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1、我是周老师。2. A:您叫什么名字我是玲玲3.A:您好吗?我很好, 谢谢您, 您呢?A:我也好.你父亲好吗?他很好.4.A:你能拼读“red”吗?当然,R-E-D。这是我的老师,李老师.您好,李老师!这是我的朋友,他的名字叫Tom。你好,Tom!很高兴见到您! 我也很高兴见到您!7. A:是该离开的时间了,再见! 再见。明天见。8.请坐下9.打开你们的书。10.关上你们的书。11.举起你的手。12.A:你在这儿是新生吗?是的。你在哪一班呢?我在3班,陈老师班上。13.A:你的电话号码是多少?我的电话号码是726815.你多大了?我12岁。15.11加4等于15.16.A:How many de

2、sks are there in the classroom?There are forty-five desks in it.17.A:Can you help me,Tony? Of course.How do you spell your name? T-O-N-YSorry,can you say that again? Yes, T-O-N-Y.Thank you.Youre welcome.18.A: What colour is the banana ?Its yellow.What colour are the apples?They are red.19.A:What day

3、 is it today?Its Monday.What day is it tomorrow? Its Tuesday.20.Write the word in your book. Write the word on the blackboard.21.My favourite day is Saturday. What day is your favourite day?22.A:Whats the weather like in China in spring? (=Hows the weather in China in spring?)Its warm.23.A:Whats you

4、r favourite sport?My favourite sport is football.24.A:Lets go swimming on Wednesday . Ok. Good idea.在教室里有多少张课桌?有45张.Tony,你能帮我一下吗?当然。你怎样拼写你的名字?T-O-N-Y对不起,你能再说一下吗?可以。T-O-N-Y. 谢谢了。不用谢。 这个香蕉是什么颜色?是黄色的。这些苹果是什么颜色?是红色的.今天星期几?星期一。明天星期几? 星期二。20.把这个单词写在你的书上。 把这个单词写在黑板上。21.我最喜欢的一天是星期六。 你最喜欢的是哪一天呢? 春季中国的气候怎么样?天

5、气暖和。23. A:你最喜欢的运动是什么?我最喜欢的运动是足球。让我们星期三去游泳吧。好的。好主意!Module 1I.重点短语 from. =come from.2.years old3.what about. =how Class Ten, Grade Seven5.the capital of.6.first name =given name7.last name=family name8.English name9.Chinese nameII.重点句子:1.Im Chinese ,and Im from China. (Im Chinese, and

6、I come from China.)2. Where are they from? (=Where do they come from? They are from America. (=They come from America.)3.How old is that man? He is forty-four.4. The students are in Class Five, Grade Seven.5. Tom is in Class One with Lingling. =Tom with Lingling is in Class One.=Tom and Lingling are

7、 in Class One.6.What about you?=How about you?=And you?7.Welcome to Class 6 Grade 7 !8. Beijing is the capital of China.9.Good to see you. =Nice to see you.=Glad to see you.10.Im Tony Smith.Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name.1. 来自.2. .岁3. .怎么样?4.在七年级十班5. 的首都/省会6.名7.姓8.英文名字9.中文名字1.我是中国人,

8、 我来自中国.2.他们来自什么哪里?他们来自美国.3.那位男子多少岁了?他44岁.4.这些学生在七年级五班.5.汤姆和玲玲在一班.6.你呢?/你怎么样?7.欢迎到七年级六班。8.北京是中国的首都。9.很高兴见到你。10.我是Tony Smith,Tony是我的名,Smith是我的姓。III.基本语法点:1.Be动词的选用及基本句子结构2.人称代词和物主代词(1)3.英文名字和中文名字的顺序和规范书写4.国家名称及其形容词Module 21.a photo of Tonys family 2.on the left front of. in/at the fr

9、ont of.5.Tonys the photo the bus station a police station 9.a manager of a theater =a theater manager10. a manager of a hotel =a hotel the same hospital12.a bus driver13.a farm worker14.a shop English teacher1.This is a photo of Tonys family2.What a

10、big family!3.My mums parents are on the right.4.The woman next to me is my dads sister.1.一张Tony 的家庭的照片2.在.的左边3.紧挨着.; 紧靠.4.在.前面(分开) 在.前面(没有分开)5.Tony的父母6.照片上7.在公共车站8.在警察局9.一位剧院负责人10.一位宾馆经理11.在同一家医院12.一位公共汽车司机13.一位农场工人14.一名店员15.一位英语教师1.这是Tony的一张全家福。2.多大的一个家庭啊!3.我母亲的父母在右边4.紧挨着我的这位女子是我父亲的妹妹。5.Is this you

11、r family ?6.Are these your grandparents ?7.My mother is the manager of a theater.8.My fathers job is at a police station.9.His parents are shop workers.1.人称代词和物主代词(2)2.名词所有格3.this,that,these,those的基本用法4单数变复数以及名词复数的变化Module 31.a lot of furniture2.on everyones deskon the teachers desk3.on the

12、/in the front of.5.a map of the world a map of the dining the school gate8.on/in the playground9.a science lab10.a sports office building12.a classroom the science building14.five computer the middle of.16.on the left of.5.这是你的家庭吗?6.这些是你的祖父母吗?7.我

