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1、 What subjects do you like? What subjects does your friend like? What do you like doing after school? What does your friend like doing ?S1: .S2:. .(承接上一活动的歌谣,设置一些问题,要求学生小组进行问答活动,引入本单元话题。)2.Show picture 1 on P58. Who is the boy? Whats his name? Is he Liu Tao friend? Where does he live? How old is he

2、?Ss: Read the story in groups.在学生独立阅读课文前,预设一些问题,引起学生阅读的兴趣。3. Answer the questions in groups.4. Show the answer:He is Wang Bing. He is Peter. No, he is Wang Bings friend. He lives in the UK. He is 11 years old.5. Watch the story.整体呈现语篇,听力理解,把握大意和相关信息Step3. Consolidation1.Read the story one by one aft

3、er the tape/cartoon .2.Read the story in groups.Read the text together.Read in groups of four.(together, or role reading, choose the way they prefer)齐读、小组朗读课文。通过跟读、自读,培养学生的语音、语调、语气。3.T:Think and write( P 60), think and write.How old is he ?Where does he live?What does he like doing?What subjects doe

4、s he like?What does he do after school?根据文本内容,做相关练习,加深对课文的理解。Step6. Homework1.Listen, read and try to retell the text.2.做一张自己好朋友的信息卡。板书设计: Unit6 My e-friend What does he like doing? What subjects does he like? What does he do after school?第2课时Story time (words, Think and say)1、复习上节课所学的课文。2、能够听懂、会说、会

5、读句型: Yes/No, do/dont/does/doesnt. What subjects do you/they like?I/They like.What subjects does he/she like?He/She likes.并理解句型的意思。3、学习单词:live, study, sit, by1、学习单词:2、能简单介绍自己的朋友相关信息。2、语音语调正确的朗读对话,复述故事。Step 1: Revision Good morning, class. In the last class, we have learned the story. What is the name

6、 of the story? My e-friend.课开始直接入题,复习上节课所学过的课文。2.Lets play a game (True or false)Judge the sentences according to the story 1)Peter is 12 years old. (False , 11)2) Peter lives in UK. (True )3) He can speak Chinese. (True)4) He has Chinese lessons at school. (False , after school)5)He likes Maths and

7、 PE. (True)6)He likes swimming and playing football. (True)学生自主完成判断从而复习巩固Story time的课文内容。Step 2: Learn the words1.Boys and girls ,Peter lives in UK.Lets look at some pictures.教师可以呈现两组图片,一组是本课文中的五个国家类单词,一张的这些国家的标准性建筑图片。2.Look and Match the pictures in groups.3.用之前学过的句型来描述不同的国家和建筑。You can see the Stat

8、ue of Liberty in the US.S:2:Theres a beautiful opera house in Australia.You can see kangaroos in Australia.S3:The Great Wall is in China.S4:Big Ben is in the UK.S5:There are many maples in Canada.4.Learn the new words about countries.Step 3. Think and say1.T:(Show a picture)Look , this is my friend

9、Peter. He lives in. Hes .years old. He .speak Chinese. He.Maths and PE. He .Chinese lessons at school. He studies Chinese. He likes playing.2.Ask some questions about :“My e-friend”.S4: .3.Look at “Think and say”.Introduce one of your friend in groups and ask some questions about it.小组合作交流,通过对话的形式将上

10、节课布置的有关朋友的作业拿出来展示交流。并对交流内容,提出问题,将课文中的重点进一步巩固强化。Step 4. Consolation (补充习题 Page 1)1、Listen and judge 2、Look,listen and circle.Homework: Copy the words and dialogues.Unit6 My e-friendAustralialive-lives CanadaChinastudy-studies UK第3课时Fun time & Grammar time1. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:2.能简单介绍朋友相关信息.能简单介绍朋友相关信息教学准备:多

11、媒体课件,卡片Step1.Free talk1.Play a game.“Introduce yourselves”.教师可请班里的学生到前面来进行简单的自我介绍,包括年龄、外貌、兴趣爱好等,复习学过的词汇以及之前学过的内容。如:Im 11 years old. Im tall. Im thin. My hair is short. I like swimming. .2. Ask and answer.Ask some questions about the introduction.S2: Is she tall?S3: Yes , she is. Is she fat?No, she i

12、snt. Does she have big eyes? Yes, she does. Is she good at PE? No, she isnt. Does she like singing?Step2. Presentation and Consolidation1、Play a guessing game.“猜同学”游戏。教师先请一位同学背对黑板。然后在黑板上写出另一名学生的姓名。背对黑板的同学可以提问黑板上同学的相关问题,最终猜出黑板上的同学。S1:Is it a girl? Yes. Does he like swimming? Yes, he does. Does he swi

