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1、It is generally agreed that Gothic architecture made its initial appearance (c.1140) in the le-de-France, the royal domain of the Capetian kings. However, the inception of the style owes much to several generations of prior experimentation, particularly in Normandy (see Norman architecture). Althoug

2、h individual components in Gothic architecture, such as ribbed vaulting and the pointed arch, had been employed in Romanesque construction, they had not previously received such a purposeful and consistent application. While the structural value of the Gothic rib has been contested, its formal signi

3、ficance cannot be overestimated. It served above all to delineate the vaults with a skeletal web that gave to the entire structure an articulation of impressive clarity.Unlike Romanesque architecture, with its stress on heavy masses and clearly delimited areas, Gothic construction, particularly in i

4、ts later phase, is characterized by lightness and soaring spaces. The overall effect of the Gothic cathedral combined this lightness with an innumerable subdivision and multiplicity of forms. The introduction (c.1180) of a system of flying buttresses (see buttress) made possible the reduction of wal

5、l surfaces by relieving them of part of their structural function. Great windows could be set into walls, admitting light through vast expanses of stained glass. Wall surfaces of High Gothic churches thus have the appearance of transparent and weightless curtains. The spiritual and mysterious qualit

6、y of light is an important element of the religious symbolism of Gothic cathedrals.In plan the High Gothic cathedral remained faithful to the traditional basilican form. It consisted of a central nave flanked by aisles, with or without transept, and was terminated by a choir surrounded by an ambulat

7、ory with chapels. These elements, however, were no longer treated as single units but were formally integrated within a unified spatial scheme. The exterior view was frequently dominated by twin towers. The facade was pierced by entrance portals often lavishly decorated with sculpture, and at a high

8、er level appeared a central stained glass rose window. Additional towers frequently rose above the crossing and the arms of the transept, which often had entrance portals and sculpture of their own. Around the upper part of the edifice was a profusion of flying buttresses and pinnacles.IV. Warming-u

9、p1.What is a bazaar? Can you name some of the Middle Eastern countries in which such bazaars are likely to be found? 2.Name all the markets in the bazaar. What kind of economy do you think they represent? Give facts to support your view. 3.What scene do you find most picturesque in the bazaar? Why?V

10、. Detailed Study of the Text1.The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds- even thousands-of years:The bazaar takes you back hundreds-even thousands-of years because it was possibly built centuries ago, the architecture was ancient, the bricks and stones were aged and the economy was a handicr

11、aft economy which no longer existed in the west.2.The one I am thinking of particularly is entered. is entered:The present tense used here is called “historical present”. It is used for vividness.aged : having existed long; very old. Detailed Study very old.3. You pass from the heat and glare of a b

12、ig open square into a cool, dark cavern.:“The heat” is contrasted with “cool”, “glare” with “dark”, and “open square” with “cavern”.Glare: strong, fierce, unpleasant light, not so agreeable and welcome as “bright sunlight”“Cavern” here does not really mean a cave or an underground chamber. From the

13、text we can see it is a long, narrow, dark street of workshops and shops with some sort of a roof over them.4. In front of the gateway there is a big, open square. It is hot there and the brightness of the sunlight is most disagreeable. But when you enter the gateway, you come to a long, narrow, dar

14、k street with some sort of a roof over if and it is cool inside 5. Which extends as far as far as the eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance:The word “eye” is used in the singular not to mean the concrete organ of sight but something abstract. Here it means mans power of seeing.Shadowy s

15、uggests shifting illumination and indistinct vision The place is dark, so when the street is long, objects in the distance become unclear and indistinct.6. Little donkeys. entering and leaving the bazaar:thread their way : The donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another. Th

16、e words “entering” and “leaving” go with the word “throngs” which differs from “crowds in that is carries a stronger implication of movement and of pushing and a wearer implication of density.7. The roadway is about twelve feet wide, but it is narrowed every few yards by little stalls where goods of

17、 every conceivable kind are sold: I cant conceive why you allowed the child to travel alone. I conceived that there must be some difficulties. 8.The din and makes you dizzy:Din: loud, confused noise that continues,The noun “din” is followed by three “of” phrases, wares: rather literary meaning artic

18、les for sale ,usu. Not in a shop .e.g. The baker traveled round the town selling his wares, silver-ware, iron-ware, hard-ware advertise ones wares clear a way: to remove from (as a space) all that occupy or encumber, or that impedes or restricts use, passage or action would-be : likely, possible The

19、 loud, confused noise of continues without interruption and makes you feel mentally confused. Explanation to the 1st paragraphThe bazaar takes you back hundreds- even thousands-of years because it was possibly built centuries age, the architecture was ancient, the bricks and stones were aged, In fro

20、nt of the gateway there is a big , open square. It is hot there and the brightness of the sunlight is most disagreeable. But when you enter the gateway, you come to a long narrow, dark street with some sort of a roof over it, and it is cool inside. The place is dark, so when the street is long objec

21、ts in the distance become unclear and indistinct. The donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another. The roadway is about twelve feet wide. The small shops lining the street try to expand their shop space by encroaching on the street, so the street becomes narrow every few ya

22、rds, goods of every kind you can think of are sold, stall-holders cry their wares donkey-boys and porters remove Possible purchasers argue and bargain for the wares all the loud, confused noise continues without interruption and makes you feel mentally confused. The Second Paragraph9. Then as you pe

23、netrate muted cloth-market:penetrate: to pierce or pass into or through . The word penetrate is used here to indicate that you have to pass through a big crowd in order to go deeper into the market.Fade away: go slowly out of hearing, gradually disappear the muted cloth market ;it is muted because t

24、he earthen floor deadens the sound of foot steps and people in the market speak in low, soft tones. 10. The earthen floor any sounds to echo:earthen: made of earth, e.g. an earthen jar, earthen warebeaten hard by countless feet: flattened by treading; which becomes flat and hard because it is much t

25、raveled deaden: to lessen or dull the sound of (footsteps)the vaulted mud-brick walls and roof: Moslem style of architecture 11. The shopkeeper speak in slow follow suit:measured; steady, slow and deliberate; rhythmical sepulchral: sepulchre /seplk/n, tomb especially one cut in rock or built of ston

26、e sepulchral: of a sepulcher; of burial deep and gloomy suggestive of burial: looks a voice follow suit: to do the same as someone else has done The buyers overcome by the grave-like atmosphere, also speak in slow measured tones. 12. Knit , knit stockings out of wool knit wool into stockings 13. One

27、 of the peculiarities persecution.peculiarity: characteristics collect: come together; gather; e.g. water (dust )collects knit : unite firmly and closelyknit stockings out of wool; knit wool into stockings The two families are knit together by common interests a closely argument guild: society of pe

28、rsons for helping one another, forwarding common interestsShopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods usually scatter themselves over the bazaar so as to avoid competition. (It would be more difficult for customers to compare goods and price) But in the Middle Eastern Bazaar they come together in

29、the same area in order to form a closely-knit guild against injustice or persecution (coming from, perhaps, the tax collectors and government officials).14. each open-fronted shop. for storage:open-fronted shop; the goods are displayed at the front of the shop, without any window or doorway blocking the view 15. Bargaining is the order of the day: bargaining is the normal way of doing things (the ) order of the day: that which is of the greatest general interest at a particu

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