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1、Story time 第二课时: Grammar time& Fun time 第三课时:Cartoon time第四课时:Sound time & Checkout time& Culture time第五课时:习题Period 1 Story time教学内容 Story time 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说check, dentist, anything, bedtime, brush ones teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take medicine, fever, headache, toothache。2. 能听懂、

2、会读、会说日常用语Whats wrong with ?、 have/has a 、What should do?、You/he/ she should 。3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语询问病情,给不同的病症提出建议。教学重点和难点能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。能初步用句型Whats wrong with ?、You/he/ she should 询问病情,给不同的病症提出建议。教学准备图片、词汇卡、多媒体教学过程Step 1 Greeting & Warm-up 1. Sing a

3、 song: Body song (播放歌曲二遍)2. Brainstorming T: This song is about the parts of our body. Do you still remember them? Look at the picture and review the parts of our body. (教师任意点图片中的身体器官,学生依次回答)S1/S2/S3: head, ear, hand, foot Step 2 Presentation1. Think and learn T: If one part of our body feels painfu

4、l, we can say “ache”. (教 “ache”) Look! The girl has a headache. The boy has a toothache. They have to see the doctor. Today were going to learn Unit 4 Seeing the doctor.2. Watch and answer Whats wrong with you, Su Hai?S1: I have a headache. Whats wrong with Mike?S2: He has a toothache.3. Try to unde

5、rline (自读文本第一部分,划出和以下问题相关的内容) How does Su Hai feel? She feels cold. Whats wrong with her? She has a fever. What should she do?S3: She should have a rest, take some medicine and drink some warm water. (教 “medicine”)4. Think and write I have a headache and a fever. I should have a rest at home.I shoul

6、d take some medicine and drink some warm water too.5. Try to ask (通过仔细看图,让学生试着自己根据图片上的信息来提问) Why does he have a toothache? What should he do?S4: What shouldnt he do?6. Ask and answer Because he eats a lot of sweets. He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. He shouldnt eat too man

7、y sweets.7. Think and writeI have a toothache.I cannot eat anything. I should not eat too many sweets. I should brush my teeth in the morning and before bedtime.Step 3 Consolidation1. Read the story a. Read after the tapeb. Read in different ways in groups of three 2. Think and talk Mr Green and Liu

8、 Tao are talking. Now we are Mr Green and Liu Tao. Lets talk in pairs.Mr Green: Whats wrong with Su Hai? Liu Tao: She has a Why does have a ? Because What should do? What about Mike? He has a Why? What shoulddo?3. Think and talk Lets talk about more people with different aches in the hospital.(指导扮演医

9、生的学生尽量多给建议)Doctor: Whats wrong with ? Patient: I have Why does ? Because you Patient: What should I do? You should/You shouldnt Homework 家庭作业1. Read and try to recite the story.2. Finish “Ask and answer” on P38.3. Surf the Internet and find more information about illness.板书设计: Unit 4 Seeing the doct

10、orpeople illness suggestions I have a I should I shouldnt 教学后记:Period2 Grammar time & Checkout time1. 能准确复述Story time中生病就诊的故事。、You/he/she should 。3. 能理解并掌握运用Grammar time中人称代词宾格的用法和情态动词should的用法及规则。4. 能运用所学知识提出更多的给予病人的建议。能运用所学句型询问病情,给不同的病症不同的建议。能理解并掌握运用Grammar time中人称代词宾格的用法和情态动词should的用法及规则。教学准备:1.

11、Brainstorming How do you feel now?S1/S2/S3/S4/S5: I feel cold/sad/soft/happy/afraid/ Step 2 Story time1. Do the puzzle 1 Who are ill in Story time?S: Su Hai and Mike are ill. Theyre patients. Patients mean sick people. Lets do the puzzle about patients. P-A-T-I-E-N-T. Hospital/headache/toothache/ill

12、/fever/dentist/doctor.2. Think and say Whats wrong with Su Hai and Mike? Lets think and say. Please use these words. S1: Su Hai is ill. She goes to hospital to see the doctor. She has a headache and fever. S2: Mike has a toothache. He eats so many sweets. He goes to see the dentist. 3. Do the puzzle

13、 2 Su Hai goes to see the doctor. What does Su Hai ask? S: What does the doctor say? Lets do the puzzle 2. D-O-C-T-O-R. Medicine/should/check/water/wrong/rest.4. Recall and say Whats wrong with you? Let me check.You should take some medicine. You should drink some warm water.You should have a rest a

14、t home. What should Su Hai do? She should have a rest at home. She should take some medicine and drink some warm water. What should Mike do? He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.Step 3 Grammar time1. Summary (1) Talk about illness How to ask? Whats wrong with you/him/her/them?

