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学年高一英语人教版必修3同步辅导与检测Unit 4 第三学时 Using LanguageWord下载.docx

1、a nuclear p_14阻挡阳光b_ out the sunlight15气候潮湿have a damp c_16撞到一棵树上c_ into a tree17乘宇宙飞船go by s_18漂浮在湖面上f_ in the lake19青云直上f_ upon the clouds20一触即发b_ out at any moment根据课文“A visit to the Moon”,选择正确答案。1How many times did the force of gravity change during the journey?AOnce.BTwice.CThree times. DFour t

2、imes.2When was the force of gravity largest during the journey? AWhen they just left the earth.BWhen they just arrived at the moon. CWhen they were in the space. DWhen they left the moon.3Why did the writer fall over on the moon?A. Because he suffered from air sickness. BBecause the moon was very ro

3、ugh.CBecause he hasnt get used to the moons gravity yet.DBecause the gravity on the moon differs from that on the earth.4Which of the following is wrong according to the passage?AThe gravity became very strong as the writer left the earths atmosphere.BThe writer floated in the spaceship when it was

4、in space.CWalking on the moon is impossible as the gravity has changed.DThe trip to the moon made the writer very tired.5When they gradually got close to the moon,_Athey felt the gravity was stronger and strongerBthey didnt feel the gravity Cthey watched the moon was smaller and smaller Dthey watche

5、d the earth was larger and larger答案:15CADCAPart ARole Play情景: 记者王芳在采访张华。角色:王芳和张华。任务:请你和你的朋友分别扮演一个角色,根据中文提示提出问题,然后根据课文内容回答问题。Q1:你什么时候去的月球? 和谁去的?_Q2:离开地球的时候,你有什么感觉?_Q3: 在接近月球时,你有什么感觉?_Q4:到达月球后,你做了什么?_Q5:你喜欢漫步月球吗?_Q6:旅程结束时你有何感想?_答案:When did you visit the moon? And with whom?A1: Last month, I visited th

6、e moon with my friend Li Yanping.When you left the earth, how did you feel?A2: I felt the force of the gravity became strong.Q3: How did you feel when you were closing the moon?A3:When I was closing the moon, I felt the moons gravity pulling us, but it is not so strong as the earths, so I floated ar

7、ound in the spaceship cabin.Q4:When you reached the moon, what did you do?A4:I tried to step forward but I fell over.Q5:Did you enjoy walking on the moon?A5:Yes.I liked walking on the moon very much.Q6:How did you feel at the end of the journey?A6:I was excited although the journey was exhausting an

8、d I hoped to visit another star next time.Part BRetelling请参照上述问题及答案,用自己的话复述课文。 关键词:moon 月球 force力量gravity 重力float 漂浮fall over 摔跤 enjoy 喜欢_Last month, the writer visited the moon.When he left the earth, he felt the force of the gravity became strong, but he floated around in the spaceship cabin when

9、he was closing the moon.As soon as he reached the moon, he tried to step forward, but he fell over.Later he could enjoy walking on the moon.At the end he was excited although the journey was exhausting and he hoped to visit another star next time.1As the rocket rose into the air,we were pushed back

10、into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earths gravity.(p.30)随着火箭徐徐升空,我们慢慢逃离地球的引力,但这种引力太强了,把我们重重地向后推在座位上。pull v拉,拖,拔n拉,拖,拉力,牵引力思维拓展观察下列句中pull的词性和意思。(1)The tractor pulls well.这台拖拉机拉力大。(v.拉)(2)Some advertisements have no pull at all.有些广告毫无吸引力。(n.吸引力)(3)Ill rope my horse to your

11、 car and pull you out.我将用绳子把我的马和你的汽车系在一起,把你拉出来。2I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger.(p.31)随即我高兴起来,由于失重我在太空舱里飘来飘去,我望着地球越来越小,而月球越来越大。词语链接cheer vt.& vi.(使)高兴、振奋;(对)欢呼cheerful adj.高兴的cheerless adj.不高兴的cheer

12、 sb.on为某人加油cheer sb. up使某人更高兴或更快活The crowd cheered loudly as the Queen appeared.女王出现时群众高声欢呼。He was greatly cheered by the news.他听到这个消息非常高兴。即学即练 用cheer的短语或其适当形式填空。(1)Your visit has greatly_him up.(2)The crowd_the runners_as they started the last lap.(3)You look as though you need_up.(1)cheered(2)chee

