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1、(2)I was going to write Kathy a note, and she would see it after shecame back. _(3)My mother gave me a tenpound note as pocket money. _(4)Please note that the task must be finished within ten days. _(5)I read the first passage and took notes. _O1.offerA. v. 主动提出;提供B. n. 建议 C. n. 报价(1)I cant turn dow

2、n the offer of a free trip to Paris! _(2)They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down._(3)The company made an offer of 5 million for the field._2.operate (v.)A. 动手术 B. (机器)运转;工作C. 经营;营业(1)Illegal drinking clubs are operating in cities. _(2)The doctor operated on Marys eyes last night. _(3

3、)The bus is designed to operate in all weather conditions. _3.orderA. n. 顺序;次序 B. n. 指示;命令C. n. 订单;订货D. v. 指挥;命令 E. v. 点(酒菜等)(1)The boxes were put in order of size. _(2)They ordered him to leave the room. _(3)Dogs can be trained to obey orders. _(4)The machine order has arrived. _(5)Have you ordered

4、 yet?P1.paintA. n. 油漆;绘画颜料 B. v. 刷油漆C. v. (用颜料)画,绘 D. v. 把描绘成(1)We painted the door blue. _(2)Paint makes many buildings get colorful. _(3)My friend is good at painting in oil. _(4)The report paints a beautiful picture of life in the city. _2.perform (v.)A. 做;履行;执行B. 演出;表演 C. 工作;运转(1)The children pe

5、rform two plays each school year. _(2)So, how do you perform this task?(3)The company is performing well. _3. plantA. n. 植物 B. n. 工厂;车间C. v. 栽种;种植(1)Dont forget to water the plants. _(2)The plant provides forty percent of the countrys electricity._(3)They are planting a large vegetable garden.

6、aceA. n. 地点;场所 B. n. (比赛或竞赛获得的)名次C. n. 身份;地位;资格 D. v. 放置;安放(1)Britain won the third place at the games in Barcelona. _(2)Make sure you keep the key in a safe place. _(3)Place the card face down on the table. _5.presentn& adj. /preznt/; v/przent/A. adj. 现存的;当前的 B. adj. 出现的;出席的C. n. 礼物;礼品 D. v. 把交给;颁发

7、;赠送E. v. 提出;提交 F. n. 目前;现在(1)Dont forget to get a birthday present for your mother. _(2)At present, children under 14 are not permitted in bars. _(3)The winners were presented with medals. _(4)We dont have any more information at the present time. _(5)Most fathers wish to be present at the birth of

8、their 戏剧 My mother likes watching TV plays best. 7.Poor adj.A.贫穷的 B.可怜的 C.差的,劣质的(1)The partys poor performance in the election(选举). _(2)Have you heard about poor old Harry? His wifes left him. _(3)They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids. _8.postA. n. 邮政;邮递 B. n. 职位C. n. 邮寄的信函

9、(或包裹等) D. v. 寄;邮寄E. v. 发布,公布 (1)Ill send the original to you by post . _(2)There was a lot of post this morning. _(3)Have you posted off your order yet?(4)The company posted a $1.1 billion loss. _(5)We will create 15 new posts next year._9.preserveA. v. 保持 B. v. 保护C. v. 保存 D. n. 保护区(1)We need to pre

10、serve the forest. _(2)We will do everything to preserve peace. _(3)a perfectly preserved 14th century house _(4)Pantanal, one of the worlds great wildlife preserves. . _10.promoteA. v.促进 B. v. 促销C. v. 提升;晋升(1)The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. _(2)These are policies to promote eco

11、nomic growth _(3)She worked hard and was soon promoted. _Q1.questionA. n. 问题;疑问B. v. 正式提问;质询(1)No one dared to question his decisions. _(2)Can I ask you a question?R1.raise (v.)A. 提升;举起B. 增加;提高(数量、水平等)C. 募集(钱款);征集D. 抚养;培育(2018阅读C)(1)Many shops have raised their prices. _(2)They are raising money to

12、help a poor girl. _(3)His children were raised in the countryside. _(4)Raise your hand if you know the right answer. (adj.)A. 有钱的;富有的 B. 肥沃的;丰饶的C. (食物)油腻的(1)The fat meat was very rich. _(2)Vegetables grow well in the rich and black soil. _(3)Hes the third richest man in this city. _3.rightA.

13、 adj. 正确的;真正的;真实的B. adj. 右边的,右侧的 C. adv. 正好;恰好D. n. 正义;正确 E. n. 右边F. n. 权利;正当的要求(2013阅读C)(1)He had an apple in his right hand. _(2)I left my bags right here. _(3)His ideas have now been proved right. _(4)Everyone should have the right to freedom of expression. _(5)I stood at her right. A. n.