13、mming well? No, he doesnt.Its Gou Mingle. Youre right.可多叫几名同学来参加猜同学游戏,为下面的Grammar教学做好铺垫。2.认读句子,读出Grammar 表格中的句子。Read the sentences in the blanks in pairs. One asks and the other answers. Do you have an e-friend? No, I dont. I like English. Do you have Maths and PE at school? Yes, I do.问答活动中,注意一般疑问句的

14、用法,要去学生体会助动词do 和does 以及它们的否定形式。3.拓展训练。安排学生就家人的年龄、业余爱好和职业等用第三人称的一般疑问句进行问答活动。 How old is your mother ? Shes thirtyy four.Does she work? Does she like drawing? Yes ,she does.-Step4 Homework1. 朗读拼读单词,准备默写单词、句型。2. 预习未学板块。 Yes/ No, do/dont/does/doesnt.What subjects do you/they like? I/They like. He/She li

15、kes.第4课时Sound time and Cartoon time1、能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:fishing, by, week, watch, Dont worry.2. 能够流利地运用一般现在时的一般疑问句。3. 了解字母w在单词中的发音。4. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话1.学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事;2. .了解字母U在单词中的发音。Step1. Warm up.1.Free talk.Do you have.? Yes, I do./No, I don.t.Does he/she/it

16、have .? Yes ,he/she have./No, he/she/it doesnt.Do they have .? Yes, they do./No, they dont.-Step 2. Presentation Do the fish eat apples ?Do the fish eat oranges?Does Bobby have any fish? Why ? Does Sam have many fish?Read the text in groups and anwer.预设问题,引发思考,教师准备几个问题,让学生带着问题,有目的地阅读故事。2. Read learn

17、 and answer3. Read and judge教师设计练习来检测学生的理解情况1) Bobby is good at fishing. (F)2) The fish eat oranges. (F)3) Bobby and Sam sit by the river.(T)4) Sam haS many fish. (T)5) Bobby is angry. (F)4. Imitate and remember1)T: This time, lets read the story after the tape. 2)T: Please read loudly by yourselves

18、. 3) Read in roles. 5. Act in groupsStep3.Soud time1.Look at the picture. Which season in the picture? Whats the weather like in the picture?(Its winter. It snowy.) When the winter weather comes, what do we do? Lets listen.1).Answer the questions.2). Follow the T 3).Clap your hands follow the music

19、4).Practice in pairs 5). Ss say together2.Look at the words, watch, water, week, winter, woman . Whats the pronunciation of the letter w?Can you write more words?This time, lets try to read the new words. 3. Exercise : Read and find将下列单词按读音归类:write, we, would, wonderful, wrong, policewoman./w/ _/r/_

20、Understand the different pronunciation of letter w. Step4.Homework: Read and act Cartoon time板书设计:Unit3 Our animal friends Watch water week winter woman w-/w/ Write wrong w-/r/第5课时Culture time, Checkout time1.了解中国和英语国家信封的书写方式。2.能正确并熟练地运用本课词句简单介绍朋友或是家人。3.通过练习,检测学生对句型Do/Does? Yes/No, do/dont/does/does

21、nt. 掌握情况,使学生能正确运用。1.能正确并熟练地运用本课词句简单介绍朋友或是家人。2.能正确运用句型。Step1. Free talkMake dialogue:Do you have an e-mail friend?Does he have Chinese lessons? Yes , he does. He likes Maths and PE. -Step2. Checking time1. Write and say.Look at P67, complete the chart and then talk about it.学生通过图表将自己朋友主要信息描述出来,为下面的复述

22、做准备2. Describe your friends.Linda is my e-mail friend. She lives in Canada. She is 11 years old. Shes good at English. She likes swimming.-3.Ask and answer: (Ask some questions about “ friends”P66)Whos your friend? - is my friend. How old is he/she ? Hes/Shes -. What subjects does he/she like ? He/S

23、he likes -S5:What does he/she like doing after school? He/she likes -自由对话,紧接着上面的朋友介绍,既复习了前面课文中学到的重点句型,也是对所学知识的检测。4.Write your friend.Write your friends in groups.- is my e-mail friend. He/She lives in -. He/She is - years old. He/Shes good at -. He/She likes .-让学生小组合作写出各自的朋友,发挥小组合作,提优补差。5. Talk abou

24、t the friends in groups.6. Listen and tick.P66.7.Check the answer.Step 3 Culture time1. Look at the two pictures. What s the difference between them? -2.T : We write Chinese addresses like this (the left picture). We write English addresses like this (the right picture).4. Write address in Chinese and in English in groups.Step 4. Exercise (补充习题 )1.Read and answer.2. Look ,read and write1. Write a friend or a family member.2.Review Unit1We write Chinese addresses like this.We write English addresses like this.XX is my e-friend. He/She lives . Hes/Shes years old. He/Sh

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