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1、周练AOne day my two sons and I got into my old car to drive to the local post office. I backed out of my drive slowly like I normally do and then pulled to a stop at the side road that leads to the main highway. When it was clear I pulled out and stepped on the gas. As I stepped on the clutch(离合器)and

2、tried to shift into second, though, I immediately knew that something was wrong. The normally solid gear shift(档位杆)now felt like a spoon in a bowl of soup. I tried quickly to get it to lock into any of the gears but did not succeed. Thankfully, the steering wheel(方向盘)was still working fine and I all

3、owed the car to go to the end of the side road where I was able to pull safely into a wide spot and turn the engine off.It was only later in the day that I finally realized how blessed I had been. I could have been on the main road when that stick shift failed. I could have been in the middle of a c

4、urve with no place to turn off the road. I could have had a car too close behind me that wouldnt have been able to stop in time. A hundred things could have made this incident dangerous or deadly. Yet, the gear shift broken at just the right moment to keep me and my boys safe.Far too often we only s

5、ee the bad things in life. We get angry when things dont go out way, and we fail to see the thousands of times that they do. Yes, my car broken down. Still, my sons and I are safe. We are loved. And we have been given more time here in this world to share our own love and light.21. What does the und

6、erlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. The clutch.B. The gear shift.C. The spoon.D. The car.22. How did the writer stop the car at last?A. By turning the engine off quickly. B. By turning to a local garage for help.C. By removing the steering wheel away. D. By letting it slow down to stop natu

7、rally.23. The drivers thoughts in Paragraph 2 imply that _.A. they were lucky enough to be safe B. the car needed to be repaired wellC. the driver was good at driving a broken car D. it was important to find a suitable place to park24. By writing the story, the writer expected us to _.A. be careful

8、in our drivingB. ignore the bad things in our lifeC. share our love with others in timeD. find a bless even from a bad situationBAre you a crazy selfie-taker(自拍客)? You are at risk of developing “selfie elbow(肘)” which is slowly becoming a real medical condition. Like tennis elbow or golf elbow, an a

9、ddiction to selfie-taking can cause a pain in your elbow, according to a report.In a recent case, Hoda Kotb, an award-winning journalist and show host of NBCs Today, went to a doctor, complaining of pain in her elbow. “I went to the doctor and he said, are you playing tennis or ping pong?” I told hi

10、m I was taking selfies.” Kotb said “When you take the picture, your arm is up, bent in a strange way and you just click, click, clickthink about how many you take:20, 30, or 40. Selfie elbow, everyone has it,” added Kotb.Her doctor recommended icing her elbow and certain exercises to help relieve th

11、e soreness. “Basically, the connection between technology and human body sometimes causes injuries,” Jordan Metzl, a sports medicine physician, said in a newspaper. “You get selfie elbow from taking too many selfies, as you put too much stress on the muscle and it hurts the area where the muscle com

12、es off the bone and you get this inflammatory(淡定)response,” Metzl added.The condition can be treated by taking pain relievers like Advil or Motrin for the inflammation and putting on some ice as well as extending the muscles.“For those who are dedicated selfie-takers, using a selfie stick can work l

13、ike an arm extender and takes the pressure off the elbow,” suggested Charles Kim, a specialist at NYU Langone Medical Center in the US.25. The first paragraph implies that selfie elbow is _.A. a severe diseaseB. a rare phenomenonC. a tough medical problemD. a matter of life and death26. An addicted

14、selfie-taker has a selfie elbow because he/she _ when taking selfies.A. breaks the elbow boneB. gives too much pressure to the armC. doesnt care about his/her elbowD. stands still for too long27. According to Charles Kim, we can reduce selfie elbow by _.A. using a selfie stickB. putting some ice on

15、itC. extending the body muscleD. taking some sleeping pillsCDo you know that all handguns are semi-automatic? This means that all that stands between you and death is the pull of a trigger(扳机). Limited access to handguns would decrease violence, as has been proven in the past.Quite simply, guns caus

16、e violence and death. Even though Americans only make up five percent of the world population, we own almost 50 percent of guns worldwide. Gun-control laws help keep the public safe. The Brady Law, which required background checks and a five-day waiting period for all handgun sales, caused a sharp decline in violence. Violent crimes f

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