13、的母亲是剧院负责人。8.我父亲在警察局工作。9.他的父母是商店工作人员。1.大量的教学设施;大量的家具2.在每个人的课桌上 在讲桌上3.在墙上4.在.前面(没有分离)5.一张世界地图一张中国地图6.在食堂里7.在校门口8.在操场上9.一个科学实验室10.一个体育馆11.一幢办公楼12.一幢教学大楼13.在科学楼里14.五个微机室15.在.的中间16.在.的左边17.between the library and the dining for.1.Whats your classroom like? Its really big.2.How many students are

14、 there in your class?There are forty-four students in my class.3.There arent any computers in our classroom.4.Are there any computers on everyones desk ? Yes, there are some. ( No, there arent any.)5.Whats in your classroom? There is a lot of furniture.6.There is a map and some pictures on the walls

15、.=There are some pictures and a map on the walls.7.Gao Yans between Zhao feng and Li Min.8.In the middle of the school is a big playground.=A big playground is in the middle of the school.9.Where is the library? Its next to the science lab.1.There be句型2.表方位的介词短语及用法3.注意There be 和have/has got 的区别4. .数

16、词的表达 Module 41.have/has got.2.healthy food and drink unhealthy food and drink3.go shopping for sth. =go to buy sth17.在图书馆和食堂之间18.用于.;为.准备的1.你的教室怎样? 它真的很大2.你班上有多少学生? 我班上有44位学生。3.在我们教室里没有电脑。4.每位学生的课桌上有电脑吗?是的,有(不,没有。5.你教室里有什么? 有大量的教学设备。6.在墙上有一张地图和一些画。7.高燕在赵峰和李民中间。8.一个大操场在学校中间。9.图书馆在哪里? 它在科学楼的旁边。1.有.2.健

17、康的饮品和饮料健康的饮品和饮料3.去买.4.too much +不可数; too many+可数 good bad for7.lots of.= a lot of.=many/much8.get sth for sb=buy sth for sb9.what kind of.10.ones favourite food and drink11.chicken soup12.stay well14.have a good breakfast15.have sth for breakfast16.remember to do sth17.a b

18、it tired1.Weve got lots of apples.2.He hasnt got any meat.3.Have you got any chocolate? Yes, we have. / No, we havent.4.Lets go shopping for food and drink.5.Lets get some coffee for your mum.6.Too much chocolate isnt good for you.7.What kind of fruit ?8.Cola is bad for you.9.How about some orange j

19、uice? Good idea.10.Is your food and drink healthy?11.It is important to stay healthy.12.There are lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch, but there isnt any cola or candy .13.Please remember to buy some fruit.4.太多.5.对.有好处6.对.有害处7.大量的.;许多.8.为某人买.9.什么种类的.10.某人最喜欢的食品饮料11.鸡汤12.保持健康13.吃好14.吃一顿营养早餐15.在早餐吃

20、.16.记得做.17.有一点儿累1.我们有大量的苹果。2.他没有一些肉。3.你们有一些巧克力吗? 是的,我们有。/不,我们没有。4.让我们去买一些食品饮料吧。5.让我们给你妈妈买点咖啡吧。6.太多的巧克力对你不好。7.什么种类的水果?8.可乐对你有害。9.一些橘汁怎么样? 好主意。10.你的饮食健康吗?11.保持健康很重要。12.中午有许多水果蔬菜,但没有可乐和糖果。13.请记住买一些水果。14.Im a bit tired.1.have/has got 的含义及句子结构。 注意there be的区别,以及和have/has的替换。2.可数名词和不可数名词3.some 和any的用法Modul

21、e school day2.on Tuesday3.have Chinese=have a Chinese five to nine =at eight half past seven =at seven thirty6.on Wednesday good at.=do well with/to sb9.on weekdays=on the weekday10.on weekends=on the weekend11.get up12.have breakfast nex

22、t to.14.start work=start lessons15.have a break (for twenty minutes)16.go to the TV18.have dinner with ones ones maths homework21.go to bed22.go to sleep14.我有一点儿累。1.我的学校生活2.在星期二3.上语文课4.在八点五十五5.在七点半6.在星期三下午7.擅长于., 在.做得好8.和.谈话9.在工作日10.在周末11.起床12.吃早饭13.紧挨着.14.开始

23、工作/学习15.休息(20分钟)16.到操场17.看电视18.和. 吃晚饭19.做某人的家庭作业20.做某人的数学家庭作业21.上床睡觉22.入睡23.wash ones face24.make sb/sth +形容词25.have a busy day26.after school1.Whats the time?=What time is it? Its twenty past one.=Its one twenty.2.What are our lessons on Monday? =What lessons do we have on Monday?3.We have Chinese

24、at 8:00 and science at 8:55.4.Its interesting to study maths .5.I like the lessons on Tuesday afternoon.6.They dont have geography on Friday.7.Do you have PE on Thursday afternoon?8.I love history and Im good at it.9.My favourite subject is English .10.I can talk with my Chinese friends.11.Maths is

25、difficult for Betty. =Its difficult for Betty to study maths.12.What time is your art lesson? I have art at 3:00pm on Wednesday.13.We start work at nine oclock.14.My school is next to my home.15.We have a break for thirty minutes.16.We have lunch in the dining hall at 12:20.17.I have a busy day on Saturday.18.The students have eight lessons every day.19.Mr.Li makes maths lessons interesting.20.I do my maths homework first after school .1.时间的表达及提问 2.一般现在时23.洗脸24.使某人/物

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