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1、Guys, its under Things to do this weekend. 各位 是在周末可做的活动栏位里I cant find it. What does it say? 我找不到啊 写了什么That its a thing to do this weekend. 说值得周末去看一下Thats great, Raj. Congratulations. 很棒啊 拉杰 恭喜你啊You know, while were bragging, 趁着在互相显摆The Journal of Prosthetic Medicine 假体医学期刊just wrote up the project t

2、hat Howard and I are working on. 报道了我跟霍华德一起合作的项目呢Well, you didnt tell me that. 你没跟我说过啊Oh, it just came out. Its just a little blurb. 才刚出啦 就一小段而已Oh, well, good for you. 恭喜你啊You know, Bert and I have started isolating zircons 我跟伯特也开始了从陨石中from meteorites for our dark matter search. 孤立出皓石来进行暗物质的研究Oh. We

3、ll, how nice. 很棒啊Everyones doing impressive work. 大家最近的工作都好棒棒啊What have you been working on these days? 那你最近都在做些什么研究呢Whoa, whoa. Whered that come from? 哎哟喂 这一枪是从哪打来的Where did what come from? 什么枪是哪里打来I try to be supportive, 我尽量地支持大家and you break out the hot lights and the rubber hose. 你却直接对我严刑逼供I jus

4、t asked what youve been working on. 我只是问了你最近在研究什么Oh, my God, let it go. 要命了 别问了好吗Do you believe this guy? 你看这人I did it! 我成功啦See? Its a. its a boat. 看到没 是一艘船Its also a hat. 还是一顶帽子呢Okay, how do you want to play this? 来吧 你想怎么来Do you want to pretend like nothings bothering you 是假装你没有任何烦心事and blow up lat

5、er, or do you just want to be 然后之后突然爆发 还是你干脆一点a maniac right now? 现在就开始发疯Nothing is bothering me. 我没有烦心事啊Fine. Be that way. 行 那就这么着If you want to talk, Ill be flushing my sinuses. 但如果你想聊 我就在旁边洗鼻子Wait. 等等I have a confession. 我有件事想坦白When I berated Leonard, 当我怒斥莱纳德时it was a clever ruse to conceal the f

6、act 其实那是我巧妙地掩盖that Im not working on anything. 我最近屁事儿都没干的烟幕弹Well, I think I speak for everyone 我觉得我的话能代表大家的心声when I say, No! 那就是真的假的The truth is I have nothing of interest to pursue. 其实我最近没有任何感兴趣的项目Well, maybe this is the perfect opportunity 或许现在是个很棒的机会to take some time for yourself and refocus. 来沉淀

7、自己 重新找到方向Im sure youll find something youre excited about. 我相信你一定能找到你感兴趣的研究方向Thank you, Amy. 谢谢你 艾米t know what Id do without you. 没有你我真不知道该怎么办Hey, can I stay here? Sheldon kicked me out. 我能待在这里吗 谢尔顿把我踢出来了Well, is everything okay? 没事吧Yeah. He just wants some alone time to work. 没事啦 他只是想独处做些工作Fine. Ma

8、ke yourself at home. 那好 当自己家吧Yeah. We were just about to watch a little TV. 对啊 我们正打算看点电视节目Youre welcome to join us. 欢迎你跟我们一起看啊Thanks. Ill be right with you. 谢谢 我马上过来看I just have to, uh, do my neti pot. 等我先洗一下鼻子就行So what are you guys gonna watch? 你们打算看什么呢Okay. 好了Hey, uh, what do you think we should o

9、pen our show with? 你觉得我们开场应该用哪首歌Uh, Thor and Doctor Jones 雷神索尔与博士琼斯or Lets Get Astrophysical? 还是更太空物理亲密点吧t know. I think we should start with something 不知道了 我觉得开场应该用that gets them up on their feet. 会让他们站起来的热血歌曲Maybe Sherlock Around the Clock. 或许马不停蹄夏洛克吧Great, yeah. Uh, lets give it a try. 不错 有道理 来试试