13、red; on(3)cheering3But when I tried to step forward I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.(p.31)而当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。英语中倍数的常用表达:(1)倍数asadj./adv.as是的几倍My room is twice as large as his.我的房间是他的两倍大。(2)倍数adj./adv.比较级than比(多/大)几倍My room is twice larger th

14、an his.我的房间比他的大两倍(是他的三倍大)。(3)倍数the表示长度/高度/宽度等的名词of是的长度/高度/宽度的几倍My room is twice the size of his.我房间的规模是他的两倍。温馨提示:此结构中常用的名词有:size, height, weight, length, width, depth等。用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)这把尺子是那把的三倍那么长。(2)到的学生是我们预计的五倍。(1)This ruler is three times as long as that one.This ruler is two times longer than th

15、at one.This ruler is three times the length of that one.(2)There are five times as many students as we expected.4We watched,amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased.(p.31)随着地球引力的增加,火箭外部起火了,我们看得都惊呆了。break out 突发;爆发break away (from) 突然离开;脱离;放弃(习惯等)break

16、down 毁掉;制服;停顿;倒塌;垮掉;分解break in 闯入;打断break into 破门而入;侵占break up 打碎;拆散;(会议)结束;分裂(解体)break off 中断;折断;脱落;暂停;断绝;解除break off from 放弃,和绝交选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)He predicted that war would_in the next few years.(2)You must_such bad habits.(3)Her health_under the pressure of work.(4)Burglars(小偷) _while we were away

17、 on holiday.(5)The thieves planned to _a bank.(6)She _ a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.(7)Dont_when the adventurer is telling his own story.(8)The band finally _ because of lack of money.(1)break out(2)break away from(3)broke down(4)had broken in(5)break into(6)broke off(7)break in(8)broke up

18、5watch out for.(p.31) 注意watch out(for) 密切注视,当心,提防watch for 守候,注意,监视watch over 看守,监视完成下列句子。(1)I advised them _(当心) slick spots(路滑的地方)(2)_for a tall man in a black hat.(3)We must _(当心火灾)(4)They use specially trained dogs to_(看守)their sheep at night.(1)to watch out for(2)Watch out(3)watch for fires(4)w

19、atch over.在下列各句空格中填入恰当的虚词1_Jane,a shy girl,Mary was very brave and openminded.2His curiosity made_possible for him to learn much more than other children.3He was so amazed_he could say nothing,staring_the terrible scene. 4.He was not as diligent_boy_Li Ping,which accounts_his failure.5He earned twic

20、e as_as IThats_he is so proud.6_he will come here tomorrow depends on_he can finish his task today.7Land animals began to develop on the earth.Some were insects;_were amphibians.8_is even more important is_as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.9This produced a chain reaction

21、,_made it possible for life to develop.10Many scientists believe the earth may become too hot to live_1.Unlike2.it3.that; at4.a; as; for5much; why6.Whether; whether7.others8What; that9.which10.on.根据句意用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空prevent.(from.), now that, in time, be harmful to, in ones turn, give birth to, cheer

22、 up, break out, watch out for, get the hang of, according to, in all directions, as a result of, block out,get close to1._youve finished your homework, you can go and play football to have a rest.2Do your best in your career, youll succeed_3His sister_a baby in hospital yesterday.4He failed the fina

23、l exam_his laziness and carelessness.5We should_the trees_(cut)6Staying up late_health.7They put on the play_8_the coming car!9The bird flu_in the city and it soon spread all through the country.10Whenever I feel frustrated, my mother always tries to_me_11_the recent research, the number of children

24、 who have no interest in reading has been reduced.12When the police arrived, the crowd scattered_13It isnt difficult to use computers once you_it.14The tree in the neighbours garden_ a lot of light.15Walking in the woods, you will_nature and take exercise at the same time.1.Now time3.gave b

25、irth to4as a result of5.prevent;from being harmful their turn8.Watch out for9broke out10.cheer;up11.According to12in all directions13.get the hang of14blocked out15.get close to. 语法填空 Last month we were lucky enough to visit the moon. Before we left, Li Yanping explained to me that the forc

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