15、 How to answer? I have a fever. They have a headache. He has a cold. She has a toothache.(2) Give/Get advice What should I/he/she/they do? I should have a rest. He/She should take some medicine. They should drink some warm water. He shouldnt eat too many sweets.Step 4 Checkout time1. Think and say L

16、ook at the pictures. What should they do? What shouldnt they do? Picture 1. How does he feel? He feels hot. He should take off his jacket. Picture 2. How does she feel? She feels cold. She should put on her coat. Picture 3. Whats wrong with her? She likes eating sweets. She sometimes has a toothache

17、. She should brush her teeth in the morning and before bedtime. She shouldnt eat too many sweets. Picture 4. Whats wrong with her? She has a headache. She feels tired. She should not watch TV.She should go to bed and have a rest. Picture 5. Where are they? S5: They are in the library. They should no

18、t shout or talk. They shouldnt eat or drink. 2. Think and write (学生完成P44 Think and write)1. Finish Checkout time.2. Make a dialogue with your partner.Whats wrong with ? have/has a should/shouldnt What should I do?Period3 Cartoon time1. 能听懂、会读、会说词汇hurt, should, have a rest, point at。2. 能在理解的基础上流利地朗读并

19、表演故事。3. 能体会到阅读的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。能听懂、会读、会说词汇hurt, should, have a rest, point at。能在理解的基础上流利地朗读并表演故事。 Warm up 2. Look and sayA: Whats wrong with the boy/the girl?B: Why does he/she have a ? Because he/she What should he/she do?3. Listen and choose What is wrong with Tim? How does he feel?Step 2 Cartoon tim

20、e1. Talk about the picture Look at the picture. Who are they? They are Monkey, Rabbit, Elephant and Giraffe. 2. Watch the cartoon and fill in the blanks Whats wrong with them? The monkeys arm hurts. The rabbits ear hurts. S3: The elephants nose hurts. S4: The giraffes neck hurts.3. Read and underlin

21、e What should they do? They should have a rest today. 4. Think and answer Why cant Bobby help the giraffe? Because the giraffes neck is too long. What should the giraffe do? He should take some medicine and have a rest at home. 1. Read and act (1) Read after the tape(2) Choose one way to read. Read

22、one by one./Read together./Read in roles./Read after one.2. Make up a dialogue If you are a doctor, some sick animals are coming to see you. What can you say? Useful expressions: How do you feel? What should/shouldnt do?1. Read Cartoon time.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.3. Make a card of p

23、atient. The rabbits ear hurts.Period4 Fun time & Sound time &1. 能理解字母组合ch的发音,并找出更多的例词。2. 能了解centigrade和Fahrenheit的不同,了解中西方文化的差异。3. 能较熟练运用所学句型询问病情,给不同的病症不同的建议。4. 能完成Fun time中的任务,与同学合作完成生病看医生的场景表演。能理解字母组合ch的发音,并找出更多的例词。能理解centigrade和Fahrenheit的不同,了解中西方文化的差异。能与同学合作完成Fun time中的拓展表演。1. Discuss the cards

24、of patients Whos ? B: Hes/Shes Whats wrong with him/her? He/She has He/She should 2. Read and judge 如果你认为是健康的,大声说 “Yeah, yeah, yeah”。如果你认为是不健康的,大声说 “No, No, No”。 He gets up late in the morning, so he runs to school every day. He reads English for fifteen minutes every morning. He likes eating meat,

25、but he doesnt like vegetables (蔬菜). He likes reading in the sun.He doesnt wash his hands before meals. Step 2 Fun time1. Revision of Grammar time Now boys and girls, we want to talk about illness. How to ask? Whats wrong with you/her/him/them? I/They have He/She has We want to get advice. How to ask? How

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