10、Halleys napping! Keep it down! 哈雷在午睡 小声点Oh. Right. Sorry. 好 对不起s cool. We dont need volume to rock. 没事 我们摇滚不靠大声Instead of blowing the roof off this place, 不用把屋顶嗨到掀飞we can gently lift it off 我们就温柔地举起屋顶and set it quietly down in the backyard. 再轻轻将它放到后院Okay. 好One, two, three, four. 一 二 三 四 Holmes said

11、to Watson 福尔摩斯对华生说话 On Baker Street 在他们贝克街 Come on, Doctor 出发吧 医生 Time to move them feet 是时候该出发了 Sing it with us. 跟我们一起唱 Sherlock, Sherlock 夏洛克 夏洛克 Sherlock around the clock 马不停蹄夏洛克 We cant hear you. 再唱大声点Nice going. 干得漂亮啊Sorry. Sorry. Ill get her. 对不起 抱歉 我去哄她One sec. 稍等You bought diapers, right? 你买

12、尿布了 对吧Be right back. 马上回来Rock and roll! 摇滚万岁Okay. Scratch paper, check. 好的 草稿纸 有了Whiteboard, check. 白板 有了Chex Mix, check. 综合零嘴 有了And here we go. 正式开始Oh, dang it. 靠Hello, Mother. 你好啊 妈妈Hi there, Shelly. You will never believe 你好啊 谢利 你绝对想不到who I ran into at the barbecue festival. 烧烤节上我遇见谁了I am right i

13、n the middle of some very important work. 我正忙着很重要的工作呢t have time for this right now. 我现在没空聊这些有的没的Then why did you answer the phone? 那你为什么接我电话Because you raised me to be polite. 因为你教育我做人要有礼貌Now stop bothering me. 不要再干扰我了Hello again. 再次问好Who did you see at the barbecue festival? 你在烧烤节上遇到谁了Mr. Watkins.

14、 沃特金斯先生Really? 不是吧You called me and interrupted my work to tell me 你在我工作到一半的时候打电话干扰我that you ran into somebody you could plausibly run into? 就为了这个你本来就有可能遇到的人吗m sorry, Mother, I really need to focus here. 对不起 妈 我真的得专心工作了I will speak to you next week. 我下周再跟您联系Okay, sweetheart. Ill talk to you then. 好

15、亲爱的 我们下周聊I thought Mr. Watkins moved to Florida. 沃特金斯先生不是搬去佛罗里达了吗He did. He was back visiting his son. 是啊 他回来看他儿子Oh, gosh darn it, that is interesting. 要亲命了 还真是有趣Was it Tommy or Joe? 是看汤米还是看乔I bet it was Joe, cause he and Tommy had a falling out 应该是看乔吧 他跟汤米因为over that time-share. 分时度假的事闹了不愉快You guys

16、 do anything fun after dinner? 你们昨天晚餐后有做什么好玩的事吗Well, actually Amy came back over and we hung out. 艾米后来又回我家 我们一起玩了Did you know that were both spelling bee champs? 你知道我们都曾是拼字比赛冠军吗We stayed up for hours trying to stump each other. 我们熬了好几个小时试图打败对方Who won? 谁赢了Oh, she thought she had me with Appoggiatura,

17、 她以为她能用花音装饰音的一种打败我but I shut that down expeditiously. 但我以迅雷不及掩耳之势灭了她E-x-p-e-d-i-t-i-o-u-s-l-y. 卂辶雨田不及扌奄耳之执力Expeditiously. 迅雷不及掩耳之势I bet that made Penny take off all of her clothes. 我猜你威猛的样子让佩妮宽衣解带Put her pajamas on and then go to bed early. 再换上睡衣早早睡觉去了吧At, like, 9:00. 对啊 九点就去睡了Oh, are we still on fo

18、r band practice this evening? 我们今晚还练团吗Oh, shoot. 我靠I promised I would take Halley over to Bernadettes parents. 我答应了带哈雷去我岳父岳母家- Dude, the gig is, like, next weekend. - I know. -兄弟 表演就在这周末呢 -我知道m sorry. I really want to do this, 对不起 我真的很想好好演出but I just dont think I have the time. 但我好像真的没有时间Okay. I-I g

