team for him the

12、re, so he s 1 playing. Then he began to get f 2 . He thought, Ive stopped playing football, and now Im getting fat. What am I going to do?he thought about it for a few days, and then he said to h 3 , I know Ill learn to play tennis. He had a few l 4 and then played for a few days. He met a nice girl

13、 at the tennis club one day, and they played a game of tennis against another young man and woman. Alan played very b 5 , and was very angry with himself. ve never played as badly as this before, he said to the girl. “Oh, she said, you have played before, havent you ?1.stopped 2.fat 3.himself 4.less

14、ons 5.badly6 When the Americans w (1) getting ready to send their f (2) men to the moon,an old Irishman w (3) watching them on television in the bar of a hotel.There w (4) an Englishman in the bar too,and he s (5) to the Irishman,The Americans are very clever,arent they?Theyre g (6) to send some men

15、 to the moon,Its a very long way from our w (7).Oh,thats n (8),the Irishman a (9) quickly.The Irish are going to s (10) some men to the sun in a few months time.Thats much f (11) away than the moon,you know.The Englishman w (12) very surprised when he h (13) this.Oh,yes,it is,he said,but the suns to

16、o h (14) for people to go t (15).The Irishman l (16) and a (17),Well,the Irish arent s (18),you know.We w (19) go to the sun during the day,of course.Well go there during the n (20).(1) were (2) first (3) was (4) was (5) said (6) going (7) world (8) nothing (9) answered (10) send (11) farther (12) w

17、as (13) heard (14) hot to (16) laughed (17) answered (18) stupid (19) wont (20) night 7 All a (1) the world, people d (2) tea.But tea doesnt mean the s (3) thing to everyone. In d (4) countries people have very different ideas a (5) drinking tea. In China, for example, tea is a (6) served when peopl

18、e get together. The C (7) drank it at any t (8) of the day at homes or in teahouses. They p (9) their tea plain, with n (10) else in it.Tea is also i (11) in Japan. The Japanese have a s (12) way of serving tea called a tea ceremony.It is very o (13) and full of meaning. Everything m (14) be done in

19、 a special way in the ceremony.There is e (15) a special room for it in Japanese homes.A (16) tea-drinking country is England.In England, the late afternoon is teatime. Almost e (17) has a cup of tea then. The English usually m (18) tea in a teapot and drink it w (19 milk and sugar.They also eat cak

20、es, cookies and little s (20)at teatime.In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or a (21) meals. Americans usually u (22) tea sags to their tea. Tea bags are faster and e (23) than making tea in teapots. In summer,many Americans drink c (24) tea-iced tea.Sometimes they drink iced

21、tea from cans, like soda. (1)around (2) drink (3) same (4) different (5) about (6) always (7) Chinese (8) time (9) prefer (10) nothing (11) important (12) special (13)old (14) must (15) even (16) Another (17) everyone (18) make (19) with (20) snack (21) after (22) use (23) easier (24) cold 8There ar

22、e four s( ) in a year. They a( )spring, summer, autumn and winter. I( )Beijing many people like winter though it is very c( ).In winter the days become s( )and the nights l( ),It often snows, after snowing children always play games w( )snow, Its very interesting, i( )it? And its a good season f( )p

23、eople to go s( ).season are In cold short long with isnt for skiing二、完形填空9完形填空完型填空 Amy and Kate are twins. They are eleven years old. Theyre in 1 class. Amy gets up early and has breakfast every day. Then she 2 the bus to school. She is a kind girl. She often helps her classmates. She always studies

24、 hard. She 3 her homework before dinner. She always 4 the green man before she crosses the road. She doesnt run 5 play on the road. But she has a 6 habit. She likes eating too 7 sweets. Kate is also a good girl. Shes polite. She usually says good morning 8 her teachers. But she is sometimes late 9 s

25、chool and 10 her homework on time. 1. A. sameB. the sameC. differentD. the different2. A. takeB. byC. tookD. takes3. A. finishB. finishesC. doD. did4. A. waits forB. waitsC. look out forD. look out of5. A. andB. butC. orD. /6. A. goodB. badC. wellD. badly7. A. manyB. muchC. littleD. few8. A. atB. wi

26、thC. aboutD. to9. A. inB. toC. forD. of10. A. doesB. doC. dont doD. doesnt do【答案】 (1)B;(2)D;(3)B;(4)A;(5)C;(6)B;(7)A;(8)D;(9)C;(10)D;【解析】【分析】这是介绍双胞胎Amy和Kate情况的短文。 (1)句意:她们在.班。这里class用单数可知不用different和the different,用the same,same作定语和定冠词搭配,因此same不合适。故答案为:B。 (2)句意:然后她.公交车去上学。这里是乘坐公交车,这里跟在主语后面做谓语,用动词take

27、“乘坐”,根据上下文这里是一般现在时,句子主语是第三人称单数,take要用单三形式takes。D。 (3)句意:她在晚饭前.作业。根据上下文这里是一般现在时,句子主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式,所给选项中只有finishes是单三形式。 (4)句意:她在过马路前总是.绿灯。这里是等待绿灯,用短语waits for“等待.“,wait是不及物动词不能直接跟宾语,look out of是向外看,意思不合适,look out for不是短语,淘汰。A。 (5)句意:她不在马路上跑.玩。句子是否定句,这里run和play是并列,用or连接正确。and用于肯定句,but是语义转折,不正确。C。

28、(6)句意:但是她有一个.习惯。根据but可知这里是坏习惯,用bad“坏的”, badly是副词不能修饰habit。 (7)句意:她喜欢吃太.糖果。这里修饰名词复数sweets用短语too many“太多的”,much和little修饰不可数名词淘汰;few是否定意思,也淘汰。 (8)句意:她通常.老师说“早上好。”这里是短语say . to sb“对某人说.”。用to。 (9)句意:但是有时候她.学迟到。这里是短语be late for“.迟到”,C选项正确。 (10)句意:但是有时候她上学迟到并且.及时做作业。这里和“迟到”并列,应该是不能及时完成作业,用否定句,句子主语是第三人称,用助动

29、词doesnt。D选项正确。【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。根据所学语法和短语知识,以及上下文意思提示来选择合适的选项。10完形填空完形填空 There are four seasons in a year and I like spring best. The weather gets 1 , birds begin to sing, and flowers begin to blossom. These show that spring has 2 Spring makes the world become green and the world is full of vitality (生机). In

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