14、跑;跑步 B. v. 跑;奔;奔跑C. v. 管理;经营(2012阅读B) D. v. 提供,开设(服务、课程等)E. v. 流淌;流动(1)The college runs summer courses for foreign students. _(2)Water was running all over the bathroom floor. _(3)The dogs ran off as soon as we appeared. _(4)I go for a run every morning. _(5)He has no idea how to run a business. _5.

15、rateA. n. 速率 B. n.比率;率C. n. 价格;费用 D. v. 评估;评价(1)The university is highly rated for its research. _(2)His heart rate was 30 beats per minute slower. _(3)Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. _(4)specially reduced rates for travellers using Gatwick Airport. _6.remainA. V-LINK. 保

16、持是,仍然是 B. v.遗留,剩余(单独使用)C. v. 仍需去做(或说、处理) D. n. 残余(物);剩余(物);遗迹(1)Very little of the house remained after the fire. _(2)The three men remained silent._(3)Much remains to be done. _(4)They were tidying up the remains of their picnic. _7.reserveA. v. 预订 B. v.保留C. n. 储备(量);储藏(量)可数名词, 常用复数 D. n. 保护区(1)lar

17、ge oil and gas reserves _(2)Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins. _(3)Id like to reserve a table for three for eight oclock._(4)These seats are reserved for special guests. _8.reviewA. n. 审查,检查 B. n.(对书籍、戏剧、电影等的)评介,评论C. n. 报告;汇报

18、 D. v.回顾;反思 E.v.评论 F.复习 (1)This is a film review. _(2)His parole(假释) application is up for review next week. _(3)a review of customer complaints_(4)You need to review your failures and triumphs. _(5)The play was reviewed in the national newspapers._(6)I review my lessons regularly._9.rough (adj.)A.

19、粗糙的 B. 粗略的;大致的C. 粗暴的;粗野的 D.犯罪盛行的;充斥暴力的 E.艰难的,困难的(1)The skin on her hands was hard and rough. _(2)There were about 20 people there, at a rough guess . _(3)They complained of rough handling by the police. _(5)All men have a rough time in our society._(6)the roughest neighbourhood in the city_辨析toughA.

20、 坚强的, 坚韧不拔的 B. 强硬的,严厉的(1)She is tough and ambitious. _(2)Dont be too tough on the studenthe was only trying to help. _(3)They complained of tough handling by the police. _(5)All men have a tough time in our society._(6)the toughest neighbourhood in the (v.)A. 救助;挽救B. 储蓄;攒钱C. 保留;保存E. 节省;

21、节约(1)You should save a little money each week. _(2)Luckily, all the passengers were saved. _(3)I saved you a piece of birthday cake. _(4)Well take a taxi to save time. _2.seatA. n. 座椅;座位 B. n. 席位C. v. 能容纳人E. v. 使就坐;使坐下(1)He seated himself behind the desk. _(2)Are there any seats left?(3)His party fa

22、iled to win a single seat. _(4)The hall can seat 2, 000 audiences. _3. serve (v.)A. 接待;服务 B. 能满足的需要C. 可用作 D. 端上(食物和饮料);服侍进餐 E. 提供(1)She was busy serving a customer. _(2)I failed to see what purpose this could serve. _(3)Breakfast is served in the restaurant between 7 and 9. _(4)These views serve as

23、a guide in life. _4.setA. n. 一套;一副;一组 B. v. 放;放于某处C. v. (太阳)下沉;落下 D. v. 安排;确定;决定E. v. 摆放餐具 F. adj. 固定的;安排好的(1)In winter the sun sets early. _(2)Set your heavy bag here. _(3)Has a date been set for the meeting yet?(4)I have to study at set hours each day. _(5)We need a set of tools to repair the bike

24、. _(6)As mother cooked, Molly began setting the table. _5.sick (adj.)A. 生病的 B. 想呕吐的;恶心的C. 厌倦的;厌烦的(1)I am sick of working all day. _(2)Maria cant come today because shes sick. _(3)As soon as the ship started moving I began to feel sick. 6.standA. v. 站;直立 B. v. 容忍;忍受C. v. 经得起;承受得住D. n. 看台 E. n. 小店;售货摊

25、(1)I cant stand bad manners. _(2)They just stood there laughing. _(3)His poetry will stand the test of time. _(4)The stand was crowded with all kinds of goods. _7.springA. n. 春天 B. n. 弹簧;发条 C. n. 泉D. v. 跳;跃 E. v. 突然出现(1)The children jumped on the sofa so much that they ruined thesprings. _(2)I spran

26、g out of bed to answer the door. _(3)Janet will come over for a couple of weeks next spring. _(4)The mountain spring is so clear and sweet._(5)Thousands of new businesses have sprung up in the past coupleof years. _8.storeA. n(大型)百货商店B. n. 商品;物品 C. n. 仓库D. v. 贮存;保存(2015阅读D)(1)The room is used for holding medical stores. _(2)Animals store up food for the winter. _(3)I need to go to the store for some mil

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