19、uess Ill have to cancel. 好吧 那我可能只能取消演出了Toby Greenbaum will have to become a man without us. 托比格林鲍姆不能在我们的加持下长大了Too bad, you guys kill at bar mitzvahs. 太可惜了 你们可是成年礼之王啊And other events that people cant leave. 在其他观众不能随便走的活动也是一霸t want to be the one who breaks up the band. 我不想成为拆散乐队的人You know, maybe you s

20、hould. 但或许你应该.think about replacing me. 想想找谁来代替我- Okay. - I mean, -好啊 -我意思是I know itll be hard since we. 我知道这很难 因为我们.Oh, I bet Bert could do it. He plays guitar. 我觉得伯特能行 他会弹吉他m gonna go ask him. 我去问问他I guess he forgot that I play the cello. 我猜他忘了我会拉大提琴I-I dont think he did. 我觉得他并没有忘Okay, I think its

21、 ready. 好了 我觉得已经准备就绪Should we put on safety goggles? 我们要戴护目镜吗Well, the funnest fun is the safest fun, so yes. 最安全的乐子就是最有趣的乐子 当然戴Oh, Amy, youre here. again. 艾米你又. 返场啦Yeah, Sheldon said he needed another night to work, 谢尔顿说他需要再多一晚独处工作so I said Id give him some space. 所以我就说那我给他空间So whats all this? 这是在干

22、嘛Well, Amy and I were talking about old science fair projects, 我跟艾米在聊以前做过的科学展览报告and how fun it would be to recreate them. 然后就想到重新做一次会多有意思Were making hot ice. 我们要做热冰s pretty cool. 很酷冷Nice one. 好哏Turns out we both did this 我们发现我们两人as our science fair projects in ninth grade. 都为九年级的科学展览报告做了这个Do you rem

23、ember any of your high school projects? 你还记得你高中时期做过什么吗Uh, well, I remember telling Jenny Runyon 我还记得跟珍妮鲁尼恩说that I would teach her how to flirt with boys 我愿意教她怎么勾引男生if she put my name on her project. 只要她在科学报告上写我名字就行I got an A, She got pregnant. 我喜获了A 她喜获麟儿Girls like you are why I had to come straight

24、 home after school. 你这样的女孩害我放学得立刻回家Check this out. 看好了Look at that. 我看看Wow, thats amazing. 这好厉害啊The crystallization is an exothermic process, 它的结晶是一种放热过程so the ice is actually hot. 所以这个冰是热的- I won first place for this. - So did I. -这作品让我得了第一 -我也是I threw Jennys baby shower. 我为珍妮举办了迎婴派对Oh, hey, in sev

25、enth grade, 七年级的时候I built a cobra wave. You want to do that? 我做了眼镜蛇波 你想来做这个吗Oh, we can come up with a wave speed formula, 我们可以想出波速公式and see how accurately we can predict the amplitude. 看看我们能多精准地预测它的振幅Wow, I didnt think anything could top 哇 我还以为昨晚的last nights spelling bee, but here comes math. 拼字大赛已经

26、登峰造极 但数学更高一筹啊m sorry, we-we dont have to do more experiments. 抱歉 我们可以不继续做实验s do something we can all enjoy. 来做点我们大家都喜欢做的事吧Hey, uh, you want to watch that show you like 你想来看你喜欢的那个节目where people want to buy a house and then they do? 就是有人想买房子 然后就去买了的节目吗No, no, you guys do your experiments. 不不不 你们做实验吧ll

27、 go pick up dinner. 我去带晚饭回来Are you sure? 你确定吗Yeah, youre having science fun, 对啊 你们在享受科学and I dont want to interfere, or watch you. 我不想打扰你们 也不想看Did I actually do it? 我真的算出来了吗I did. I did. 真的耶 真的The answer is one in 18 million. 答案是1800万分之一What is? 什么东西是The odds of you running into Mr. Watkins. 你遇见沃特金斯先生的几率啊Oh, Shelly. I have bad news. 谢利 我有个坏消息Mr. Watkins passed this morning. 沃特金斯先生今早去世了Oh, Im-Im sorry. 我很遗憾I know. What are the odds of that? 是啊 得什么几率才碰到这种事啊Call you back. 晚点打给你Now lets calculate the amplitude! 现在

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